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failed assault through cover question

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This might be a stupid question but I can't figure it out from the wording in the BRB.


When you declare an assault through cover and the distance rolled is not enough to get into b2b with the enemy unit, the assault fails. Does it means that you don't move your unit at all or you still get to move the distance rolled?

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Stupidly, you don't move at all. I know it makes no sense that your troops would charge forward, realize they can't get there in time and instead run back to their staring position.
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Stupidly the moving through cover rule is just as weird. Most people I play with agree you should at least be able to move up to the cover, or even part of the distance in. But to be forced to just stand there just doesn't make sense.
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Its simpler, for game mechanics. Roll, measure, and then move or move on. If youre not going to assault its quicker just to keep moving.


Otherwise, since you can declare an assault at any distance, you could just use it to run an extra d6 every turn. 6"+2d6" for genestealers every turn? Yikes.

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Its simpler, for game mechanics. Roll, measure, and then move or move on. If youre not going to assault its quicker just to keep moving.


Otherwise, since you can declare an assault at any distance, you could just use it to run an extra d6 every turn. 6"+2d6" for genestealers every turn? Yikes.


Yeah, that's what I was going to say- it's to oevent units from taking extra free movements every turn. You only get the extra movement when you make it into a close combat.

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It's no different to a failed assault move through normal terrain (ie one that falls short because you guessed distance wrong). You're not in range you don't charge. 40K is littered with these peculiarities that protect gameplay balance, it's just something you've got to accept and then get on with the game.
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