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Victorious retribution

Zynk Kaladin

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You might remember a couple months ago my crushing defeat at the hands of my friend's IG parking lot. Well, during that time I've watched BA battle reports and read up on various tactics and strategies the boys in red utilize. This week I claimed 2 victories against my friend's IG army.


The first was a 1000 pt kill point game. I deployed a librarian(shield and fear), 1 Sanguinary Priest with jump pack, 2 10 man RAS(x2 melta, pf), a squadron of 2 multimelta attack bikes, and a 10 man squad of devastators (x3 ML, x1 LC). His army if I remember correctly consisted of 2 chimeras worth of melta vets, 1 full of plasma vets, a hellhound, a leman russ, a command squad, and perhaps a couple other things I'm failing to remember. I got 1st turn and did what every good Night Angel(BA) should: I rammed my RAS and attack bikes down his throat. I won the game by a good margin of kill points and made Sanguinius proud.


The second game was a 1500 pt objectives game, he got 1st turn. My strategy for that game was to place my objectives in his deployment zone and, well, ram everything down his throat. My list consisted of Dante, a x4 melta x2 flamer honor guard squad, 1 Sanguinary Priest with jump pack, 2 10 man RAS(x2 melta, pf), 1 10 man RAS(x2 melta), and 3 squads of 2 multimelta attack bikes. His had 2 leman russes, 2 chimeras worth of melta vets, 1 full of plasma vets, a giant blob of infantry with autocannons, 2 hellhounds with multimelta/heavy flamer, a command squad, a platoon command squad. Again, I don't remember everything in his list so I might be forgetting something. I decided to put Dante in reserve with the RAS without a pf and put the honor guard in reserve as well.


I utilized cover as well as I could, but a stray russ shot blew up my priest on the 2nd turn. Despite this I rolled my armor saves like a champ against his torrent of fire and on turn 2 Dante and friends came down from the heavens and slagged a russ while my attack bikes did some damage against the chimeras and hellhounds. Turn 3 my honor guard entered the fray and flamed him infantry blob and my RAS finally entered CC. Dante and friends slagged another russ and the MM attack bikes did marvelous things as well. Turn 4 he wiped out a RAS squad ;) . Top of turn 5 he managed to get 3 objectives with his veterans and wipe out my attack bikes, which I was going to use to turboboost to contest objectives. However, on my turn Dante and friends easily wiped out a vet squad on 1 objective and netted 1 for me. My last RAS squad tackled an open objective and my honor guard managed to clear out another vet squad from an objective. The end of the game had me with 2 objs and him with 1.


I'm starting to get a feel for what my RAS can/cannot do. The MM attack bikes you guys recommended do a damn fine job at stunning or destroying his armor/transports, which is a big help for my RAS. Dropping Dante/friends and the honor guard was pretty sweet, too. Hopefully more victories will follow, but I can't get too over confident just yet... as always I will be planning.

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a x4 melta x2 flamer honor guard squad,

you can have 6 special weapons in a honor guard squad ?

you can actually have up to 8. 4 guys each armed with a melta and a flamer (the melta replaces the bolt pistol, the flamer the chainsword)

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As I understand it, if an honor guard model has 2 different special weapons I can fire only one or the other per turn, not both. In this game the flamers were invaluable for roasting an infantry platoon and vet squad off objectives. I'm torn between x4 melta/x2 flamer or x4 plasma honor guard. I'm trying to figure out which would be better for an "all comers" type list.
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grats on the wins <_<


i see your lists have no vehicles in them, dont you find that hard? i would get withdrawal symptons :lol: i dont think my heart could take the rate that anti-tank fire would get poured into them :lol:

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I have a thematic dislike of too many METAL BAWKSEZ on the tabletop, which is why an all jumpers list appeals to me. The mere fact that my buddy chose to play IG while I made the switch to BA is kind of funny. I've learned to hate vehicles less because I've learned that I can take them off the table with my friend melta!

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