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Dead Terminator From Space hulk - with a twist....


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This is one of 5 custom Crimson Fist objectives I plan on making for my army. I hope you like him, comments are always appreciated!



Dead Termie front by ff151, on Flickr





Dead termie top Left by ff151, on Flickr=http://www.flickr.com/photos/ff151/7274450098/]Dead Termie top front[/url] by ff151, on Flickr



Dead Termie Rear by ff151, on Flickr


and finally the 1080P video is here....




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It looks awesome, good job!


But, if its a dead terminator, that has all its flesh decomposed... it does look too clean :D

But we can always say its a flesh eating bacteria that did it super quick!

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...But, if its a dead terminator, that has all its flesh decomposed... it does look too clean <_<

But we can always say its a flesh eating bacteria that did it super quick!


Perhaps he'd been dead a really, really, really, really.....


*comes back in 5 years*


...really, really, really, really long time!


Great paint job, and absolutely superb job removing and covering the Blood Angels iconography!

It looks as though that is how it was meant to be painted - incredible!

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