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6th edition just on the horizon

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I may be late on the bandwagon, but for everyone else who had yet to notice: the 5th edition rulebook has recently been taken off the website. If rumors hold true this could mean our shiny new chaos swag is lurking just around the corner as well =3
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On a sort of related note, I did notice a large ad in the back of the new WD advertising a Chaos Space Marine Terminator masterclass being held in Warhammer World on the 1st of September.


Now, it's been a long time since CSMs properly had attention of their own from GW, so dare I say that this hints at a rough, possible released-by date for the new Codex?

(I know that this is a long shot, but hey)

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I am hoping for August, yes


Although (brace for my public flogging) I believe that with all the different rumors, GW might surprise us and be like "oh look, have a rulebook... have a chaos codex... AND have a DA codex."


Of course, I will not be disappointed if this doesn't happen because it is farfetched. Why else for all the hush-hush?


We just don't know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think FnP will still be quite valuable. In a world where most cover saves are also going to 5+, it's staying on par there. Plus, it's the only second save most anyone can get. Being able to use it vs power weapons, plasma, and possibly even rending (not sure if that rule is changing at all) is big, too.


Plus, if the Death Guard/Epidemius list is as popular as it sounds like it might be, getting a 3+ FnP (unless an FAQ nerfs Epi) will be godlike.

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What does Epidemus actually do?? I've been seeing his name crop up all over Legio Morbidus in the last couple of days.


By that, I mean what is the wording on the special rule regarding his ability to buff Nurgle units?




On another note, you know what I'd like to see? Plague marines becoming T5 instead of T4(5). I think the plagues of Nurgle should have a better modifier than riding a motorbike.

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You'd hope so - as that isn't that much more beneficial. Becomes like an invulnerable though...
That is kind of a good thing though as most fire that is thrown at PMs are the armour ignoring kind.

With the changes to Rapid-Fire we should see more aggressive and possibly even more footslogging (imagine that, fluffy options for DG!) PMs.

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What does Epidemus actually do?? I've been seeing his name crop up all over Legio Morbidus in the last couple of days.


By that, I mean what is the wording on the special rule regarding his ability to buff Nurgle units?

Epidemius is a chaos demon herald that grants buffs to all followers of nurgle based on how many kills they've racked up while he's on the board.

at 5+ all nurgle followers with plagueswords wound on 3+ (really only helps plague bearers)

at 10+ all followers of nurgle have noxious touch... everyone wounds on 2+ in cc

15+ FNP on 3+

20+ all attacks from nurgle followers ignore armor saves.

So if you get lucky and Epidemius warps in first turn (with the help of your personal icons) along with a beefy squad of plaguebearers to defend him, any model killed by any nurgle demon or model with the mark of nurgle will add to your tally, and will benefit from those bonuses. So if you get lucky and kill 10 models in your first turn with some MoN havocs, every MoN model in your army will wound on 2+ in cc starting turn 2. if you get 5 more kills turn 2 then turn 3 everyone has 3+ feel no pain etc etc. if you manage to get 20+ kills it's pretty much over as anything that's not mech will just get bowled over by plaguemarines that wound on 2 and ignore armor saves...

This will also make other non plague marine units more viable.

Plague termis can get a 3+ feel no pain that's only ignored by instant death? Yes, please.

Wounds on 2+ lightning claws? Why, thank you, good sir!

Raptors get a free s4 (wounds on 2+) attack before combat? Maybe that is worth 20 points a model!

havocs with heavy bolters ignore armor?

The addition of Epidemius by himself has the potential to make us one of the most terrifying armies in 40k. one of the big weaknesses of his power in his own codex is it's hard for him to rack up kills in the shooting phase, but with OUR codex to help him out? Get ready to hear grey knights screaming about the cheese.

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What does Epidemus actually do?? I've been seeing his name crop up all over Legio Morbidus in the last couple of days.


By that, I mean what is the wording on the special rule regarding his ability to buff Nurgle units?

Epidemius is a chaos demon herald that grants buffs to all followers of nurgle based on how many kills they've racked up while he's on the board.

at 5+ all nurgle followers with plagueswords wound on 3+ (really only helps plague bearers)

at 10+ all followers of nurgle have noxious touch... everyone wounds on 2+ in cc

15+ FNP on 3+

20+ all attacks from nurgle followers ignore armor saves.

