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My Best paint job EVER!


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Hey fine people of the hallowed bolter and chainsword


i would like to show off a little with quite possibly, the best paintjob i have ever done.


I would love to hear your thoughts




thanks in advance

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a very fine paintjob indeed. The edge of your base appears brown, but I'm sure it is nice and black IRL :D


The relic falling from his back banner look like it could use some love, but the banner in itself is very nice.

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wow never been asked for a recipe before!


its fairly simple really:


Tallarn flesh

wash with watered down ogryn flesh

dwarf flesh

dwarf flesh and bleanched bone 3:1

then keep it fluid and watered down and add a touch more BB each time


But it works best with watery paints

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Update time......made a few changes..after a few days off and fresh eyes.









Hope you appreciate these changes..........................

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