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Horus Heresy Short stories

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Hi brothers and sisters of the Warhammer 40k world. I made this thread so all the people who want to publish a short story or wants help in one can come here and post.

Being writer like myself I have written alot of short stories for 40k, but this would be the first time I would want to write a Horus Hereeeesy short story. So please feel free to join in and ask and cooment on any of my ideas for a book.

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You might have a visit from a Mod at some point who will probably move this thread to the Librarium forum, as reading your description indicates it may be more suitable there.


As far as I know the WIP forum is only for physical works, not literary ones (although fluff accompanying your physical models/drawings is always nice).

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So this is my idea for writing a Horus Heresy Book. It is based on Word Bearers Legion after the Drop Site Massacre and Lorgar has ordered the Jagged Knives Chapter to attack an Ultramarines Chapter that is currently heading to Calth, to meet up with its Legion. But because of the turbulent Warp storms, the Ultramarines Chapter had drop out of the warp into an isolated sector. This sector is under the control of the Eldar Craftworld Ulthwé.


The Eldar try to warn the loyalists of the threat and betrayal to come, but the Ultramarines wouldn't believing it is falsehood and trickery they took it upon themselves to destroy the Eldar. The Word Bearers in the mean time are heading in their direction with a Titan Legion Vultures. The Word Bearers Legion would descend upon the loyalists and start the bitter feud between the two legions.


That is as far as I have come with my idea. These are the characters of the story.

~Dramatis Personae~


The Primarchs;

Lorgar - Primarch of the Word Bearers Legion

Roboute Guilliman - Primarch of the Ultramarines Legion


Word Bearers Legion:

Kor Phaeron - First Captain

Ashkazael - Chapter Master of the Jagged Knives Chapter

Kor Gremora - Captain, 5th Assault Company

Apostulus - Chaplain, 5th Assault Company

Castalan - Sergeant, Castalan Assault Squad

Serabul - Sergeant, Serabul Assault Squad

Nerros - Sergeant, Nerros Veteran Squad

The Reaper - Commander of the Gor Shallum (the blessed)


The Ultramarines Legion:

Demus - Chapter Master of the Warrior Kings Chapter

Dalmoros - Captain, 2nd Tactical Company

Ferreus - Sergeant, Ferreus tactical Squad

Clanatus - Sergeant, Clanatus Tactical Squad

Orexis - Sergeant, Orexis Tacatical Squad

Emiror - Sergeant, Emiror Veteran Squad


The 312th Expedition Fleet (Word Bearers):

Borros Telemachus - Master of the Fleet

Merrick Sunborne - Colonel, Euchar 23td Infantry


Legion Cybernetica (Word Bearers):

Incinous - Conqueror Primus of the 7th Maniple, Carthage Cohort

Phi-Nu 23 - Tech Adept of the 7th Maniple, Carthaage Cohort


Legio Vultures:

Principes Carter - Principes of the Imperator class Titan "Infidious Mortis"


Legion Gryphonnicus:

Principes Varuk - Principes of the Imperator class Titan "Glorious Imperator"


Non-Imperial Personae:

Ba'kthal - Greater Daemon of Khorne, slayer of Champions


Eldar, Craftworld Ulthwé:



still seeking names for the Craftworld if there any suggestions pls let me know. Comment pls.

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note, this thread is probably going to get moved but...


where did you get the name "Raldoron - Chapter Master of the Warrior Kings Chapter". i Think i would change it as it is the same name as the Chapter master and equerry to Sanguinius.


good luck with the writing :)

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Sense im a teacher in real life, hell I will try and give this a go. See if my writing skills are up to par for this (doubtful but still going to try) I will keep my stuff within the already establish stuff just to keep it simple.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey CMO, this may be good practice for your writing, but BL has a policy posted to their site that says that they won't publish anything publically posted on the internet to avoid IP ownership issues, and nor do they accept any Horus Heresy submissions. You have to be invited onto that team.
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Hey CMO, this may be good practice for your writing, but BL has a policy posted to their site that says that they won't publish anything publically posted on the internet to avoid IP ownership issues, and nor do they accept any Horus Heresy submissions. You have to be invited onto that team.


Sense most of the HH books are very hit or miss, I have no problem not being on that team. You don't have to be on any official writing team to throw in your own two cents. After all they can't cover everything. Thats where fans come in. ;)

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I am in no way a great writer or clam to be one..so take this with a grain of salt and try not to rip me a new one. :HQ: Its just a start. Im not going to try and write a whole long story but if people want more I will be more than happy to join a few short stories together. I don't want to write about already fleshed out marine characters for this event but i imagine it would be hard to not have cameos of them in it if i write more. I would rather focus on the events seen through the eyes of my own character and see how it goes from there. Im not going to use fancy literary words to give my stories flash and what not. I leave that to the real writers that make money. Preface over: Enjoy!


