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3k Mini-Tourney


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Hey guys, following on from this thread here in list building section:


3K list thoughts


I took part in a 3k tournament last weekend. There were four games over 2 days.


I played Black Templars, Wolves, Orks and Grey Knights beating them all to take 1st place.


My final list was:






Chaplain - Jump Pack

10 Terms - 8 Hammers


10 TAC- LC, MG, PF, Homer

Rhino - dozer

10 RAS - 2mg, PF

8 DC - TH, PF

Rhino- dozer

5 RAS - MG, PF

Razor- TLLC, HKM

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor- TLLC

DC Dread - talons


Raven- extra armour


2 Attack Bikes

2 Attack Bikes

2 Attack Bikes



My initial thinking was to just expand from my smaller lists. However, I feel the power dynamic is very different at 2000points plus and at 3k even more so. I realised that "death stars" or units that can deal with death stars will be key to winning games.

It is what influenced my decision to do so, and boy am I glad I made that decision. Sanguinor was also a great addition for the extra attack he granted, and the buffed sarge. He ran into some bad luck himself on a few charges that he should have dominated on. But, that aside I really, really enjoyed using him in this type of event. DC dread managed a run of 14 orks at one stage, which was great. Chaplain helped a lot to make the jumpers fearless, but never ever got a chance to do a swap with the terms/DC. But having rerolling jumpers without the need for a test was great.

Mephy as usual took names and chewed bubblegum.


Reports to follow.

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First Game vs. Black Templars - Annihilation - Pitched Battle.


His list (or what i can remember):


Champion - AAC

Marshal - bling

8man Command Squad with Apoth + FC


Dread - AC

Drop Pod

Dread - AC

Drop Pod


Crusader Squad - MG, PF

Rhino - bling

Crusader Squad - MG, PF


Land Raider - bling

Land Raider Crusader - bling

Land Raider Crusader - bling


Vindicator- machine spirit, bling

Vindicator- machine spirit, bling


3 Typhoons

3 Typhoons




He won first turn, so in order to not get screwed over- i went all into reserve with a few key units entirely out of line of sight.





I stay bunkered down, only zooming my bikes 24" where possible to get 3++ saves.

Both of his dreads come in, but sadly his shooting is almost entirely ineffectual.




My guys then start coming on. I make a hard push for one flank (with mephy, sang, the tac and therefore the terms and 2 razors on one side. Since he's so spread out i throw a few units into the grinder to try split him up a bit more. The RAS squad jump in and get ready for shots on the vindy- which i need to kill!!

DC storm up the center/left and some biekrs supported by a razor aim for a typhoon squad.




Im exceptionally lucky with my shooting and take out 2 dreads, 3 typhoons and manage to immob the vindy, i think in subsequent combat i destroy the other vindy too.


With that the vast majority of his shooting is now done.




Its just clean up now - only needing to deal with 2 characters and 30 marines.




I start taking on his fighting units, but the BA special characters and the terms are too much for him to deal with.

The Dready does 9 wounds to one squad before getting smacked down by a fist.







In the end he's left with 2 raiders that are mobile. And its a solid BA victory!

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Game 2 - Secure and Control - 3 Objectives - Spearhead


vs. Space Wolves




Thunderwolf Lord - LC, Bling, Majesty, Wolves

Thunderwolf Lord - FB, Bling, Warrior Born, 2 wolves

Logan Grimnar

Rune Priest


1x 6or7 Wolf Guard with weapons

Drop Pod

4x10 Grey Hunters - 2MG, 1PF

Drop Pod


5 Thunderwolves - 4 SS, 1TH


5 Long Fangs - 4MM + Arjac

Drop Pod




Getting the option to go first, I allowed my partner the pleasure of setting up first- with all his pods.

I went into strategic reserve for obvious reasons!

Everything elected to move on from my board edge (although I forgot about my termies striking in unfortunately- so they had to walk).


My opponent came in aggressive and hard, but maybe more spread out than he should have.




After his run move and his 2nd turn units coming on two, i got a really good reserve roll.

I also had jumpers within 18" of the board as well as sanguinor.


I engaged multiple units in my turn, taking out one thanks to the Chappy. Sadly Sanguinor duffed his entire roll - 6 attacks and not one hit.

I took 2 wounds in return - rerolling 1 with Corbs figuring I would need that extra wound.


