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Onyxius's Word Bearers army blog

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GREETINGS BRETHREN!!! *swings accursed crozius across the air like a madman*

Onyxius reporting in. I'm a long post long tabletop player and I have recently turned my gaze towards the Word Bearers. I've been fluff and paint...ing for about a year and half. I mostly got inspiration from Raz and have decided to work on a Chaos Army. So know to cut to the chase, here is my first marine.

Dark Apostle Gremadus:



just about finished just have to paint him, then I'm done.

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well, I know my paint scheme really well, and it doesn't take long to do models, so... well just designed my Corphaus for my Host and he will be motified for Forge World later on. Hope you guys like him when he comes out soon.
thx more are on the way, I have a Khornate Champion coming, but may be a few days or even weeks before his done. Thx everyone for your support, though I wish more people would comment. Praise Chaos for these awsome greenstuffing I was able to do so far.


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