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Emperor's children chief librarian

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Before the Heresy only the Thousand Sons had sorcerors. The use of Magic was banned by the Emperor; hense why the Emperor sends Leman Russ after Magnus for using magic to tell of Horus's betrayal. So in answer to your question, there was no chief librarian in the Emperors Children. However, that doesn't mean that you can't create your own character that maybe had psychic powers that were reccessive until entering the eye of terror or something.


Hope that helps :D



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Between the council of Nikaea and Istvaan, yes, I believe only the Thousand Sons persisted with their psychic dabbling, with other legions having their librarians returned to the rank and file, ordered never to use their powers again...

But that does leave the possibility of an Emperor's Children Chief Librarian before the Trial of Magnus Council of Nikaea.


I have not heard of one though I would be inclined to view that favorably: it gives you the chance to make him, Fallen Artist :D

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I'm sorry i seem to have been wrong. While they had an ancient of rites and a chaplain pre heresy they emperor's ban on psychics seems to have stuck and all potentially psychic people seem to have been murdered. (Chaplain/ ancient of rites) but given fabius's tinkering and the influence of chaos there isn't a reason not to have either a fallen librarian or a newly psychic emperor's child.


Eidolon (spelling?) Seems to be a good candidate. First ec w/ a doom siren like ability, beheaded and mysteriously walking around despite it. Obviously jacked up on some serious slaaneshi juices.


Hoped that helped.

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Thank you guys that helped quite a bit i was just curious cuz i have not heard in any books about any libirians they may have had but then again all i remember hearing about is that the TS have majority of libirians, SW have rune priests and WE killed all their Libirians for the Skull Throne; also i figured cuz the EC had a Head Chaplain they would have a Chief Libirian but none the less; thank you for your help guys
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In The Reflection Crack'd it gives a little speal about how they were the only legion to not have any kind of Librarium because they viewed the psyker mutation as a flaw which made it a big no-no in their strive for perfection.
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I found a blurb that states that "the emperor's children's sorcerers and chaplains were able to call down the blessing of slaanesh to enhcance their base pleasures." Or something to that effect when they assaulted the civilian population of terra.


So they got sorcerera fast....

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Sorry to highjack your thread but....


Eidolon (spelling?) Seems to be a good candidate. First ec w/ a doom siren like ability, beheaded and mysteriously walking around despite it. Obviously jacked up on some serious slaaneshi juices


Explain please! I have read the Primarchs but not sure where your coming from with "mysteriously walking around" , have i missed something?

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Well he was the first person to use laer DNA to get a sonic scream and fulgrim beheaded him for smarting off (more or less). Then in the emperor's children wiki as sighted from multiple sources, he is later held responisble for raids, rumored to be the consort of N'kari and to have served as abbadons luitenent at some point.


So he is obviously still walking around despite decapitation which means he is blessed by slaanesh and is likely to be partially or completely daemonicly altered (though his appearence is not mentioned.) So he's a good candidate for sorcery. Much the same as lucius would have been a good candidate for sorcery though he seemed to go the other way (hth/ immoratlity via enchantment or psychic foolery)


Not saying he is a sorcerer but if you wanted to use a named slaaneshi hero as a sorcerer you could do worse than to pick him.

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Np buddy i don't know squat about the rest of the warhammer universe lol but i likes my slaaneshi things =P i'm still struggling with a name for my slaanesh lord and my slaanesh sorcerer =( (lord is a succubus model from malfaux modified to have wings , sorcerer is in terminator armor w/ daemonette familiar) i am never quite happy with anything I stumble on though i joke and call the succubus lilly lol.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Even now emperor's children having psychics is rare, but during the battle of terra they had allready accumulated enough sorcerers to be of mention. I forget the exact source but i recall them using sorcery to enhance their base pleausres while wiping out the civilian population.


So they ended up with a handfull of sorcerers before being driven back to the eye of terror. How many? I dunno, but they never had a librarian position i guess is what you're getting at, as they didn't use psychics until after chaos corruption had taken effect.

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