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The Albigensian Crusade


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Ok, a quick update. I would love to be able to paint this guy faster, but realizing what an important place he will have in my crusade and that I will probably use him in as many games as I can...well, you get the idea. So he's taking longer.


This close up shows some of the challenges I'm having. I want the shield to represent a relic, something sacred to our chapter, so I'm weathering it up. It's not there yet, but I'm getting close.


Also, I'm just noticing the grill work on the right side of his helm looks sloppy. I haven't done any recess shading yet, so there's plenty of that to come.

The above shot also brings up why I so dislike post painting construction. His right knee pad has a decent crusade badge. I was careful to lay down masking tape, press down on the edge so there wouldn't be any leakage and I brushed away from the masking line.

The badge was supposed to be for the Terran Crusade. I flubbed which end was up and now I have some other crusade badge on there. It looks good, but isn't what I was striving for. :furious:

On the left shoulder, I placed a gs banner that will have the Templar cross on it. The background will be white, but I'm not sure if the cross should be red or black. I don't want too much red on there.

What do you guys/gals think?

Finally, some of the metal work that's still WIP.


Love me some 2 x heavy flamers. Also in the background, you can see the engine exhaust housings.

I think that's it for now.


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If a Knight and the X-01 (Fallout4) armor had a mecha child... the offspring would be similar, yet nowhere near as awesome as this.


Mainly because ZEAL. Lots and lots of ZEAL. The last time this much ZEAL was forged, they made the chainsword.


EDIT: Dear Emperor, my roommate just showed me the old, ancient TDA Armor. Now I can't un-see it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I present to you brothers, AXIOS Ascendant!


I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. I will set him down for a day or so and come back to the pictures to see if where touch ups are necessary.

I also will come back and weather his paint (i.e. chips/dust) after he's been in a couple of battles.

From a presentation perspective, I wanted him to look like he was approaching from over a slight rise, having torn apart part of a fortification, preparing to fire another shot from his left melta. The fortification stone work was my attempt at recreating a red sandstone, something different from other stone work on my Templar bases. Also, I'll eventually add some dead grass here and there as another visual tie in to the rest of my army.

All in all, it's a wonderful kit, is extremely brutal looking and has a great presence on the table. I got to proxy him in one battle so far and he did decent, not awesome, but pretty decent. Enough for me to want to field him some more.

Other shots:




Family shot



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You set a high bar to match, Honda



I'm honored, but you give me too much credit. I believe I am attempting to catch up to you, brother.

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  • 8 months later...

I was thinking about some of the things I'd like to do with my Crusade next year and a lot of those thoughts revolve around working with Skyhammer formations as a core and supporting them with other units/formations to deliver the level of ZEAL that I am looking for.


This effort will be a return to my roots, which started out with my own DIY, which was almost exclusively a drop pod force with various airmobile support units (e.g. Land Speeders). I love my armor, but there is nothing that yields the thrill of dropping in on someone with extreme prejudice like a drop pod force.


So the general concept is as follows (and don't worry about points or individual trooper details, I usually play at Apoc levels and can tailor down for other games):


2 x Skyhammer formations


1 x CAD or, though it seems like there are advantages to the all drop Gladius like free drop pods. I'll fiddle with those details later.


So questions:


  • I am assuming that even in non-Apoc games, points not withstanding, that the 2 Skyhammer + 1 CAD/Gladius are a legitimate battle forged choice? Or, to clarify further, they are not an unbound force?
  • Can a Culexus be delivered in a drop pod? (assuming CAD)
  • If I take a Skyhammer and a Gladius, the devastators and assault squads can only belong to one formation, correct? So the Skyhammer has its set of dev/assault and the Gladius has theirs.


I think that's enough to get me started for now.



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As far as I know :

  • 2 skyhammers and a CAD is a perfectly valid battleforged army. The addition of the CAD strikes me as necessary because a SB does not make a very resilient warlord
  • Depending on whether your local meta abides by the FAQ projects published a few months ago, the answer will change. The FAQ indicates that allies cannot embark in each other's transports. Ergo, your assassin has to start on the table because it cannot use a CAD pod (and as it's own rules do not cater for assigned transports). In fact your army will have 3 formations (2*skyhammer, assassin) and one detachment (CAD).
  • Correct. The devs from the skyhammer are in the skyhammer only and do not count for the purpose of any other formation. They also do not benefit from each other's formation rules.
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Seconded on all rules-points mentioned.

