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Creating characters within a DIY chapter

Astutia Vulpes

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Only having just got back into the 40k universe and being new to this site I was hoping to get a little feedback on a couple ideas I was having in creating my own (hopefully interesting) Space Marine Chapter.


Firstly, when looking at making my first company I thought about having two dreadnoughts that are actually twin brothers. The very broad story I have thought about is, they grew up together on their native planet, both joined the marines together and always fought side by side. The brothers had a very mild telepathic link to each other, but ultimately their abilities were not strong enough to advanced as proper Psykers. The chapters resident chaplaincy kept a very close eye on them, but since they displayed no further psychic abilities nor did they show signs of Chaos taint or other abnormalities. The brothers both held long and merited careers gaining great respect both within and outside the chapter.


However during one great campaign (working on it), one of the brothers was mortally slain. The other avenged his siblings killers, but due to their psychic bond and the sight of his fallen brother, he let out a cry of sorrow and despair and fell into a catatonic state. The company apothecary and chaplain fought hard to bring both brothers back, but the fallen brother wounds too severe for a full recovery. The company librarian was fearful that the death of one would cause the death of the other as a consequence.


And so it was that the company held a great meeting on the battlefield and a unanimous decision was made to inter the brothers within a dreadnought. After the process of internment was complete, the brothers were awoken. As the chaplain had predicted as the fallen brother awoke, the other awoke shortly afterwards. Even incarcerated in the sarcophagi of a dreadnought their psychic bond was still strong and they continue to fight together for the glory of the emperor once more.



Ok secondly, my DIY chapter. I realise there will be a lot of holes, but please bear with me. So far I don't have a chapter name. But my chapter is monastic in nature, having both a homeworld and a modest fleet. Until I work out with primarch they likely descended from, I don't have an exact time of founding. They have good ties with the adeptus mechanicus (I think I will have a nice story to go with that). A good, but sometimes tenuous relationship with the Inquisition. This is largely due to some question over their views of the Emperor. Hence this also means that certain other space marine chapters will shun them or be suspicious of them.


They are very monk like, which puts them across as weak in other chapters eyes. However they are just as formidable as any other space marine chapter. My chapters brothers spend much of their non-engagement time either studying tactics, practising martials, meditating and perhaps usually for a space marine chapter practising liberal arts (Poetry, Painting, Sculpting). It is this scholarly or even renaissance attitude that further strains relationships elsewhere in the imperium.


How ever in battle they employ and mix of ranged, close quarter and reconnaissance tactics. Because of the resource rich planet they inhabit and a healthy relationship with the AD, they can opt to use as much weaponry and resource as they see fit. But it is preferred within the chapter to use equipment sparingly as it is considered the resources may needed urgently elsewhere.




Well thanks for reading my rambles. Obviously this is a roughing out of a broad idea. But any input or insight would be appreciated....

Only having just got back into the 40k universe and being new to this site I was hoping to get a little feedback on a couple ideas I was having in creating my own (hopefully interesting) Space Marine Chapter.


Firstly, when looking at making my first company I thought about having two dreadnoughts that are actually twin brothers.


Sure, why not.


Ok secondly, my DIY chapter. I realise there will be a lot of holes, but please bear with me. So far I don't have a chapter name. But my chapter is monastic in nature, having both a homeworld and a modest fleet. Until I work out with primarch they likely descended from, I don't have an exact time of founding. They have good ties with the adeptus mechanicus (I think I will have a nice story to go with that). A good, but sometimes tenuous relationship with the Inquisition. This is largely due to some question over their views of the Emperor. Hence this also means that certain other space marine chapters will shun them or be suspicious of them.


As most Liber regulars know, even now Chapter Master Ignis Domus draws closer to this thread.

His arrival is as inevitable as a thing that is very inevitable! :D



I'm also moved to ask; how exactly does your chapter view the Emperor?


They are very monk like, which puts them across as weak in other chapters eyes. However they are just as formidable as any other space marine chapter. My chapters brothers spend much of their non-engagement time either studying tactics, practising martials, meditating and perhaps usually for a space marine chapter practising liberal arts (Poetry, Painting, Sculpting). It is this scholarly or even renaissance attitude that further strains relationships elsewhere in the imperium.


Monastic nature aside, many of those traits can be attributed to the Ultramarines, so their geneseed would be probably the easiest one to work with. As a bonus it comes with no extra baggage like mutations or organ failures (unless you want them).



How ever in battle they employ and mix of ranged, close quarter and reconnaissance tactics.


That's pretty much standard issue. :D

Don't worry though, because how the Chapter fights is not as important or as interesting as who they are, what they believe, and why they believe it.

a unanimous decision was made to inter the brothers within a dreadnought.

I love it. It's different. It's edgy. Needs a little more flesh to really solidify their continued necessity to the Chapter, though. I can't help but imagine the dreadnought advising a Chapter Master or taunting the enemy, centuries later, in a Statler and Waldorf-esque manner. Not very grimdark, I know, but potentially hilarious.


They are very monk like...good ties with the adeptus mechanicus...

I'm seeing a possible Loyalist mash-up of pre-Heresy Word Bearers and the Steel Confessors which, in my opinion, could work if done well.


A good, but sometimes tenuous relationship with the Inquisition.

*Chuckles to Inquisitorial brethren, 'They think we like them.'* Ahem. If your Chapter is going to have a relationship with the Inquisition at all, I would suggest you keep the "tenuous" part and drop the "good" part. I cringe every time someone says their Chapter is in good with the Inquisition. No one is. Everyone the Inquisition hasn't declared a heretic has simply not proven their guilt...yet. The very nature of the organization, while it allows the occasional luxury of allies, entirely precludes friends. No one is above suspicion. Not even you. Yes, you.


