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The Albigensian Crusade


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The Magnificent Seven

Actually, only five are present in the Scar Crusade, but it seems that a little bit of supporting fire can go a long way, so two new members were added to the crusade.

So a bunch of WIP shots. Work to date:

1. Base coats and zenithal highlights

2. Metallics about 90% there

3. Pauldron's white pretty close to where it needs to be.

4. Some detailing added

5. The one face, though I do think he needs some eyebrows. I like his skin tone and how his hair and beard came out.


  • Paint chipping
  • Armor recesses
  • Add Maltese crosses to pauldrons
  • Metallic highlights, especially on the chains
  • Figure out what I'm going to do with the EC's sword blade
  • EC laurel (was described as made from ivory)
  • Basing
  • Seal



Some fire support


Bracha and Issur


Yael and Tanna


Atticus Varda


I really like how Tanna is coming out. I like his pose, how the sculpting for his head turned out, and his hair and skin tones. The colors are a tad washed out, so I'll have to get some better pictures next time around.





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Another checkpoint set of shots, though with a little pseudo terrain which provides a better lighting environment. Also, because it seems like I'm doing everything "old" school, I had to kludge a solution for the shots...which surprisingly worked.

Basically, if you've seen pics from anyone who actually knows what they are doing with a camera (cannot raise hand), for mood shots they don't generally flood the image with light. Well, what do you do if your like, camera is so old that the flash can't be disabled? Well a little aluminum foil taped over the flash and before you know it, you too can do "mood" lighting like all the pro's.

However, I'm still not planning on giving up my day job.

After making a lot of progress on all the armor shading and metallics yesterday, I decided to put some Maltese crosses on my shoulder pads.

So my general service announcement for all the neophytes reading this is, "painting Maltese crosses on your shoulder pads is not like riding a bike. You can't not do it for awhile and then expect muscle memory to pull out the win for you."

What that means is that I pretty much botched the crosses on three guys before I decided to stop ruining good figs. Not really happy about that, but it is what it is. I'm going to need to practice some more before attempting more crosses. I don't want to botch those and since I hand paint all the crosses on my guys, that's what I have to do. It's only seven guys and I want them to look the best I am capable of.

As it turns out, it's Ok to be humbled every now and then. It keeps you grounded.

Therefore, I'll just show you some stuff, nothing that will scare you and then move on. I also attempted a two layer chipping effect after sponging Terra cotta on the armor, but it just didn't look right. So I went back and took out the light blue/green edge highlight and was happier with the overall effect. In case you are wondering, I have tried different colors for that edge highlight and never really liked anything I've tried. So the search continues.

I did add little metallic nicks and edge highlights all over, though not too many as I don't want that to dominate the overall effect of the shaded armor. Also of note, in the second "Lords of Mars" book, Atticus Varda [NO SPOILER] was described after a big fight as not having a mark on him, which was an interesting comment and I have therefore left his armor pristine. He is also described as having an ivory laurel on his helmet and his bolt pistol is "chased" with gold. I'm not exactly sure what is meant by that, so I made the side plates on his pistol gold.









The skin tones on the bearded chap are incredible

I remembered "someone" commenting that they had started using a purple wash on their skin tones and since I had a chance I opted to put down my base flesh tone, then wash with a purple wash, leaving heavier coats in the recesses of the eyes and around the nose, then going back and hitting the high areas with skin colors.

I too like how it turned out and am glad you noticed. :thumbsup:

Now back to work for me.


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I remembered "someone" commenting that they had started using a purple wash on their skin tones

I remember reading something about that too. Did you use a premixed wash or ink or mix your own? I did try it once but it just looked like the guy had a pair of black eyes

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I remember reading something about that too. Did you use a premixed wash or ink or mix your own? I did try it once but it just looked like the guy had a pair of black eyes



I use Army Painter tones, so in this case, Purple tone. It is thinned down and I believe I applied a couple of thin coats, then after those dried, I did a straight wash into the sides of the  nose and the  eye sockets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Magnificent Seven, Part II

Well, except for the basing (and weathering powders), I think I'm done. Which is not "done done", but definitely very close.