I used the Skyhammer (part-proxies) for the first time recently and really enjoyed it. I'll be constructing more heavy weapons and refurbing some assault marines as a new priority in the near future, and heartily recommend it!


I'm looking forward to seeing your take on the formation. Also any thoughts on what would go into your CAD? Given your predilection for Apoc, I'm guessing pretty much anything you feel like!

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I'm looking forward to seeing your take on the formation. Also any thoughts on what would go into your CAD? Given your predilection for Apoc, I'm guessing pretty much anything you feel like!



Hah! Actually, my first task is to craft a 2K list and get comfortable with that before expanding up to Apoc.


I'm currently thinking (without thinking about the points):



2 x Skyhammer, formations, max bodies on devs. I think I'm going to try 1 dev with 2 grav and 2 MM and split them, the other I'm looking at either 4 HB or 4 ML.

1 or two locator beacons, may consider the deathwind upgrades.



1 x Master of Sanctity (i.e. Captain), TDA, Shield Eternal, TH

3 x Crusader squads, balanced load outs, i.e. no Heavy weapons, will add SBs, drop pods

1 x Leviathan, Dread, Lucius drop pod, maybe locator here

1 x Ironclad, chopper and chainfist, 2 x HFlamers, drop pod


From here I need some mobile firepower, so that would mean finding units/combos that I work well with like:


Landspeeder Typhoons

Storm Talons

Fire raptor


Plus I'd like to get a squad of assault termies in there somehow so that I have a beat stick, and maybe some grav centurions because I want to do Acebaur's twin termie "counts as" stand ins. I also have Storm Talon kits that I will convert and I'll kit bash/scratch build the Fire Raptor. Those will be upcoming modeling opportunities.


This force will be designed to execute decapitation strikes. I want to got to the heart of the enemy and rip it out.


As part of this build out, I have 40 of the Mk III armor, 5 Mk III destroyer something or others, a couple of Dev squads, and 10 Mk IV to develop into foot troops to supplement existing figures for this troop.


I'll also need to update the paint scheme on my PVC drop pods to bear Maltese crosses....plus a few...secret projects in conceptualization phase to develop.


So plenty of fun ahead. :D

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My experience on 2 MM 2 grav in a skyhammer dev was not positive. The two do not actually address quite the same targets at the same range. Although the cost is dire I would advise 4 grav.



Oh absolutely agree!


I didn't say this and you didn't read my mind while I was typing (I was not testing you for witchcraft, honest), but I think I'll try splitting the MMs and the grav up and combat squad them, because you are correct, their firepower is intended for different audiences.


Sorry about that, but then you passed (Oops! Did I say that?), so all's well. :)



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For what it's worth, (I've played against Skyhammer only three times) each time it's featured 2 maxed devs, each feature 2x Grav and 2x MM. Combat squadding them definitely seems to be a useful may to get 2 different threats down in one go.

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Do you bring any extra assault marines in the skyhammer? Right now I bring 15 and break them into 3 squads, 2 with flamers and 1 with a power axe. I have been trying out mixing the loadouts of the dev squads and then combat squadding (2 MM + combi and 2 HB) but I find this puts my heavy bolters closer to the frontline than I would like.


Right now my skyhammer needs fine tuning. Please post whatever you end up using and how it performs.

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In my experience, a 5-man squad is liable to be an opportunity for the opponent to get first blood, I prefer 10. But that brings me to my overall issue with the skyhammer, it works better when fully manned, but then becomes relatively expensive (circa 1000 pts depending on loadout).

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But that brings me to my overall issue with the skyhammer, it works better when fully manned, but then becomes relatively expensive (circa 1000 pts depending on loadout).



This is really the point that you have to reconcile with yourself.


A drop pod army is not something that you do halfway. I know that some people like to seed the backfield with distraction units, but a true drop pod army is about arriving in force, devastating everything within "arm's reach", and then spreading out to secure objectives.


When you go halfway, you end up orphaning forces that can be isolated and in a lot of cases, eliminated before you can support them.


So when considering going drop pod, you really have to go the full monty. Now that doesn't mean that you don't take supporting units like Speeders or Talons to provide some mobile reaction forces, but you really do want to get a lot of boots on the ground, pull out your combat knives, and go find something to gut.


