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Kitting out my Captain

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Hey again guys.... I'm entering a Captain into the Dark Angels painting challenge. But I've had people tell me that how I was planning on kitting him out isn't all that effective. I was planning on a Jump Pack and a Thunder Hammer.


I will be converting him using the centurion helm from the Sicarius mini, Dante's Jump Pack and the Death Company sprue. But I'd like to ask how you more veteran players would equip him? I've been out of practise with BA's for quite a long time now, and I never played such an agressive character back then. So I'm not all that good at making him a complete and utter CC monster. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ;)



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To be honest, given that Blood Angel Captains don't get access to most of the good gear that normal Space Marine Captains do, I'd simply give him a pair of lightning claws and leave it at that.


I have seen a Captain with dual power fists and a jump pack, that was interesting.


As a base you could use the finecast Shrike and just clean off the Ravenguard paraphernalia and model him up as a Blood Angel.

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I tend to use the faster and more flexible infernus pistol/power weapon combo, it's been doing fine so far. Has a good chance to blow vehicles up thanks to BS 5, and is not a wimp in CC, although not really great either. Can use some support here and there, either in cc or while shooting to reliably kill/blow up some stuff.





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The space wolf Grey Hunter/Blood Claw plastic box comes with two pairs of Wolf Claws, which are essentially Lightning Claws with wolf skulls stuck on. You just need to file off the Wolfy bits. Most Wolf players should have a few kicking about spare, so you could ask any wolf players you know. The Captain box comes with a LC, (left handed). If you don't know any players willing to part with these, give ebay a look, head over to a trading website like Dakkadakka or grab some off a bits supplier.


Hope this helps



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That's actually pretty good. I know the Libby is usually the better choice, but always finds himself dead in the first few rounds. ( Lack of an invul save.) The captain would not be much of force multiplier, but could sure help against those tough targets. Plus, at 1000 point games (which we usually have our LGS tourneys) he would be great for the price. I'd take him at 160 pts, with IP, LC, JP, and Melta bombs. Combined with the priest in a squad and you have a real beast for cheap. I never feel comfortable running Dante, Meph, or Astorath in the 1000 point games, just takes up so much of the armies points.


I think I may just do one up. Thanks.


I feel the IP/LC combo is best, gives me another melta in the squad. Plus, the LC will help with getting those all important wounds in. So I will have one killer RAS squad- Captain- IP/LC, Sgt IP/PF, Priest LC, and 2 Meltaguns. It's 410 points, but gives me a really hard hitting unit, that can operate all by itself.

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