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First painted mini in a decade


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So, I just finished painting my first mini for about ten years. I started playing in 2nd edition, but never really did much painting. I've got a bunch of my old minis soaking in Dettol to strip and a couple of RAS squads waiting, but I thought I'd start by painting some snap fit minis so as not to wreck anything important with my first experiments.

Having finished it, I was fairly happy with it. Then I took pictures, and noticed loads of stuff that looked really bad. So, if anyone has any pointers, I'd really appreciate it. I'm obviously not an especially good or steady-handed painter, but I'd like to improve where I can.

  • I went with white undercoat, mechrite red, blood red, badab black wash, another layer of blood red, and a few blazing orange highlights.
  • Mould lines need doing and barrels need drilling. Just need to pick up a small drill.
  • Shading from the black is really uneven
  • Highlighting didn't really work at all. Tried some grey on black, and orange on red, but I found that I either put way too much on it, or not enough to see. Guess I need to mix colours to get closer to the base.
  • My brushes (Citadel) don't seem to hold a point that well. Any ideas for better brushes for fine detail stuff?
  • Squad markings, decals, basing etc isn't done, obviously.
  • I am quite happy with the skull on the backpack.

Appreciate any feedback/tips anyones got.










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It looks pretty good honestly, I only have 2 small suggestions: Firstly I noticed that you are using the old outline method to shade on the shoulders and pack, a wash might be quicker and smoother, but that is really just personal preference. Second, I know this was basically just a test model but it does have rather pronounced mold lines, diamond files and some fine grit sandpaper can really help there. (Unless you already do that)
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Good work overall. My only criticism is that the shading is a little blotchy and the highlights don't really show up that well. I paint to roughly that shade, but I basecoat with Red Gore and shade more carefully only in the recesses. Gives a smoother finished look. I also think that highlighting up Blood Red on the Red Gore works well. Lower contrast than Orange on Red so you can be more generous with the highlight color. I then use a little Blazing Orange only on the extreme upper edges as a final highlight. What I always have to remind myself is to keep the highlight color really thin so it blends into the base.
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I prefer working with black base coat and mechrite on that. From there I prefer a darker BA, so I usually work with scab/gore and highlight with blood red.


Yours DEFINITELY pop though- looks great. Very Blood Angelsy

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