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Obliterator bodyguards

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Good evening fellow wearers of horned helms.


Recently I have been wondering how to protect my Terminator Sorcerer and my Abaddon counts-as. Terminator squad as body guards are apparently a really bad idea what with sweeping advance and things, but no other unit has 2+ saves...except Obliterators. Now I am not a WAAC player, I simply like to try new things (and not lose so much).

I know Oblits only come in 1-3 per unit, but at 2 wounds each it's pretty nice, not to mention their weapon...weapons...finger-guns.

My plan is to Deep Strike my Sorcerer/Abaddon attached to the Oblits. It might be uber deadly, it might be about as useful as a guardsman with a pistol against An'ggrath on a bad day. What do you guys/girls/daemonhosts think?

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True, terminators can't perform a sweeping advance but they also don't suffer from the slow-and-purposeful. I think you may find your HQs getting dragged down by unlucky rolls and not being able to get into the position they need to. However a well balanced squad of Chosen can play body guard really well, that is assuming your HQ's actually need a guard. From my experience they seem to do fairly well on their own, and if your really worried about them getting shot up then that's what dedicated transports are for.
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Unless there is some obscure ability out there I am unaware of I am pretty sure it is impossible to lose Fearless.
Page 76 iirc,


This special rule is gained by any independent character joining a fearless unit. However, as long as a fearless character stays with a unit that IS not fearless, he loses this special rule.
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Are you playing the cheapest Chaos Lord available just to have a required HQ and having him sit in the back and do nothing? That's the only way I can see this making any sense. He'll end up being more of a bodyguard for the Obliterators than the other way around, seeing as how the Obliterators will be more useful than the Lord.


EDIT: because I missed this:

Recently I have been wondering how to protect my Terminator Sorcerer and my Abaddon counts-as.


I run regular CSM or Chosen with Mark of Tzeentch for HQ bodyguards (in higher points games). They don't lose Fearless that way, and their retinue gets Invuln saves, and if you take Chosen then you get neat things like Lightning Claws.


My Sorcerer has wings, and I usually stick him with a retinue of marked Raptors to keep them all moving and shooting. YMMV, and I'm sure someone will come along and explain why Raptors are terrible.

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If you're worried about losing your HQ unit, I believe that adding IoCG to the squad will be sufficient for most cases. An assumed LD10 with reroll is nearly as solid as Fearless and you don't suffer the option of fearless wounds.
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Well before I say what should be done , I would like to point out that puting HQs with oblits is inefficient . But If you have to then either take something very fast [no deep strike then] like a slany steed lord or take a tzeench lord with a demon weapon , this is the closest we can get to a shoty HQ .
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I think the idea sounds like alot of fun. They'd make for awesome, twisted mutant bodyguards, and can shoot up anyone who gets too close to their master. Of course its not efficient, like everybody says. Of course if you wanna keep the fearless, running abaddon with some khorne berzerkers makes for a hilarious wrecking ball
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