When the terms did come on they combat squadded and one took a left flank to help deal with Arjac and Logan, and the other took the other flank to deal with wolf guard. Mephy, dready and DC took center stage to help with the thunderwolves.




Sanguinor did his job when he engaged the wolf lord and actually took him out- mephy did the same. With both the wolf lords dead, the squad broke, and I escorted them off the table. There were a lot of breaking wolves actually!



Here was the blocking trick I expained to Sokhar in his thread. I used the bikes to cut off the pile in move, disallowing logan and the priest into combat with my squads and making sure arjac could only do a max of 2 wounds.





By the end of 5th turn, he had nothing left. I had blown up every pod, and any other unit on the board was broken and fleeing.



BA win!

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Game 3 - vs. ORKS - Dawn of War - Capture Control


(It just dawned on me that I had forgotten that we were rocking a 2 tier objective system ala NOVA) the secondary for this was 3 objectives.)



His List:



Mad Dok

15 Kommandos - Snikkrott, 2Burnas

10 Tankbusters - 2 squigs, 1hammer, Klaw


3 Nobs - Bikes - 3 Klaws

30 Shoota Boys - klaw, pole

30 Shoota Boys - klaw, pole

30 Shoota Boys - klaw, pole

10 Gretchin

10 Gretchin



2 ZZap Guns - ammo runt

3 Killer Kans - 3 zookas

3 Killer Kans - 3 megablasters


4 Defkoptas - 3 Klaws, 2TLR, 1blaster, cybork

4 Defkoptas - 3 Klaws, 2TLR, 1blaster, cybork

20 Storm Boys - Zaggstrukk



A metric-crapton of ork.



Luckily I got first turn.


I deployed my Rhino up as far as it could go knowing the terms would come in off of them. Mephy also deployed board center.

Everything moved up as far as i could in my first turn.




Then his stuff started marching on....



There was not much shooting to be done, thankfully....


Luckily for me, my terms came in on turn2. I shot where I could, and consolidated where I could.

He saved every 3+ he needed to make on his koptas from 4 BL missiles, 3 MM, 2TLLC and another lascannon. ><;




Snikkrott came on (as did Zagg) and he called a Waagh!!


Everything charged!!




It was ugly.

However, the terms held up, and in my next turn, mephy, sang and the dread countered.

I wound up winning ;)


After that it was a slow slog of taking out what I could when I could. The BA proved more resilient and in the end cleaned up ALL of the orks except a small squad.




They were on an objective, which meant it went down to secondary.



I was on 2 secondary objectives and my tank shock had broken the koptas! NOM!!

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How did the first game go? Doesn't look very pretty... BT are a decent threat at this point level.


First game was actually the toughest oddly enough!! Damn raiders.

Must write that one up.


In the end it was 14 or 16 KP to 7 though- so still no probs :lol:

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that ork list reminds me of an ork buddy of mine....


except on twice the point level that we ever played -_-


cudos to winning that one man! horde orks when played right are NASTY! at what point level do you reckon the termies become somewhat needed? also played a 3000 point game today (incidentily) and got wasted. so many monstrous creatures... :blink:

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..at what point level do you reckon the termies become somewhat needed?



Dem, I feel that anything over 2k at very competitive levels you're looking at having to deal with Death Stars- MUCH more so at 2500. Meta wise your biggest issues are always Guard (so attack bikes needed!) and then any army that can field big killy/choppy units. Had I played my regular style list I would have struggled a little bit. That unit of termies strength was not only in the obviousness of the terms resiliency but also their ability to combat squad and really sway the tides in two places.


I had a 1750 version (7terms) but for me, I wouldn't want to play hammernators without the Tac squad delivery system. The max you can get mobile otherwise is 8 with the crusader, and one lucky hit and its 250 points out of your army. And im not convinced about walking terms - especially not for my fast, aggressive style of play.

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Looking forward to the fourth report :rolleyes:


By the way, did this count towards your rank and have you regained second place yet?


Nah this was an unranked one! Only the 1750 games are ranked.


Im also a bit miffed at the moment because the 1st ranked tourney of the year wasn't updated yet (and I won that one!) So, im still sitting on 5th. But all good. May have to fight may way up (or back down) at nationals!


I'll get # 4 up soon soon!

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