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Scoring Units and Controlling Objectives


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Hi Vets,


Appreciate your help to enlighten - TIA.


At the end of the final game turn, can a Troop unit that is


A: Falling Back




B: Still Engaged in Combat (but enemy model is not within 3" of Objective Marker)


AND within 3" of the Objective Marker, still be regarded as a Scoring Unit and thus count/qualify as controlling the objective?

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There are three reason why a Troops unit would not count as scoring. It's a vehicle, it is a swarm, it has a special rule that says it does not count as scoring. Option B has none of those so that unit is in control of the objective.


Option A has a unit under the "Fall Back!" rule which would count as being a special rule even if it is only temporary. However, no where in the "Fall Back!" section does it say anything about scoring units. So it is not denied by a special rule and thus a Troop unit that is falling back still counts as a scoring unit. In the same way, a unit that is falling back may also contest an objective held by your opponent.



See below for the real Fall Back! answer

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But BRB page 90 says that as soon as the game ends, before working out victory condition, every falling back units are removed and count as destroyed.


So I would say that falling back unit are not able to hold an objective.

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BRB, page 90. Ending the game:

"In standard missions, as soon as the game ends and before working out victory conditions, all units that are falling back are removed and count as destroyed."


A unit that is falling back at the end of the game cannot control or contest objectives, and would count as a kill point for the opponent.


Edit: Frak! Ninjad.

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