Tang: Warhound, Worldeater, Loyalist


Tang heard the bombs dropping , the screams of the dying outside and knew he was dead. If not from the bombs then from his brothers or Primarch or whoever else would come for them. Deep inside he also knew if they lived through this his primarch would come. . No other creature in the universe embodied war as his gene sire. Angron could not be bested in combat. It was an unwritten fact and he also did not back down from anyone or anything. Angron would surely come. Tang felt the buzzing in his head at the rage inducing thought of it. Not so much he would die but that he would die because he was betrayed by this own.


Horus he did not care about nor respect. Anyone that basked in the stolen glory of another he did not respect. Pick your weapon and make your own glory or whatever have you. He thought of all the time him and his kind shed blood for the "Warmaster" and shuddered. How many times had he been lost in rage fueled slaughter on Horus's orders? More than once he was sure. His brother Ko'Dor was psychic, and at the time he dismissed his brother squad members disquiet at the happenings and premonitions he said he was getting from his curse. He had beat his brother unconscious for him to shut up and for his slip in discipline and weakness of breaking the edict. Now thinking back he should have probably listened but it was to late.


Looking over at the lone Emperors Children marine sitting close by his Captain he again had to fight down his rage implant and save it for later. He did not like The 3rd Legion and found them pompous and ridiculous in their "perfection". The 12th legion are...was perfection of war. He and his legion are....were the Emperor's destroyers. None could stand against them except maybe the 6th or 9th legions . Up until now even that thought was based on nothing but rivalry and old feuding. With that thought Tang felt a moment of what normal humans would maybe call fear, maybe not fear, but definitely discomfort. With this act of treachery the "Warmaster" had obviously turned Angron. With that thought Tang's Fist clenched in uncontrolled rage for a split second.


Ko'Dor noticing said "Tang save it, hold your rage for after this. It will be sorely needed I'm sure."

Tang retorted " Stay out of my mind witch, or this time i will beat you to dead....Slowly."

Ko'Dor only laughed. How he could find anything funny at the moment Tang could not understand.

"Brother, Witch I am, but if that is what you wish to do I would consider it a blessing after this. I told you and you beat me damn near to death. Granted it was a very brutally valuable lesson but I think "i told you so" is not to late to say.

Tang punched Ko'Dor in the face anyways. "I told you so too, stay out of my damned head!"

The 3rd legion captain saw this but did not comment except for a distasteful face. Looking back at Ko'Dor he say his brother still smiling but now with a mangled lip and a few broken teeth.

"The bombs have stopped." stated a brother Tang did not know next to him.


Ko'Dor completely calm spoke up "It's has only beginning. Next will come the fire, Emperor prot....."

His words wher cut off as the entire bunker shook violently and a howl like angry gods engulfed them.

Tang Clenched his fists cracking his blood caked gloves and fought desperately to contain his rage.......

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Not a bad story, MordentHex; as you said, you're a first-time writer, so it does have some notable flaws, but the overall premise isn't too bad. A bit more detail into Tang might be nice, but either way, good first shot.
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I would say, I love it! I still don't know how you guys start out with your stories. I usually start from the middle and then a time sequence back to the past that, will show the follow up results. Anyways, for a first time writer that is not bad, keep up the good work!
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  • 1 month later...

Symphony of Death


Fifteen hundred hours.


His Adrenalin boosters and combat drugs kicked in. His rage gland superseding it all. His ornate armor decorated with skulls and helms of the blind.

The Chain axe he master-crafted and cared for over the centuries bonding with his armor. The vox-caster modified to spread the true word along with the comforting tone of the blessed warp.

In the mind of this warrior a symphony of the warp and litanies, The moans and groans the sound of flames,bolter fire the great clang of Chain axes against armor.

He weaved the octaves and decibels impulses in his mind placing it in perfection and playing it out over the field of battle. He scanned across the Sea of power armor

a grin showed his sharpened canines with in his helmet. He flexed his hands revving his chain axe and the sound of a well fueled flamer with thickener and prolonging chemicals.

he let loss all that was with in sprinting into the fray finding a enemy looking for someone to kill. The great warrior then blared his symphony and raised his chain axe bringing it down

slashing through the armor and then using the counter weight hit the Astarte in his helm throwing him off balance. the warrior brought to bear the axe the two chains turning in opposite

directions to further improve penetration. The blades finely crafted with fernisian kraken teeth with further carving tiny barbs on chasms in the tooth and tendon ripping fish hook designs.

