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mechanical misery

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I started mechanizing my emperor's children this week. Moving away from foot slogging and into 12 inch armored goodness. So i wanted to get other peoples opinions on a mechanized emperor's children chapter. I know i can't mark vehicles etc and my idea of mechanized may be different than others... but i'd like my end result to be have either mark of slaanesh or no mark on each unit.


To me terminators and obliterators and even raptors are still mechanized. Having jump packs or tactical dreadnought armor tends to keep you a step above the standard marine. The only thing I would question is a daemon prince, it flys but isn't exactly a mech i've taken two for my list and will probably keep using them as they are tastey regardless.


So anyway here's my query. What is the concensus on rhino wrapped blastmasters? It seems like such a good idea and w/ a havoc launcher you can really put the hurt on troops at 48 inches. And the rhino and squad can fire at different targets ( i think) this should keep the noise marines safe from small arms fire but my main concern is them getting shaken or stunned.


...blah ...


So is mechanization slaaneshi to you? And do you feel the strengths of apc's out weight the potential to get stunned?

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So is mechanization slaaneshi to you? And do you feel the strengths of apc's out weight the potential to get stunned?

Yes to both. Although at this stage I'd be reluctant to start to mechanise your army when a new edition is about 6 or so weeks away and there's a new Codex out in October for our beloved perverts. Well, maybe a Rhino or two will be a solid addition but I wouldn't splash the cash yet unless you're getting a good deal.


As for Blastmasters in Rhinos, I'm not a fan. I've used them a few times and they're just too expensive for anti-tank duty so I dedicate Noise Marines to anti-infantry duty and other units to vehicle hunting. Feel free to try it for a few weeks but paying 40 points for a so-so weapon won't endear you to them.

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I hate to say this but i don't see them changing too much. Almost all of the codex have serious apc/drop pod/ dreadnought usage. And while i know they wantz the monies i don't see them wrecking the game to get it. Well.. if they screw up too bad we'll all just use current edition lol.


Thanks for the tips.


I long for an emperors children legion codex =( i wantz it.

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I've always found that Rhino's are really helpful in an Emperors children army as my gaming buddies have decided that sonic weaponry is heresy (they play mainly space marines (SW, BA and Vanilla) and imperial guard) and therefore must be eradicated; so having a metal wall between your guys and certain death is always a bonus.


Although as stated 6th may mess about with vehicles etc. As well as 6th the new codex may also be a great help or a massive hinderance; i guess we'll have to wait and see. One thing i'd like to see, and have tried out with varying success, are Razorbacks with blastmasters. I'd love for them to be in the new 'dex but it'll never happen.


Second that; maybe we should write one...



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And so it was done and we did have flying sorcerer dreadnoughts with possession and sonic weaponry that counted as troop units... and it was good lol. Jk. But yeah the apoc rules on ec legions are cool. I'd like to see it integrated into the standard chaos dex.
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I'm torn on the rhino for a blastmaster squad. With the havoc launcher, you do get two blast weapons you can toss out to 48" and the noise marines would be safer inside but as you pointed out, the threat of being stunned and not firing is there. I guess the safest way to go about including one is to make sure you have enough armor on the board to make that rhino in the backfield appear less tempting.


This means land raiders, defilers, obliterators and vindicators and of course other rhinos with close range units.

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The apoc. datasheet is very similar to what you could do in the 3rd edition codex. It makes sense especially when you look at it like this:


Noise marine: 'Hey, this guy left his terminator armour behind, I'll put it on as i am a devotee of slaanesh and therefore i will be a noise marine in terminator armour. (puts on armour) Oh no wait, i am no longer fearless, can no longer use sonic weaponry and i only get my +1 initiative if theres a guy behind me with a pretty flag.'


Which is just wrong. The better a guy is (terminators and chosen for example) the more he should be able to get the benefits of his god.


Sorry for the rant :lol:



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I totally agree, terminators and chosen, bikers and raptors are all just "upgrades" for a basic troop template. To have them reduced to standard csm specs is silly and i dislike the icon over mark concept. Reduce the icon costs by 5 pts each return them to marks and if i want a teleport/summoning beacon i'll pay the 5 points.


(List should be standard csm and cult troops with available upgrades such as terminator armor etc that costs point and fills a non troop slot imo.)


*noise marine squad may be upgraded to terminators for 10 points a model, if they choose this option they count as elites and use up an elite slot in the foc, they may choose these additional weapons ; blah blah blah at x points/ mocel)


Meh just my two cents.

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in an issue of white dwarf there was a beautiful slaanesh army and in the battle report he used his rhinos to block line of sight, shield his small 6 man squads from enemy fire and all sorts of useful tactics...


I go mech as its good to have a transport to make your troops better able to redeploy and to shield them from enemy fire...


And-i totally agree on the fact that icons are a STUPID idea (hope they go back to marks of chaos in next codex and hopefully give access to combat drugs and blissgivers too...)


just my thoughts...

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Bliss givers are simply amazing. I'd like to give my dp one =( why can't daemons have daemonic weapons? 195 pts for a flying lash prince with i6 s6 t5 4+d6 attacks causing instant death... yes please... it's not even that grat a stretch they allready double out weaker models and have pw attacks. Maybe only 185 pts =) lol
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If you are so concerned about the rhino being stun-locked into uselessness, why don't you toss in daemonic possession? Since your troopers are the ones doing the shooting, the lower BS is not a big deal.
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I've allready accepted a certain degree of inefficiency to maintain a slaanesh theme so i think i'll risk it. I'm starting to lean away from daemon princes in favor of fielding lucius and a mini lucius (preping for the inevitable that as an ec player i'll likely be forced to field him in 6th)


My more common builds include at least 1 land raider 2 dreadnoughts 3 obliterators and 2 rhinos (1500 pts) so if my enemy is targeting my rhinos with too much they've neglected somethings that will harm them more. If the reverse is true then my rhinos should be fine.


It's not like the rhinos are likely to be infinitly stunned as i can allways pop smoke or disembark and use them to block los. I think it's worth it to avoid my troop blocks being plasma bombed early game.

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