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Multiple Chapter Banners

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So, I have a question about Honor Guard in Codex: Space Marines. The entry says that "One Honor Guard may carry the Chapter Banner"; however, this wording is the same as the wording in other units with one-per-squad options (such as Tactical Squad heavy weapons). I know that the Blood Angels are limited to one Chapter Banner per Army, but this restriction is apparently not in Codex: Space Marines. I also know that Calgar's ability to take multiple Honor Guard squads says that only one of his squads may take a Chapter Banner, but other than this there appears to be no restriction on the Chapter Banner.


Here is my question: If I take two Chapter Masters in Codex: Space Marines (thereby allowing two squads of Honor Guard), can I then take a Chapter Banner in each of their squads? There doesn't appear to be anything preventing this; I just wanted to confirm that this is legal.



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I would guess they meant for you to only get 1 in an army.


But, if thats not how it was written, sounds legal to have more than 1 if you have multiple chapter masters or Calgar to get more than 1 unit of HG.

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Calgar's special rule itself prevents him having more than one chapter banner in the UM Honour guard squads(pg 84 in current codex). However, if you have more than one Chaptermaster you can have 2, one for each squad they unlock. An army army with a 2nd CM and Calgar could have a totlal of 4 HG squads and 2 banners.
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Yup, RAW it's legal, exactly as Arikel says.


However, I'm pretty sure they intended for there to only be one. ;)

Not aware of anything in the fluff that says a chapter can only have one banner (in fact, a quick check on Lexicanum says the Dark Angels have three chapter banners). Really, if we're arguing fluff then two chapter masters seems a lot more problematic than having two banners.

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Looks legal to me.

I feel Calgar's restriction is purely to prevent the three three-strong units of Honour Guard, each with a banner. You can get the two three-man squads with a banner each with two Chapter Masters, but it costs you both of your HQ slots to do so, leaving you short for Librarians or Chaplains.

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