So if you get lucky and Epidemius warps in first turn (with the help of your personal icons) along with a beefy squad of plaguebearers to defend him, any model killed by any nurgle demon or model with the mark of nurgle will add to your tally, and will benefit from those bonuses. So if you get lucky and kill 10 models in your first turn with some MoN havocs, every MoN model in your army will wound on 2+ in cc starting turn 2. if you get 5 more kills turn 2 then turn 3 everyone has 3+ feel no pain etc etc. if you manage to get 20+ kills it's pretty much over as anything that's not mech will just get bowled over by plaguemarines that wound on 2 and ignore armor saves...

This will also make other non plague marine units more viable.

Plague termis can get a 3+ feel no pain that's only ignored by instant death? Yes, please.

Wounds on 2+ lightning claws? Why, thank you, good sir!

Raptors get a free s4 (wounds on 2+) attack before combat? Maybe that is worth 20 points a model!

havocs with heavy bolters ignore armor?

The addition of Epidemius by himself has the potential to make us one of the most terrifying armies in 40k. one of the big weaknesses of his power in his own codex is it's hard for him to rack up kills in the shooting phase, but with OUR codex to help him out? Get ready to hear grey knights screaming about the cheese.


Thanks for that.


Really, all I can say is holy mother of God.


That's just made it really tempting to jump online and buy Codex: Daemons and Epidemius... must... resist! For now, anyway.


I'm going to bet right now though, that either they FAQ the crap out of him on Saturday, or the allies rules will say something along the lines of "No unit from you're main army may benefit from special rules from you're allied detachment, and vice versa" because I'll be honest, I would feel so mean playing that against anybody.


If they don't do either of the above, then I'm buying the Daemon book, Epi, and a load of WHFB Ghouls to convert into Plaguebearers next payday for sure.

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Well, in order to stop every nurgle follower from becoming super op they'll have to faq away the last part of epidemius' rule:

"These cumulative bonuses affect all followers of nurgle (Friend and Foe!)."

In which case at least Epidemius ceases to be a double edged sword for our friends who play codex demons... unless they faq it so it affects foes, but not friends. And that'd just be silly.

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As much as I'd love to use this combo to lay the smackdown on a Grey Knight army, I really don't think they should leave it go without an FAQ for too long. It's way too powerful.


I was talking to a mate about it over the phone earlier, neither of us think anybody we know and play against would be able to beat me if I fielded that, it's just way too OP.



I'm almost positive that the ally rules will be something along the lines of what I mentioned earlier, ie; "Special rules from one army do not transfer to the other when fielding an allied army". If it's not straight away, then be prepared for it to last as long as September when they have the 40k Doubles tournament at Warhammer World, and they see it in action.

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I hear what you guys are saying, I really do, but I think this rule was intended to work this way. The fact that it's worded as ALL followers of nurgle not simply all nurgle daemons. Which is, say, different than in 5th ed where Vulkan was giving sisters of battle TL flamers and meltas and different from sanguinary priests giving necrons 3+/4++/WBB. Aside from this, if you watch the video on the GW web site they specifically mention space marine captains giving their leadership to allied guardsmen. Sounds to me like they specifically WANT rules that affect friendly units to affect allied units as well, given that they seem to be hinting that captains with Rites of Battle will give their ld 10 to guardsmen and what-not.

It will be a sad day indeed if the faq makes Santa-demius stop giving gifts to all the good little nurgle boys and girls just cause they're diff-ernt.

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I'm almost positive that the ally rules will be something along the lines of what I mentioned earlier, ie; "Special rules from one army do not transfer to the other when fielding an allied army". If it's not straight away, then be prepared for it to last as long as September when they have the 40k Doubles tournament at Warhammer World, and they see it in action.


From those actually reading the rulebook (well ... so they say), and posting stuff online, Daemons ally with CSM to a degree that they get to benefit from special rules/abilities/psychic powers, and whatnot. This is explicitly stated in the rulebook ... or so they say. What I've also heard here and there, however, is that special characters might be restricted. It's surprisingly not coming from every source, and this seems like a big thing, so we'll have to wait and see.

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Well I'm getting my rulebook a couple of days early, either Wednesday or Thursday most likely. Friday at the latest.

When I get hold of it, I'll jump straight into the ally rules and photograph them to post here so we know for definite. I will honestly be so incredibly shocked if we can do this...



On a related note, if this is possible, how many Death Guard armies are going to we going to see spring up after Saturday?

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