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The Albigensian Crusade


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I think you have to give the Assault Squads jump packs in the skyhammer formation which means that you will have to find 30 points from somewhere. Also I am not sure if you can give initiate squads 2 special weapons, I gave the website a try and I managed to give all the assault marines eviscerators so I doubt it has weapon choice limits in place. 

If you are wanting more boots on the ground, perhaps swap the ironclad for another crusader squad, if you are worried about anti-armour then a give a few squads melta bombs. Also you could save some points on less important crusader squads by making them 50/50 initiate/neophyte with bolters as they are still as potent as full initiate squads, just not as durable.

Aside from these ideas, making lists are such personal things that there is no "right" way to do things, just play what you love and enjoy using. (As long as it contains that sweet sweet melee component!)


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Aside from these ideas, making lists are such personal things that there is no "right" way to do things, just play what you love and enjoy using. (As long as it contains that sweet sweet melee component!)



Agree 100%. I find list discussions interesting just to see what other people think, but as you point out, I do have my own style and more importantly, there are things that I just want to play with so I take them because reasons.



NoPityNoRemorseNoFear, on 18 Nov 2016 - 11:24 AM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png

I think you have to give the Assault Squads jump packs in the skyhammer formation which means that you will have to find 30 points from somewhere.

That is correct.



So this is how that went. I looked at the picture and the pic shows them wearing jet packs, so I assumed that's what they were wearing. :)


Anyway, I have a first cut now so I can continue to tweak stuff and see where that lands.


Thanx for the feedback.



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Aside from these ideas, making lists are such personal things that there is no "right" way to do things, just play what you love and enjoy using. (As long as it contains that sweet sweet melee component!)



Agree 100%. I find list discussions interesting just to see what other people think, but as you point out, I do have my own style and more importantly, there are things that I just want to play with so I take them because reasons.



NoPityNoRemorseNoFear, on 18 Nov 2016 - 11:24 AM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png

I think you have to give the Assault Squads jump packs in the skyhammer formation which means that you will have to find 30 points from somewhere.

That is correct.



So this is how that went. I looked at the picture and the pic shows them wearing jet packs, so I assumed that's what they were wearing. :smile.:


Anyway, I have a first cut now so I can continue to tweak stuff and see where that lands.


Thanx for the feedback.




No problem :), 


One thing I have thought about trying is to drop pod a 10 man crusader squad with bolters, grav/plas and 50/50 mix of neophytes.

It means that when you drop in, you can double tap all of the bolters and have 5 ap2 shots as well. I think it makes great use of our CT's as well because if they want to shoot the 10 wound unit before charging you essentially have an extra CCW and if they don't charge and don't wipe them from shooting then you should have a chance to unload a full 5 grav shots at max range next turn (if you hide him well enough!).


Not sure how many points that is, but saving 20 from the neo's should make the grav less taxing whilst giving it a nice wounds bubble.


Do you have a target in mind for your list btw

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Do you have a target in mind for your list btw?



Yes, actually.


Next year our group is going to play a Damocles/Nimbosa-like campaign, so as it is looking right now, the two main targets will be Tau and IG/Demiurge (because Mo got some of the old Squats).

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Omg purge Squats with holy fire, then scoop the ashes with the skull of a Tau Etheral and dump it all in a compost heap, then spit into the pile as it also burns in a fire tornado.


Something like that. Have fun!

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"Do not underestimate the Squats. They survived for millennia cut off from the Imperium and assailed from all sides. Their determination and resilience is an example to all."


I will have you all know my Homo Sapiens Rotundus have nothing but the goal of Humanity Ascendant in their short stubby hearts ;) if we have to let the fish men win a battle or two to make it happen, well there's a reason the phrase acceptable losses exists.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My friend Mo is a very crafty bird. Very crafty indeed.

There are times when our discussions follow take a path very similar to this:

Someone else: Wow, have you seen the latest "________" <could be anything>

Mo: Yeah, that's pretty awesome looking.

<pauses a few seconds for effect, eyes look shiftily to the left and then the right>

Mo: You know, I recently got one of these "__________" <fill in the blank>

Everyone: Those are pretty cool kits how did you like building it?

Mo: (suppressing smile) Well, you know there are things that just don't make sense to me. I've not been able to figure it out.

Honda: Really? Like what?

Mo: <sets hook, deploys forlorn puppy dog eyes> Oh, there's so many parts, ( or alternatively) It's really difficult to figure out how things go together.

Honda: <secretly yearning to build the kit> Hmm...why don't you let me take a look at it. <takes kit home as Mo turns his back and rubs his hands together>

And then, here we are. I tell you there is definitely something Tzeentchian about Mo's schemes. I built a Storm Eagle for him, which is a beast of a kit, and now this. I also note that his SM chapter colors are Yellow and Blue, the colors of Tzeentch, just sayin'.

