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sky rockets in sight...........

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......... DarkAngelDelight...... my poor attempt at a comedic entrance there :cuss


as you can probably tell i like Dark Angels. they were my first army i collected when i was young, but as i got into the gaming side of it i sort of went off marines altogether, especially as fieding a 'greenwing' army was a bit meh compared to deathwing and ravenwing, but now they seem to be on the horizon i have decided to come back to the imperium (plus i really miss those 3 plus armour saves!). i have seen this forum about and it seems to be the place to be when you are dealing with space marines, so i can get some good tips and stuff form you guys and hopefully get into the space marine groove.


cheers for reading!

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Welcome back to the glory of Power Armor. The Rock awaits you. Plasma weaponry is over there. Power swords are there and we keep a good stock of rolled newspapers AND spray bottles of water for those pesky wolves over there.
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