All in all, I like how they turned out, though I struggled with the Black Sword effects and am not happy with it. For the most part though, I got what I wanted which is a grizzled and heroic looking squad appropriate for the scale of KT games. Now, I just have to get into some :smile.:

Here is the squad


The choppers


The shooters



Everyone got sealed this morning before the weather makes that task more difficult.

Also, I'm not going to do white paper background with these guys, they just keep showing up over exposed.

Anyway, off to the last little bits.


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How will you decorate their bases?



With the blood and the armor of the slain. :)


Actually, I'm going to continue the desert theme from the rest of my Templars, but going to try a different way of getting there. So, I'll start with some sand and Gale Force 9 resin pieces, then going to paint the GW Iron Earth around that.


From there, I'll then start with a dark brown over everything, then progressively lighter shades of sand.


Once that is finished, then I'll apply the weathering powders on their lower legs.

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How will you decorate their bases?


With the blood and the armor of the slain.
Well said, but I think it's better to use the ASHES and armor of the slain- cleanse the tainted with purifying flames, to starve the Blood God. You will not defeat enemies of the Imperium by helping them, after all.
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The Magnificent Seven - Crusade Status = ENABLED

...and so we come to the end of this effort, which has been a lot of fun and an entertaining exercise from a modeling perspective.

The Scar Crusade


Brother Sergeant Tanna




Initiate Yael










Atticus Varda, Emperor's Champion


And now, to seek out and kill teams.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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Thank you brother, much appreciated.


Did Brother-Sergeant Tanna's sword arm come with the model, or was it from a third party? I can't recall seeing a "sword chained to a Templar's wrist" so well-modeled.



It actually comes from the Templar upgrade kit, as did  a majority of the arms I used.



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Nice weathering, but as a mild word of critique: would an astartes let his suit of armour start to rust?



I agree with you and I do not have rust on any of my Templars equipment or vehicles.


Rust is a sign of negligence.


Rust on Imperial Astartes equipment is a sin as far as I am concerned.


Note; There are some plates of  the Raptors in a very corrosive environment (Badab campaign), but that wasn't due to  neglect per se as much as them constantly marching for an extended period of time.


Anyway, what I do for weathering is use GW's Terra Cotta (an old color) to represent paint chipping through to the primer layer on the armor. It's a color that works well on the white as well as the black of their armor.

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Nice weathering, but as a mild word of critique: would an astartes let his suit of armour start to rust?

I agree with you and I do not have rust on any of my Templars equipment or vehicles.


Rust is a sign of negligence.


Rust on Imperial Astartes equipment is a sin as far as I am concerned.


Note; There are some plates of  the Raptors in a very corrosive environment (Badab campaign), but that wasn't due to  neglect per se as much as them constantly marching for an extended period of time.

It's not rust, it's a patina ;)


The new guys look great though. Nice and battle-worn.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been feeling the urge to create something different, embarking upon another journey to see where it might lead. Also, we're getting to the time of year where painting can be challenging because it's cold outside and usually pretty damp. So building stuff let's me exercise my creative muscles, though in a different way, sort of "hobby" crossfit, if you will.

I decided I wanted to create an homage from some of our outstanding artwork and see how close I could get.

This is a great thread for inspiring someone and there are some great examples of "homage" work in it:


Now I haven't decided which image I am going to pursue just yet, but the first image is something that I've always liked a lot and I don't believe there is such a thing as "too many chaplains" in your crusade.

Option 1 - I love the green-ish tint to the armor matched up with the gold. Also plenty of cool iconography to play around with.


Option 2 - He's not a chaplain, but he has so much attitude. Maybe he'll just get built because you can't have too much attitude in a crusade.


Option 3 - Lots of cool details to work with, craggy looking, definitely says "ZEAL!" to me, even if he's at rest.



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