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The Primarchs - Character Killing


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Just because there deaths seem pointless now does not mean they will always be pointless.


I mean, whats that one law that keeps going around? (Like, what is it called?) "Don't mention a shotgun in chapter one if you aren't going to use it in chapter 12" or something like that?


Right now, because we haven't read chapter 12, it seems pointless. But when we get there, it will be like, "Oh... that was a pretty important death."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was a bit shocked by Neminal's death- they spent two books building up his rivalry with the librarian, and then just off him?


Sure, the luther/lion, librarian/chaplain contrast was overt... but it worked!

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Nemiel was annoying, I was glad to see/hear him get his head backhanded off by the least socially-adept Primarch throwing a temper tantrum.


Eidolon also was starting to get overly sycophantic. I like the idea that someone else make take up his name to preserve morale prior to the Siege of Terra and truly making him a warlord and commander, unlike the incompetent half-wit we've seen so far.


I loved "The A Team" The Serpent Beneath and thought everyone's death was well conceived and well defined. I had also REALLY started to like Omegon, then I find out he pulls his mask off and he's really Ethan Hunt Ranko? Awesome.

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I loved "The A Team" The Serpent Beneath and thought everyone's death was well conceived and well defined. I had also REALLY started to like Omegon, then I find out he pulls his mask off and he's really Ethan Hunt Ranko? Awesome.

every time I think about the alpha legion, I hear the 'mission impossible' theme in my head :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just read the book and thought nemiel's death was excellent. The Lion sees traitors everywhere and when someone disobeys him he kills them instantly. I now think the Lion is based on Stalin who whilst an ally in ww2 had his own agenda like the Lion and was also a paranoid psychopath making the Lion one of the most interesting primarchs
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The two deaths that stood out to me that don't make sense to me as a reader are Eidolon and Nemiel. Eidolon because he's is or at least was an important character in previous lore. Nemiel was built up as one of the "the reader views it through this characters eyes because we can't give you a full novel through the eyes of a primarch" and was one of the more interesting substory plots we have seen in the Heresy novels. His death not only came out of nowhere but the sure blase attitude towards it afterwards was just bad form from the author's point of view. Even if you can spare only a paragraph of the other Astartes now being too frightened of the Lion to talk about his death it still gives some kind of logical payoff to his death.
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