So, while you guys have been building things that walk, fly, or drive, I've been trying to figure out the Relicos Militarum building kit, which is a beast. There are tons of sprues for all kinds of stuff and on the surface it seems like one ought to be able just put the bits together and "Bob's yer uncle".

But no, that's not how it works. There's the pictures on the box, which are very helpful for organizing the bits, but if you are planning on building something specific with fixed dimensions, then it turns into an exercise more akin to building a puzzle. For the longest time, I kept trying to figure out how to maximize all the bits in the kit for one building (based on the provided pictures), but I just had too many things to squeeze in. Once I realized that it wasn't all going to fit into a 2' x 2' tile (to match the rest of Mo's terrain), then things went a lot smoother.

But it took me a little while to get there.

So this is what I settled on. A roughly square building where a shot came high on the front, through the building down to the back where the explosion did the most damage (see red line). This was my way of adding a little narrative to the piece, so that there was a reason why the damage occurred the way it did. Realistically, if a big shell went in the front, it would probably blow out the entire back half of the building, but I didn't want to model that. Also, don't ask me where the roof went, this is 40K.


Below, is a clockwise presentation of the exterior, with damage where appropriate. Also, I added debris to assist with the damage, yet not impede game play.





Here are some interior shots. Mostly they show that you can put figures inside and not destroy the building or yourself. Debris was added inside so that it didn't look like there was an explosion and that the cleaning staff came in and swept everything up.




So that's where we are right now. Next steps are paint. When I get done with that and any detailing I want to do, I'll turn it over to Mo and he'll apply his Future's Finish to the whole thing so that it matches the "Bladerunner" effect (i.e. wet and dingy) of his terrain boards.


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I do not use Puppy dog eyes!!..... but I can't deny the shifty look ;)

I've been impressed with the whole build to be honest (because yes my brain wasn't really grokking how the whole thing was supposed to go together) and more so now that I understand there's a "story" to the damage. I look forward to putting it on the table and fighting over it!

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Nice work! I like that you found a way to tell some story through the design - it's something most of us probably overlook when putting together a game board or individual bits of scenery. The kit itself looks great - would you recommend it?
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The kit itself looks great - would you recommend it?



Well, the second one would be easier, knowing what I know now.It has a ton (metric or otherwise) of parts and bits, so you could take the same approach as I did, shift some of the panels and have a different building.


There's a lot of detail on each panel and you get enough of the panel sprues to do a number of different kinds of building, if you think about what you want to do. That was the part that was a tad confusing because I would look at the box pictures, expecting that the kit would go together like other models and it doesn't. You have to figure out what you want and then build it from the selection of sprues in the kit.


There are pluses and minuses to that approach.


Another plus, you can build out something big like this and still have enough panels left over to build some other building ruins.


On the other side of the coin, I ended up doing a lot of bracing to firm up the large panels. It would be a mistake to think that you can just glue the sides of the panel together and you're done. I used bits of sprue rod on almost every seam to ensure that the building was sturdy. There's nothing really wrong with that, but I expected a little more in the way of bracing.



Summary: 8/10


At some point I'd like to build something that looks more "cathedral" looking than this kit, and I'm not sure I'd use this to get there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Ok then.

I think I have taken this as far as I can and I'm now ready to turn it over to its rightful owner, Mo. The final step will be to "douse" the entire structure and the mdf board with Mo's Future's wash. I am expecting this wash to bring out more of the detail and deepen the recesses. Also, this tile will match his "Bladerunner" urban board that we have so much fun playing on.




And now some Hollywood shots, first up is Axios






Sword Brethren




It's been quite an interesting project and now I will be able to return to my regularly scheduled programming.

Next up, an new addition to Templar Air.


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Excellent work on the Dreadnought.



Thank you sir.


Soon, I intend to rough him up a bit so that he matches the rest of my dreads and vehicles.

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In light of recent events, it appears that the new additions I had been planning for my Templars are more timely than I could have anticipated.

So, I wanted to start off with something different. I've always wanted one of these:


But circumstances have just never aligned themselves with my "want", which caused me to consider other alternatives. Now, when I thought about what really makes the biggest impression for me regarding the Raptor, it's these:


Which led me to think about one of these:


Now, I could have just built it stock and said, "counts as", but I wanted to do something a little more, a little more unique.

Which led to this:



The gist of this is an under slung or bolted on gun pod housing the mega bolters. That's what I think is going to catch the eye.

From a profile perspective, I think I can pull this off and I certainly like the overall style of the Corvus, so we shall see.


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Turn those transport pods into gigantic air scoops!



...or very large ammo bins. ;)


There's a xenos looking type on your desk, care to explain yourself before you report to the reclusiam for a paddlin' ?



Are you referring to the flight program test target?

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