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Have a problem and I need a creative solution

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I want to make a DG army but I have no plague Marines. I have 30+ reg CSMs, how can I make them into PMs? I'd rather not use green stuff, Im looking for advice on a paint scheme for this boards all knowing members. I can do the effects of grunge and nastyness that proper nurgle worshippers should be covered in bit how should I paint them before all of that?
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I'd rather not use green stuff
Why not?

I cannot think of anything that would be easier than to just go crazy with GS.


Look at the various articles in the librarium and check out youtube videos on how to make nurgle marines.

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Converting Plague Marines is probably one of the "easiest" things to do...you have no limit as to how digusting and rotted they get!


If you're not extremely confident of your habilities, settle for simple stuff. Here go some ideas:


1.- "stars": put a small ball of green stuff on the model and push the edges so it "blends" into the armour. Push a hole in the middle and BAM, there you have your sore/wound/nasty thing.


2.- Use tubes. For example, thick wire if you con't have plastic thin tubes around. Drill a hole in the chest, another in the mouth area... BAM, you have you own respirators


3.- Carve a bit in the stomach area and just put some green stuff "tubes" or "spiral" in it...as if were guts spilling from the inside. There you go!


Those 3 ideas are really basic but go very far: you'll have a fully converted army (which is always a bonus), its fast and takes your modelling to another level if you want to.


Hope it helps...


To bad I'll have my terminators hunt you later :P

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I'd rather not use green stuff
Why not?

I cannot think of anything that would be easier than to just go crazy with GS.


Look at the various articles in the librarium and check out youtube videos on how to make nurgle marines.



Mainly because I don't want to buy it. Im trying to invest as little as possible into the army because I just have too many financial responsibilities ATM. In a week or two I'll be able to get some but I have a 3 day weekend ahead of me and I really want to pump out an army of PM's. Any color scheme that you can recommend? Shading/washing tips?

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Converting Plague Marines is probably one of the "easiest" things to do...you have no limit as to how digusting and rotted they get!


If you're not extremely confident of your habilities, settle for simple stuff. Here go some ideas:


1.- "stars": put a small ball of green stuff on the model and push the edges so it "blends" into the armour. Push a hole in the middle and BAM, there you have your sore/wound/nasty thing.


2.- Use tubes. For example, thick wire if you con't have plastic thin tubes around. Drill a hole in the chest, another in the mouth area... BAM, you have you own respirators


3.- Carve a bit in the stomach area and just put some green stuff "tubes" or "spiral" in it...as if were guts spilling from the inside. There you go!


Those 3 ideas are really basic but go very far: you'll have a fully converted army (which is always a bonus), its fast and takes your modelling to another level if you want to.


Hope it helps...


To bad I'll have my terminators hunt you later :P


Great reply, thank you for these tips. Im trying to go minimalist as possible without looking lazy and cheap.

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My PMs are the older edition ones but as far as color schemes go I think I have a very simple and effective one.


Prime Green(I used Dark Angels Green from Citadel but any flat green will work)

Dry Brush camo green

Dry Brush rotting flesh

pick out tubes fleshy bits or areas you want to appear fleshy with tanned flesh

slap some purple on the pads or where ever

boltgun on the metal bits

red gore on the gun casings etc

add greens if you want I like snot green

wash with thraka green on the armor plates

wash with Devlan mud or the new devlan mud stand in

wash with gryphon sepia or the new sepia



done and done.



Not going to win any golden demons but they are painted and I was pleased with the speed and the end product



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  • 4 weeks later...
To get at the heart of what you are going for, use blacks and green paints for that 'ill' look, add some damage with dark red or brown for dried blood/seeping wounds. Finally use brass swirled (not mixed) with a pale green and light blue for the metal to give it a corroded appearance.
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Maybe you've already got crackin' with some of those other suggestions, but (and I'm surprised no one's mentioned this one yet) the Purged are quite the popular color scheme for a Nurgle worshiping chapter without all the bloating, and outward appearances of disease.


And it's a simple scheme, too, with black torsos/gloves and green boots/shoulder pads/helmets.

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