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mars bases

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So I have the idea of a mars theme board and Im trying to figure out which colors to use, you know basecoat, highlight, wash etc. I have the old GW color megaset, but thats it for colors... (still waiting on my vallejo game colors set, 5weeks now :unsure: ) Ive tried experimenting with a few schemes. Im not finding one that I like, dug through the librarium and googled it but so far no joy. So any ideas from the masterminds here?
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What colour sets have you tried?


I'd personally be base coating with something like Mecharius red, followed by a heavy drybrush of scab red, or blood red at the lightest.

I'd top this off with a very light drybrush of bleached bone, just to soften the colour a bit. ON a base, orange of any kind would make it very harsh and draw attention from the model.

I might mock one up at some stage and see how it turns out.

In theory, I think it could work.

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I actually based my entire necron army in a mars theme (diabolical i know). The most realistic look i got was by basing with normal and medium grain sand and basing with scorched brown, letting that dry and then hitting it with three stages of rust colored pigments (I use the pigments from MIG productions, but forgeworld has some nice ones too) I start off with the first being "old rust" then progressivly to "orange rust" and then "light rust". the effect once sealed with some MIG "pigment fixer" darkens the whole thing up perfectly to look like some mars wasteland somewhere.


Hope this helps, Cheers.

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For my Dornian Heresy Iron Hands, I went with a Mars theme.


Basically, after the model was done, I glued sand to the base. Then I used one of the acrylic craft red paints that you can get from Hobby Lobby. After that dried, I scraped off of an amount of powder from an artist charcoal (a reddish one) and mixed in some rubbing alchohol. When the powder was suspened in the alchohol, I painted it all over the base sand and the boots/greaves of the figure. I let it dry and then sealed the entire thing.


Turned out pretty decent and I got the dusty, red sand effect I was after.



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If you're just looking for painting ideas for Martian base colours I pulled one off GW's website before the 'new' Citadel paints that used Dark Flesh and Mechrite Red for a dark red. I can't remember it exactly thought I'm afraid and my painting bible is boxed up just now, hopefully this might give you a starting point though.





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I just spent a few weeks in Prince Edward island, which is well known for it's stark red sandy beaches and dirt. perhaps taking your cues for shading from that might be helpful.











To get these, I'd look into either painting available shale rock, which fractures nicely, corkboard might be good too, alternatively, you could make a sand-glue slurry and build up small dunes on the bases.

Hope this helps.



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