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Blood Dragons; Strike Force Astraîos & some occasional extra


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Ok, now I've promised three people that I'll post some pics of my BA successors, so I guess I got to finally deliver on those promises.
I'll start with my main Assault Squad. These are done on a mix of BA, SW and DA parts, as well as some regular marine bits.



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Interesting decision to use SW parts in a Dragon themed army. Is there a fluff connection to the wolves, or is it just because the parts look cool? I like the way you've only used older mark helmets. Looking good.
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Mostly 'cause they just look cool. And with some bone elements in the BA death company bits, they don't clash as badly as one might think. But, I can't really do that without some sort of ingame reason, so about half of my marines are recruited from a savage frozen wasteland, not much unlike Fenris. Also, eventhough you can't really see the connection from just this squad, those who are honoured enough to be using a flamer or melta (maybe plasmaweapons too) are also given the sacred robes.
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very nice use of the three chapter bitz. And it does look odd like ZAchos said about wolf pelts as their feral , and that what savage people in a death world would do... wear skins. :lol:


:rolleyes: about time to graced us with those long awaited pictures, keep um' coming brother.

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I like that you changed up your armor colors to something easier to paint. last time you have one leg, one arm on color, and it wasn't very cohesive. Now their looking fantastic. I love the red torso with black helm, arms, and legs it almost screams menace. Good job Blackrat.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I like that you changed up your armor colors to something easier to paint. last time you have one leg, one arm on color, and it wasn't very cohesive. Now their looking fantastic. I love the red torso with black helm, arms, and legs it almost screams menace. Good job Blackrat.

Yeah, after painting a squad with that old scheme, I took my test figure and tried to improve on it. This is what I got, and I love it. Anyway some new pics with less disturbing background:

Reposting some pics of the assault squad:

The Sergeant (unnanmed at the moment, but I am going to name all my sgt's and above)

My proud achievement. The mini to prove that SW and BA bits don't clash biggrin.gif

The test squad. The bulk of these still bear the old colour scheme, and there's some in between stages too. I'll repaint them if I bother.

Termies. The three in the back are mostly from AoBR, while the other two are mix and match from several boxes:

Brother Sgt. Leonidas. I'm especially proud of the powersword:

And the sarge of my upcoming assault termies, a deathwatch veteran:

Captain Ares of 2nd Company. Counts as Tycho:

Captain Adonis of 7th Company:

Brothers Geryon and Theogenes, they too actually sport the old colours. Not sure if I bother to fix that:

My test figure for DC. I think the mini itself comes from the paint set from mid to late -90's:

Whoa, that was a lot of piccies. More to come once I finish that Predator, another tactical squad, scouts and a devastator squad...
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Blood Dragons, and Black Dragons... Might have to think about some type of draconic alliance.


Awesome additions there Blackrat. As far as your question about your Dreads doning the older color pattern I'd remake them after you finish up the other models first. Then go back and re-do the dreads to match. One thought thou you might want to shave down some of the space wolf and darl angel symbols and green putty some blood drop icons to make them more like sons of Sanguinius. Right now with the kit bashes they have a lots of DA, and SW icons floating around here, and there. Good work and keep it up.

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One thought thou you might want to shave down some of the space wolf and darl angel symbols and green putty some blood drop icons to make them more like sons of Sanguinius. Right now with the kit bashes they have a lots of DA, and SW icons floating around here, and there. Good work and keep it up.

I know, I'm just too lazy (I even barely bother with mould lines :)) and not good enough with greenstuff :P I'll just go with the explanation that they are personal preference of the savage subconscious those guys have underneath all that indoctrination :P

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  • 4 months later...

Just a couple of scouts today.

The first one being Master Drill Sergeant Samouel Atlas, who I can't use wysiwyg 'cause the 'dex doesn't support the weapon choises of such an old model. Anyway, this was my test for the scout color scheme.


And a sniper scout. I tried making a stealth field camo cloak, but it didn't go so well. The rest of it worked out pretty ok though:



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

We play Dark Heresy / Deathwatch mix. The minis are not actually used in-game, I just felt like modelling everyone's character :D


My next project is to get all my terminators painted. When I got those scouts done, I thought to myself, "Hmm, I have a couple of termies still unpainted, I'll just quickly do those." Then I started gathering the unpainted termies on my table and realised "couple" was quite an understatement. It's more like couple dozen...

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Alright, I know I said next up would be a huge bunch of termies, but these guys stared at me accusingly, so I had to finish them first. The tank has been on the project table for over a year while I've worked on it occasionally.




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Although I hate all psychers, I must admit that this guy is immensely awesome.

Thank you brother Templar. Psykers should always be under scrutiny, but that doesn't mean they can't be used to scare your enemies msn-wink.gif The model itself is the librarian from the new starter set, with a modified blade from wolf troop box, and sanguinary guard jump pack/wings/shoulder. Glueing the wings on a model they're not designed for was rather annoying...

nice work on the Librarian, and the tank Blackrat. Funny thing is your color scheme is completely opposite from my Blood Dragons. Like both of our Blood Dragon Armies would mirror each other.

Indeed, I noticed the same thing last time I looked at your army. Would be rather awesome to pit the two armies against each other and see who are the true Blood Dragons tongue.png
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nice work on the Librarian, and the tank Blackrat. Funny thing is your color scheme is completely opposite from my Blood Dragons. Like both of our Blood Dragon Armies would mirror each other.

Indeed, I noticed the same thing last time I looked at your army. Would be rather awesome to pit the two armies against each other and see who are the true Blood Dragons tongue.png

Well.... Where do you live?

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Oh dear, I have projects upon projects on my table. Lets see:

-The termies I mentioned earlier. There's about 25 of them. 2 apothecaries, 1 librarian, 1 chaplain, 10 assault, 5 regular and the rest just what I think of biggrin.png

-A biker squad of 6 with 2 meltas

-Another Assault squad with 2 meltas.

-DC unit. Boltguns with jump-packs

-A bunch of random Deathwatch marines.

-Sanguinary Guard. Not really working on this one.

-A bunch of Orks

-A bunch of Chaos Marines

-An Imperial Guard diorama/objective marker

As you see, I have quite a lot on my plate biggrin.png

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  • 1 month later...

And now, something completely different. This one started as a joke. I was talking with some friends about the perceived superiority complex of Ultramarines, and we came up with a chapter that is even worse. The Supermarines of planet Krypt. They believe themselves the true paragons of humanity and its only salvation. They are the protectors of the common people, and they make sure everyone knows how their way is the best way. Here we have captain Kalel of the first company:


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