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Assault Legs without Jump Pack

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Hi everyone,


Just planning out my army and it's going to be a footslogger with air support only. No tanks, bikes or any sort of vehicle that moves on land.


With that said, I'm not using my assault squads with jump packs, and was curious if they look odd without them. They will still be armed as Assault Suqads, but with regular backpacks.


Thougths? Images? Ideas?



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They look just fine. The Assault Squad box even comes with non-harnessed torsos and regular backpacks should you decide not to field them with jump packs.

Lots of people actualyl bitz-order just the Assautl Squad legs to put on their Tactical Squads and other units because they look far less static that way.

IMO they look a lot better than normal wide stance Marine legs. You can also use them much better for various conversions. The torso with harness can also look good without the jump-pack on, as it is more bulky and looks suitably techy for things like Techmarines or something.


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