Good luck on your project. And remember, we're always watching...muahAHAHAHAHA*hack*cough*wheeze*O, Emperor, my spleen...

They are very monk like...


In what respect?


Monks are kind of diverse, even if you just think about different Orders or "types"; a Christian Monk isn't at all similar to a Shaolin Monk for example.


I would mention that all space marines are monks


All Space Marines are Warrior-Monks, which whilst seemingly the same thing is actually a big difference.

Thank you so far, I'm taking everything on board.


I have decided my chapter shall be known as 'The Brothers of Purity'. The colour scheme I would like to use is brilliant white and gold. I'm thinking either red or green for purity seals and the like. I would quite like to use the dark angel models for the robes that worn over the power armour.


Ace Debonair - so far I feel my chapter reveres the emperor, but do not see him as a god. He is seen as a visionary and super human. They uphold all the principles laid out by him. I need to flesh out my chapters core beliefs some more.


I think the ultramarine gene seed and primarch are the most likely.


When I mean they would be monastic in nature, I was imagining them to be highly academic, studious and insightful. I was also imagining them renaissance like in embracing art, technology and philosophy.


Damn, I can sorta see it there, but I'm having some trouble getting myself across.

I have decided my chapter shall be known as 'The Brothers of Purity'. The colour scheme I would like to use is brilliant white and gold. I'm thinking either red or green for purity seals and the like. I would quite like to use the dark angel models for the robes that worn over the power armour.

It's OK, CMID, I got this one. ;) Could I instead reccomend the name 'Purifiers'?

With that out of the way, back to business.

*Puts Heraldry Dept. Hat on*

Oh, but it's been far too long. :)


Either of those any good, or do you want something different?

Ace Debonair - so far I feel my chapter reveres the emperor, but do not see him as a god. He is seen as a visionary and super human. They uphold all the principles laid out by him. I need to flesh out my chapters core beliefs some more.

Actually, most Chapters think like that. ;)

Actually calling him a God is for the uninformed masses. Oh, and the sisters of Battle. And probably some Inquisitors. Anyway, you get my point. :)

Although each Chapter upholds their own interpretation of the Emperor's principles, really.

Have you by any chance had a read of the DIY guide? you can find a link to it in the stickied topic atop the forum - it's a very worthwhile read, with a lot of good ideas in!

If you want your marines to be like monks, you must first figure out why they train every day. Shaolin monks train to master shi (I believe thats what it is called), normal christian monks try to have a better relationship with god. With that said typical marines are like monks as they train to master the art of war, perhaps you could build off of the twin story and have your marines constantly training together to create an unbreakable bond. Once a marine has obtain this unbreakable bond it has several benefits in the eyes of your Chapter.

@CKO - YES! The unbreakable bond was exactly the sorta thing I was going for.


@Ace Debonair - The first colour scheme was closest to what I had in mind. I tried using the color scheme thingy, but it doesn't seem to work well on my android. I'll try to get on a proper computer and see if I flesh it out more.

Once a marine has obtain this unbreakable bond it has several benefits in the eyes of your Chapter.


See, this is what I like to think of - in the Rules World - as what the Grey Knight Brotherhood Power thingys* are.


*Went really technical at the end there.

who is CMID, have I inadvertently trodden on someone's toes? I'm new here so I am not familiar with other peoples projects so far.


Chapter Master Ignis Domus has been trying in vain for at least a year to get someone, anyone in fact, to put together an Index Astartes for a Chapter called the Purifiers.


EDIT: Also, do what ever you like project-wise because no one has a call on anything - but avoid blatant rip-offs obviously :angry:

Well like I said, I'm new here. I apologise if people are of the opinion I'm ripping off someone's idea. I haven't searched around too much of these forums yet, so not completely aware of the communities wip's. I'll get an admin to remove my thread and ill find anoth 40k forum to converse elsewhere....
No need, Astutia Vulpes. What they're trying to express to you is that the whole Purifiers thing is something of a running gag here on the B&C. I don't think CMID would mind in the least. In fact, I'm surprised, as many others, at how long it's taking him to voice his undying support for your Chapter's progression :angry:

Yeah fair enough, because I been away from 40k for a looong time I know things have moved on. I was just looking to fill in some gaps. I have so far made my 10th company of scouts (not including any special characters). I am now searching for the models I want to represent them. And my HQ unit is very nearly completed, pending some fluff I'm working on.


I do however want to build a complete codex for my chapter eventually and would like to make it as credible as possible.

Yeah fair enough, because I been away from 40k for a looong time I know things have moved on. I was just looking to fill in some gaps.


You will make mistakes and it will not be perfect the first time, but that is not because its bad but because it has more potential. Dont look at mistakes as bad but as an opportunity to make your chapter better.



I have so far made my 10th company of scouts (not including any special characters). I am now searching for the models I want to represent them. And my HQ unit is very nearly completed, pending some fluff I'm working on.


I am in the same boat as you, I normally pay people to paint my army but I have decided to try the hobby side of 40k again. I am working on the fluff before I start creating models.


I do however want to build a complete codex for my chapter eventually and would like to make it as credible as possible.


If you make more revisions due to mistakes than it will be more credible, I am going to make me a codex aswell. We are in the same boat dont be afraid to start.

Having found the thread on The Purifiers, I was shocked to see the similarities. But it seems the overall direction and feel of that chapter is different to what I had in mind. Eerie though, I might tweak the name of my chapter a little...


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