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Khestra the Unbeheld's E Tenebrae Lux WIP thread

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So I pledged 771 points of ho-stomping, monk-slapping power to the E Tenebrae Lux challenge, consisting of:


1 Chaos Dreadnought, t/l lascannon, chainfist, hflamer - World Eaters

6x Khorne Berserkers, 2x Champ, 2x PFist - World Eaters

19x Khorne Berserkers, plasma pistol - Black Legion


Construction of the Berserkers is done, and I'm in the process of primering them up now. Dreadnought is primered and magnetized, and construction will begin once all the pieces are painted; the entire thing will be built and done by 15Aug or I won't consider it complete even if all the parts are fully painted. The pic below is how everything looks as of right now.




Edit: upgraded pledge to 771 points.

Progress, you say? Progress there is!


Dreadnought is painted and complete. On to the Berserkers!





  • 2 weeks later...


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