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Losing special rules when a character dies


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Hello people


Had a query come up in a recent game which I haven't been able to resolve.


I use Vulkan as my HQ choice, so I lose Combat Tactics and gain twin-linked meltas and flamers. But what happens if Vulkan snuffs it? Do I:


1, lose my twin-linked goodness but regain Combat Tactics?


2, lose my twin-linked goodness and remain without Combat tactics?


3, no change?


I'm looking through the rulebook and can find nothing to guide me. Any responses much appreciated!

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Yes there is no change because the rule with Chars like him is that it says you exchange combat tactics for it. If it said, "As long as he in on the table" but it doesn't You get it because he is in your list.
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The Chapter Tactics rule does not take effect when the model is "in play", but when the model is "included in your army". I.e. if your unit roster includes Lysander, every unit on that roster has 'Stubborn' instead of 'Combat Tactics'. Where Lysander is in the gane, whether he is held in reserve, is on the table, or is taken out of the game, has no bearing on the special rule being in effect. An army list that includes Lysander is considered a "Imperial Fists" army and has that Chapter Tactics special rule.
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As Legatus says its best to consider that your units have the prescribed special rule on their profile instead of Combat Tactics. Basically the switch occurs before the game and is permanent throughout, taking Pedro means that your Marines have Stubborn etched into their being, much like how having Vulkan means that all flamers you buy aren't flamers, they're twin-linked flamers. I find that's the best way to think of it.
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I've got a related question, so to save me starting a new topic...


All characters that have Chapter Tactics have the following text;

'if you include Character X then all units in your army replace the Combat Tactics special rule for...'

followed by;

'if more than one character in your army has the chapter tactics special rule then you must choose which version to apply'


So, you take Calgar or Sicarius as your first HQ and Shrike (say) as your second.

If I'm reading it correctly then Shrikes Chapter Tactics automatically overrides Combat Tactics, which is the default rule, whether you want it to or not, because Combat Tactics isn't Chapter Tactics.


You can't choose to keep Combat Tactics if any model in your army has Chapter Tactics?

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Not a big loss really since if your running Calgar. Why would you take a non Ultramarine character, you've got plenty to choose from anyway.
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Thats not really for this thread, but you might want scoring SGV with a two foot +1A bubble without being stubborn, you might want feel no pain devastators without being fearless, you might want reserve roll modifiers without having to infiltrate or stealth, you might want a command squad with jump packs without twinlinking flamers...
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