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Tank Shock verus Impassable Terrain


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Here's an odd situation:


Unit A is standing in base contact with a piece of Impassable Terrain. Tank B is attempting to tank shock Unit A. Unit A is unable to harm the shocking Tank.


Player B declares a full 12" Tank Shock move. 12" is measured. The leading model of Unit A is found to be at 10", but the impassable terrain is located at 11". What happens?


Does the tank move to contact with the terrain, stopping there and tank shocking Unit A in the process?

Does the tank shock move never occur since the 12" movement cannot be made? As a result the tank counts as having moved 12" and cannot fire any weapons?

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Tank goes till it hits the object....so the squad takes a morale check and gets out of the way...if the "impassable terrain" is the board edge...oopsie! the tank leaves the table....
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Tank goes till it hits the object....so the squad takes a morale check and gets out of the way...if the "impassable terrain" is the board edge...oopsie! the tank leaves the table....


You can't ever leave the table.

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Tank goes till it hits the object....so the squad takes a morale check and gets out of the way...if the "impassable terrain" is the board edge...oopsie! the tank leaves the table....
Q: What happens if, as a part of completing its move, after ramming inflicts a Destroyed – Explodes! result, a vehicle comes into contact with impassable terrain, the board edge or a friendly unit? (p69)

A: The vehicle will end its move once it has come into contact with any of the above.

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That was my interpetation as well, DS, but some are questioning the rules of Tank Shock versus Ramming. Ramming requires you to move full distance, Tank Shock requires declaration of a move distance. There is controversy over declaration of a distance that cannot be moved fully, equating it to other failed-range effects like targeting barrages out of weapon range or attempts to charge through difficult terrain.
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That was my interpetation as well, DS, but some are questioning the rules of Tank Shock versus Ramming. Ramming requires you to move full distance, Tank Shock requires declaration of a move distance. There is controversy over declaration of a distance that cannot be moved fully, equating it to other failed-range effects like targeting barrages out of weapon range or attempts to charge through difficult terrain.

Ah, OK, I see where you're going here.

"Ramming is a special type of tank shock move and is executed the same way, except that the tank must always move at the highest speed it is capable of. Units other than vehicles in the way of a ramming tank are tank shocked as normal. However, if the ramming tank comes into contact with an enemy vehicle, the collision is resolved as follows.", BRB, Pg.69

"Q: Must a vehicle be able to perform a tank shock in order to perform a ramming attack? (p69)

A: Yes.", BRB FAQ

"Q: Does a vehicle upgrade that allows a non-tank vehicle to perform a tank shock (e.g. a reinforced ram) also allow that vehicle to perform ramming attacks? (p69)

A: Yes.", BRB FAQ

So from these three quotes, I think it is clear that GW equates "tank Shock" and "ram" with the specific exceptions listed in the "ram" rules (ie move at maximum speed, vehicle/vehicle collision). Further, unlike in the Barrage or Assault through cover rules, the ram/tank shock rules make no provision for a "failed" tank shock due to poor range estimation. From this I conlcude that a bad guess as to the chosen forward speed simply requires that the vehicle suffer the consequences of anything overrun but doesn't prevent the movement from occuring. I would ask anyone taking that position to quote something from the rules that would imply this to be the case.

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