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Blood Angels Books


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Just finished Red Fury in the Second Omnibus and have decided it should be burned. Swallow makes us look like a bunch of IDIOTS in every single book he's written. Like we're completely inept at defending against traitors and we are totally void of self control. The characters he creates are the most gullible, impotent, morons I've ever read. It's so sad.


No where else in the 40K universe do you see a space marine chapter get rolled so often and look completely stupid. And in the final battle in Red Fury even our successors look like a bunch of guardsmen getting trashed by 50 mutant things running down a hall way. Maybe I just don't appreciate "the hero effect" but I don't like seeing the extreme losses he inflicts on the good guys.


The bad guy gets away after it's a cake walk for him to show up on our home planet and do evil stuff undetected... dozens of good guys are killed, an entire fortress lab is destroyed, every sacred place on the planet is defiled, and our greatest heroes can BARELY kill 50 mutants. THE BAD GUYS WIN. Such a terrible book. James Swallow should be banned form the black library after his typewriter is put at ground zero of an exterminatus bombardment.


EDIT: Both your post title and your post have been edited. A little less vitriol when you want to complain will go a long way towards you getting worthwhile responses. Stooping to petty name calling is not the way to critique an author or their work. -- Kurgan


Rant over.

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Though yourself and many others (including myself) didn't appreciate the majority of Mr. Swallow's take on the Blood Angels and their successors, I find you calling him and his writing names unessecary and uneeded.


He has put out some excellent books amongst others that were hit and miss, and with the long awaited Fear To Tread coming down the pipeline, he is getting better, Nemesis is a testiment to that.

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I've not read any of the BL books about Blood Angels for the very reason I don't think they should be considered cannon (BL books in general not just BA ones). As all it needs is one author to not fully understand an armies true nature to ruin the atmosphere forever. I know the feel people get for an army is very subjective, but that is why I don't think one person can ever do enough justice to a chapter in this way for it to be official.
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Well... being that you waited until the omnibus dropped, you're a bit late to this party.. :) I've lost track now of how many "Swallow sucks" or "I love the BA books, yay Swallow" threads there have been. Take the fiction how ever you see fit. Some like it, some don't. To each his own...



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