A drop pod force is blunt force trauma at its finest.

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Ok, I just wanted to share this awesome site with everyone. It allows you to build your lists online and the graphics and the usability seems pretty cool.


I just started playing with it, but I like how it works.




And this is the first list I built with it, but it ended up surprisingly light in boots....so I need to think about this some.


Skyhammer Annihilation Force

  Devastator Squad (10) - 230pts    
    1 Devastator Sergeant: Signum,Bolt pistol,Boltgun
    5 Space Marine: Boltgun,Bolt pistol
    2 Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp,Bolt pistol
    2 Space Marine: Multi-melta,Bolt pistol

  Devastator Squad (10) - 180pts    
    1 Devastator Sergeant: Signum,Bolt pistol,Boltgun
    5 Space Marine: Boltgun,Bolt pistol
    4 Space Marine: Heavy bolter,Bolt pistol

  Assault Squad (5) - 80pts    
    1 Sergeant: Bolt pistol,Chain sword
    2 Assault Marine: Flamer and chainsword
    2 Assault Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

  Assault Squad (5) - 80pts    
    1 Sergeant: Bolt pistol,Chain sword
    2 Assault Marine: Flamer and chainsword
    2 Assault Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

  Drop pod (1) - 35pts    
    1 Drop pod: Stormbolter

  Drop pod (1) - 35pts    
    1 Drop pod: Stormbolter

Raptor Wing

  Stormtalon Gunship (1) - 115pts
    1 Stormtalon Gunship: Skyhammer missile launcher

  Stormtalon Gunship (1) - 115pts
    1 Stormtalon Gunship: Skyhammer missile launcher

  Land Speeder Squadron (1) - 70pts
    1 Land Speeder: Typhoon missile launcher,Heavy bolter

  Relic Leviathan Dreadnought (1) - 290pts
    1 Relic Leviathan Dreadnought: Leviathan siege claw with inbuilt meltagun,Leviathan siege drill with inbuilt meltagun

  Drop pod (1) - 35pts    
    1 Drop pod: Stormbolter

  Ironclad Dreadnoughts (1) - 145pts
    1 Ironclad Dreadnought: Seismic hammer,Power fist with built-in heavy flamer,Built-in heavy flamer

  Drop pod (1) - 35pts    
    1 Drop pod: Stormbolter

  Chaplain Grimaldus (1) - 150pts
    1 Chaplain Grimaldus

  Crusader Squad (9) - 176pts
    1 Sword Brother: Boltgun,Power fist
    1 Initiate: Meltagun,Bolt pistol
    1 Initiate: Flamer,Bolt pistol
    6 Initiate: Boltgun,Bolt pistol

  Crusader Squad (10) - 190pts
    1 Sword Brother: Boltgun,Power fist
    1 Initiate: Meltagun,Bolt pistol
    1 Initiate: Flamer,Bolt pistol
    7 Initiate: Boltgun,Bolt pistol

  Drop pod (1) - 35pts    
    1 Drop pod: Stormbolter

  Drop pod (1) - 35pts    
    1 Drop pod: Stormbolter

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One thing, Are you able to run a melta gun & a flamer in a crusader squad? I thought meltagun and flamer were both special weapons, and we could only take one?


The site is nice apart from that and an awesome way of spending work time building army lists without looking at my phone :)

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One thing, Are you able to run a melta gun & a flamer in a crusader squad? I thought meltagun and flamer were both special weapons, and we could only take one?



Pthbst! I did not check that. You're probably right.


Someone has not been reading his "You know you're a black templar..." regularly :wink:



Double Pthbst! That's where I got the link from. It's been a long week and I was sitting there after typing that and thinking "Where did I get that link from?"


Thanx for keeping me honest.

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One thing, Are you able to run a melta gun & a flamer in a crusader squad? I thought meltagun and flamer were both special weapons, and we could only take one?



Pthbst! I did not check that. You're probably right.


Someone has not been reading his "You know you're a black templar..." regularly :wink:



Double Pthbst! That's where I got the link from. It's been a long week and I was sitting there after typing that and thinking "Where did I get that link from?"


Thanx for keeping me honest.


Don't mind me, I'm being ratty because I've had a bad week. Besides, it's a convenient tool so a second reminder is actually a good thing.

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