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15mm Blood Angels project

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Here is a Blood Angels army with a differance

here is the 1st squad, 2nd company of the Blood angels, nearly finished, a question, my next 15mm 40K army will be Tyranids, the most iconic colour scheme for geansteelers is blue/purple but I am not to keen on that colour, what is the next most recognizable colour? will use this on the nid on the base as a tester, so what do you think? I'm pretty happy with them.

Disclaimer - these are for my own collection only and will not be sold or traded, I am not endorsing this as an alternative to 28mm 40K, as the work required is extream, its just a personal challange for my modeling skills, and I thought this project may be of interest to some here.




Edited by ImperialTemplari
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Hi guys, I was asked for a comparison pic, so here is a 15mm Blood Angel with a regular GW Chaos marine and GW Chaos Termi that I enlarged a bit more to Truescale, working on some Death Company at the moment.


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Hi guys, I was asked for a comparison pic, so here is a 15mm Blood Angel with a regular GW Chaos marine and GW Chaos Termi that I enlarged a bit more to Truescale, working on some Death Company at the moment.


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Hi guys, I was asked for a comparison pic, so here is a 15mm Blood Angel with a regular GW Chaos marine and GW Chaos Termi that I enlarged a bit more to Truescale, working on some Death Company at the moment.


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Agreed, the 12-15mm figured produced by other companies for historical gaming make for cheap/huge battles ^_^


With the tyranids, you should also be able to raid the epic range if need be?


I would go with the other classic (the white and purple scheme) that came after the purple one.


Brood Lord




as the other favourite would clash and be lost against your blood angels.




Also post a link to your modelling thread! Unless I missed that and you already did it ;p

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Hi guys, need some help with my first character, I didn't do a well know character, as I am still practicing, so don't really know what to make him, what do you think? make him a captain, or a member of a veteran assault squad, I have decided I need to pimp him up a bit, will add some detail to his thunder hammer and may add a tabbard, any other ideas? Click here for more pics



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Hi guys, WIP pics of my second tactical squad, numerically its actually the 3rd squad, but I liked the yellow knee pad with red drop of the 3rd squad so painted them up instead of the 2nd squad, unless I decide to make the whole company (undecided yet) I will probably only do 2 or 3 tactical squads, so will pick the most colourful, I left the pack pack stabilizers black on this squad, just for a little variation, the Sergeant has my first attempt at a chainsword, and I'm pretty happy with it, I will just add a couple of details to future chainswords, still tossing up whether to give all the sergeants back banners, what do you think? banners or no banners? If I do them I may do all the banners in one hit after the army is completed. Click here to visit my blog

Sorry for the poor photos, its very sunny here today, when they and the 1st squad are completed I will get better pics up.




Edited by ImperialTemplari
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Hi guys, 3rd Tactical squad 2nd company of the Blood Angels finished, let me know what you think.












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Hi guys, did some work on the Thunder Hammer, I think he looks a lot better for the extra bulk of the hammer, I will add a shield next, any other improvement ideas?







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Well its seems there isn't much interest in this project, however I will persist for a while.


The 1st squad 2nd company of the Blood Angels finished, designated by the white skull on black back ground on the right knee, (3rd squad was red drop on yellow knee pad) its a bit hard to see in the pic, but I have gone with bone/green for the Tyranids, I'm now painting my bolter armed Death company squad. Question, which bolter do you prefer, the one the Sergeant has or the one the basic Marines have?














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Hi guys, some WIP shots of my bolter armed Death Company squad, I will also do an assault squad with Jumpacks and they will be led by Lamartes, is there enough red in these guys? the chapter emblem on the left should will be done in white.

Hi Nichol - thanks, just gets a bit disheartening when I seem to be talking to myself, but I will persist.












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Ok, so these are pretty good (especially if sculpted by hand!). Everything I am about to say are merely suggestions and I hope you do not take it the wrong way.


So I know it is probably easier said than done, but my only real complain with these is the size of the trimming of the shoulder pads.


Is there anyway you can make it smoother/smaller? I mean, the one of the left shoulder would make sense being larger (as to protect the face), in certain areas.


Also, some of their shoulders seem to be more flat than round, any way you can round it out more? I would recommend finding a cylinder type thing with a rounded edge, and using that to kind of sculpt around. I can take a picture of a small toy rocket to use as an example for what I think would be a good shape for it, if you would like.

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Hi Telanicus - thanks for the reply, valid pionts, you are right they are far from perfect, the main problem being the size of the detail I am sculpting, the pictures are very deceptive, and make the figures look very large, however they are very small compared to a 32mm GW figure, and I think I am at the limit of my ability at the moment, I will probably improve with practice, time and tools are also an issue, it takes a long time just to get the figures to this level and therefore I have probably rushed them more then I should, I am only using a pin and a hobby knife at the moment, I plan on buying a set of colour shapers and wax sculpting tools in the next few weeks, I'm sure they will help a lot.
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Awesome work! Definatly enough red in the death company, they maybe need a bit of bone to help give them some extra detail. Could you do a comparison shot of these next to a GW model so I and others can see exactly the scale of this project?


Well he has a single next to a GW model.


So I would take this a step further and suggest a squad next to a squad?

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Man, these are incredible, I love 'em!


When I look at them I feel a strange nostalgia, like the first time I saw space marines of the 40K universe...They look old school, vintage and cool.


"I am only using a pin and a hobby knife at the moment, I plan on buying a set of colour shapers and wax sculpting tools in the next few weeks, I'm sure they will help a lot."


If you can do this with a pin and hobby knife, you are going to wreak havoc with the right tools!!


Just like my uncle says "Use the right tools, for the right job"


Yours in Honour, Faith and Blood,

Chaplain Hiltraud

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Hi guys, my bolter armed death company squad almost finished, just need to make 2 more figures for this squad, I'm pretty happy with this squad, my next figures will be Lemartes and the 2 missing DC figs for this squad, let me know what you think.
















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