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Wondering Brethren

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Good evening brothers! I come seeking advice...


I'm looking to do the imperial fists 8th company which is for those of you don't know a dedicated assault company. Now whilst this is primarily a painting and modelling project i would at some point like to field it and the only codex i can see doing it justice is your good red selves. As a fist army it would not include anything obviously BA so no death company sang guard, baals because that just wouldn't fit at all. Oh and of course no named BA characters! I'm really not trying to use your fabulous rule set to do a yellow blood angel army im looking to try and field an codex assault company.


So the advice part, what are your hidden gems what works and what doesn't what should i deff include and what should i avoid at all costs i don't even know what builds your really capable off? (bearing in mind my self imposed conditions)


Thanks in advance guys.

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Well, my first question comes to vehicles. Are you going to use the fast vehicles?


I would look to fill up with assault squads. A captain is the fluffy choice, a librarian or Reclusiarch is better choice on the table top. If you are doing pure 8th company, veteran units like Vanguard are out, so the Vets would come from Honor Guard.

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A "pure" Reserve Company is not going to get you anything more than reserves for Assault Squads needed to fill the ranks of Battle Companies. Our 8th is simply 10x10 Assault Marines + 1 Dread. Everything else would be "support" from a Battle Company.


FOC-wise, try this:


HQ x 2

1x Captain (JP) w/HG

1x Librarian (TDA, goes w/Termies)



1x Chaplain

1x Furious [that he's yellow] Dread B)

1x5 Assault Terminators (borrowed from 1st Company)



3x10 Assault Squads [stormravens]

3x10 Assault Squads w/JPs



1x10 Vanguard Veterans w/JPs (borrowed from 1st Co.)

2x3 Attack Bike Squads



3x Stormraven Gunships [move 12", disembark, shoot and assault!!!]

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Cheers guys,


James1, i dont see any specific problems for using fast vehicles other than the baal i figure other techmarines could very easily work out what is required to make something move faster. am desperately trying to get hold of the limited ed of sicarius to represent a nice assault captain ;)


Sanguinarian, That definitely is looking like what i had in mind for my army, was thinking of using 5-6 land speeders as well (inc 2 tempests) which would represent 1 of the assault sqds plus i love the speeder models. And deff will be using storm ravens because i think one in imp fists colours would look beautiful! Combine a few of them plus the speeders will look amazing!

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