Laughing madly in his helm he opened up his flamer armed hand letting loose scorching heat killing a combat squad of blind followers.

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Good stories that have been posted. Ill give this a go.





Deaths Warcry




He ducked back under the ruined statue he had knocked over, stone fragments flying as bolter shells tore into his temporary shelter. He got back up, his Terminator armor assissting him as he got up. Letoris, Adeptus Astartes of the Sons of Horus.. 'No' he thought. 'I am not a Son of Horus.. I am of the Luna Wolves!' He turned his storm bolter into the tide of World Eaters and Sons of Horus, firing into his brothers, the ones he had stood shoulder to shoulder with for countless years. He ducked once more, this time from a heavy bolter spray of fire. He heard his name as another Luna Wolf called his name. "Letoris! Move! Loken has order we move back to the gardens." Letoris nods and stood up, running with ease in his Terminator armor. He then heard it. The roar, the might battlecry of Angron, Primach of the World Eaters, assaulting once more. Letoris stopped in his tracks, turned and saw the war Primach. He then decided that time needed to be bought for his true battle brothers, the ones loyal to the Emperor. He then ran back to where he was, firing his storm bolter, dropping World Eaters by the dozens. Once he ran out of ammuniton, he drew his power sword and began killing left and right, arms and legs flying as he sliced them off. Once he cut his way through, he picked up another storm bolter, and a few extra magazines. He began running, firing on the run, dropping both World Eaters and Emperors Children. He growled in disgust at the Emperors Children, who bore the Aquilla, the symbol of the Emperor, on there chestplates. He firing again, taking the head off a Emperors Children marine, contiuning to move. Then he saw Angron, and Letoris knew his life would end today. Letoris charged, firing his storm bolter on fully automatic, empting clip after clip into the Primach, knowing it only angered him. Once all his ammuniton was gone, he drew his power sword once more, tumbing the activation rune, energy crackling around the blade. Letoris jumped, slicing Angron's pauldron, but the Primach backhanded the Terminator with ease, slamming into multiple pillars till he stopped in a ruined wall. Letoris stood up, shaking his head, his armor rent and torn, but he didnt have time to recover as Angron attacked, his dual chain glaives taking chunks out of Letoris's armor. Letoris blocked when he could, but knew he only had a few more minutes before his life was ended. When he went to block, the Primach sliced his right armor off at the elbow, leaving him to wield his sword one handed. Then Letoris was cut in half at the waist, but still fighting. As he laided on his back, looking up at the sky, he prayed to the Emperor to end the "Warmasters" treachery. Then, everything went black, Letoris not seeing Angron behead and descreat his body as he cut him up. But, with his sacrifice, he bought his brothers the time they needed to regroup and launch a counter strike.

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System messaging



Orion: Xenos & Traitors present, PDF overwhelmed. Exterminatus?


Segmentum command: Pending, Imperial Guard regiments in route.


Orion: ETA?


Segmentum command: 90 days.


Orion: To long, Adeptus Astartes?


Segmentum command: Denied, all engaged.


Orion: Evacuation of all possible personal? Exterminatus possible?


Segmentum command: confirmed, limit 28 standard terran days.

---------------------------28 days later----------------------------------


Segmentum command: Personal evacuated?


Orion: Two billion out of 20 billion.

Segmentum command: Percentage of possible refugees in 6 hours?


Orion: 000.000078%, Enemy forces here within the next three hours.

Segmentum command: confirmed, Launching Exterminatus.


Orion: confirmed


Segmentum command: May the Emperor be with.


Orion: You as well.

------------------------------GUN DECK------------------------------------

Segmentum command: Target, hive world Orion.


Quarter master: Confirmed, Payload?


Segmentum command: Exterminatus.


Quarter master: Confirmed, Ordnance consists of cyclonic torpedoes, Virus bombs,dual stage cyclonic torpedoes, 400 megaton nuclear warhead.


Segmentum command: Confirmed, on my mark fire.


Quarter master: Confirmed.

------------------------Orion [ Last minutes ]-------------------------------

Segmentum command: Soon you will join the Emperor....Old friend.


Orion: Yes soon friend I wish you a happy remainder in your life.


Segmentum command: Thank you friend. One day i will join you.


Orion: Hopefully not to soon. Xenos and heretics will be here with in ten minutes.


Segmentum command: Confirmed.

-----------------------------------GUN DECK--------------------------------

Segmentum command: Mark


Quarter master: Confirmed, Silos emptied.

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