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Poison and re rolls


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Now I know if you have a poison weapon (say 4+) and normally you'd be wounding on a 3+, you'd get 4+ with re rolls. Where I'm having trouble is do you also get the re roll if you have a poison weapon (4+) and your wounding normally on a 4+?
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Poisoned weapons range from blades coated in venom to hypodermic claws. They do not rely on a comparison of Strength and Toughness to wound - they always wound on a fixed number, generally shown in brackets. In most cases this is4+.


In addition, if the Strength of the wielder is the same or higher than the Toughness of the victim, the wielder must re-roll failed rolls to wound in close combat.


@Snickers - If your models Strength is the same or higher than the target's Toughness, you must re-roll failed to-wound rolls.

@GC08 - it has nothing to do with the "'normal' wound roll would be the same or less than the poison", it is based on comparing S vs T.

@Imperial Deceipt - No, you can't choose to roll at your normal value. "they always wound on a fixed number".

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Poison always rolls on the fixed given number (ex 4+). In close combat, if your str is equal to the target's toughness then you get to reroll to wound, wounding on the fixed number.

doesnt say anything explicit that it is close combat....

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Poison always rolls on the fixed given number (ex 4+). In close combat, if your str is equal to the target's toughness then you get to reroll to wound, wounding on the fixed number.

doesnt say anything explicit that it is close combat....


The poison rules are specifically under the Close Combat Weapons section in the rulebook. Not sure if anything has been clarified in a FAQ but as far as I'm aware the reroll to wound only applies on cc attacks. Certainly it is not mentioned in the Dark Eldar codex under poisoned shooting weapons, where it says that they do not have a S value, which would make it impossible to reroll anyway.

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The can you re-roll in shooting has come up before, and as far as I am aware the only model for which it is relevant is the Eversor assassin who as a S4 pistol that is poisoned 2+, ever other poisoned shooting weapon either has no strength, or has a S lower than the T of any model in the game. SO whether you can or not is largely irrelevant (though if a player with an eversor really wanted to re-roll that one shot I'd probably just go with it.)
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The can you re-roll in shooting has come up before, and as far as I am aware the only model for which it is relevant is the Eversor assassin who as a S4 pistol that is poisoned 2+, ever other poisoned shooting weapon either has no strength, or has a S lower than the T of any model in the game. SO whether you can or not is largely irrelevant (though if a player with an eversor really wanted to re-roll that one shot I'd probably just go with it.)

Eversor pistol is X Str now after the new codex came out.

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Yep the eversor's pistol is defiantly S4 and poisoned 2+. The only reason I argue against the reroll is because the only mention of it is under Special Close Combat Weapons, Poisoned Weapons. Poisoned shooting weapons are actually not defined outside of the DE codex (but that is a whole other can of worms)
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The only reason I argue against the reroll is because the only mention of it is under Special Close Combat Weapons, Poisoned Weapons. Poisoned shooting weapons are actually not defined outside of the DE codex (but that is a whole other can of worms)

And Rending is only defined in the Shooting weapons types section - just because it is defined in the section which most likely will have weapons of that type doesn't negate the rule as it applies to the other.

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The only reason I argue against the reroll is because the only mention of it is under Special Close Combat Weapons, Poisoned Weapons. Poisoned shooting weapons are actually not defined outside of the DE codex (but that is a whole other can of worms)

And Rending is only defined in the Shooting weapons types section - just because it is defined in the section which most likely will have weapons of that type doesn't negate the rule as it applies to the other.


Except the DE rules say that they work in a similar way to poisoned cc weapons but make no mention of rerolls and specify that they have no S value (which would prevent a reroll in any event).

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The only reason I argue against the reroll is because the only mention of it is under Special Close Combat Weapons, Poisoned Weapons. Poisoned shooting weapons are actually not defined outside of the DE codex (but that is a whole other can of worms)

And Rending is only defined in the Shooting weapons types section - just because it is defined in the section which most likely will have weapons of that type doesn't negate the rule as it applies to the other.


Except the DE rules say that they work in a similar way to poisoned cc weapons but make no mention of rerolls and specify that they have no S value (which would prevent a reroll in any event).

DE rules don't apply outside the DE Codex.

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Rending also does not mention the "weilder's" strength. Poison does.


BTW. p 42 Rending weapons are defined as a type of special CCW. So rending is defined in the CCW and shooting section. Poison is not.

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BTW. p 42 Rending weapons are defined as a type of special CCW. So rending is defined in the CCW and shooting section. Poison is not.

True enough.


BTW, this post is not about poison shooting weapons. The OP simply asked about poison weapons.

Now I know if you have a poison weapon (say 4+) and normally you'd be wounding on a 3+, you'd get 4+ with re rolls. Where I'm having trouble is do you also get the re roll if you have a poison weapon (4+) and your wounding normally on a 4+?
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The only reason I argue against the reroll is because the only mention of it is under Special Close Combat Weapons, Poisoned Weapons. Poisoned shooting weapons are actually not defined outside of the DE codex (but that is a whole other can of worms)

And Rending is only defined in the Shooting weapons types section - just because it is defined in the section which most likely will have weapons of that type doesn't negate the rule as it applies to the other.


Except the DE rules say that they work in a similar way to poisoned cc weapons but make no mention of rerolls and specify that they have no S value (which would prevent a reroll in any event).

DE rules don't apply outside the DE Codex.


But, as the vast majority of poisoned shooting attacks reside in the DE Codex, it's a pretty good place to look for rules. Especially as the ones in the main rulebook apply only to cc attacks so otherwise you have no rules to follow at all.

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But, as the vast majority of poisoned shooting attacks reside in the DE Codex, it's a pretty good place to look for rules. Especially as the ones in the main rulebook apply only to cc attacks so otherwise you have no rules to follow at all.


dswanick did what we should all do: go, pick up the BRB, find the page and quote it. (thanks for that!)


Morollan, you have been given an answer (if the Strength is equal or greater than the Toughness of the opponent, re-roll).


IIRC, the Dark Eldar shots have no strength. Hence, you cannot re-roll.


If you quote the BRB where it talks about poisoned shooting, I'll be a VERY happy panda (here's a DE player).


As we all know, 40k right now is not about "I think I can do this, it makes sense".


We have to point in what page (BRB, codex or WD) does it say you CAN do something...else, you can't.


My thoughts ;)

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