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  • 2 weeks later...
great lamenters. As for the third assault squad, you don't have to do them as an 8th company, you could always just say its the 6th tac squad that turned in their bolters and armament to fill in as an assault squad during this strike force lol.

Cheers MA, but I don't think you get it......

EDN - Don't think I have to guess which chapter you collect, any stuff to show off, haven't seen many BDs around, I was tempted to do some myself eventually.

And now for some more developments, I picked up a lurgy on my travels and spent the last part of last week convalescing (that's not what the development is). This is:


And my cut and shut Dark Vengeance tac squad:




  • 2 months later...

Hello all,

So firstly, really like the new site, thanks to the mods for all the hard work they have put in to get this up and running.

Secondly, now for the space marine porn........this is the army I took to the Aldershot Ard Boyz tournament last weekend.


I had a highly consistent tournament and consequently walled away with a most coveted award


I think next time I will learn the rules (someone pointed out that Sanguinary Priests give furious charge as well as Feel No Pain to my units, in the last game, would have been handy against the two nurgle armies I played).

I did do a lot of painting for this, was up till 4am the morning before finishing it all, I entered the best painted competition and came joint second. Not really surprised by the winner, even I voted for it (sadly I have no photos).

I will upload photos of the new stuff when I get it home as the case is at my bros right now.

Till the next time


Nice recently added models. And the Lost Lamenters badge is really good idea. Did you already start on the DV chaos marines ( did I miss them somewhere). Also congrats on the second place award for your painted models. nice work, and keep them coming along.

Nice recently added models. And the Lost Lamenters badge is really good idea. Did you already start on the DV chaos marines ( did I miss them somewhere). Also congrats on the second place award for your painted models. nice work, and keep them coming along.


Cheers DK

I haven't started the DV chaos guys yet. Think I will dig them out next time I want a break from painting my lemon heads.


Nice recently added models. And the Lost Lamenters badge is really good idea. Did you already start on the DV chaos marines ( did I miss them somewhere). Also congrats on the second place award for your painted models. nice work, and keep them coming along.


Cheers DK

I haven't started the DV chaos guys yet. Think I will dig them out next time I want a break from painting my lemon heads.

What colored are you going to make the chaos models?

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice recently added models. And the Lost Lamenters badge is really good idea. Did you already start on the DV chaos marines ( did I miss them somewhere). Also congrats on the second place award for your painted models. nice work, and keep them coming along.

Cheers DK

I haven't started the DV chaos guys yet. Think I will dig them out next time I want a break from painting my lemon heads.

What colored are you going to make the chaos models?

Not sure what colour I am going to go with, I am up for suggestions though.

I do finally have my army back so here are some more photos of my latest stuff:

The useless predator that killed nothing the entire tournament


My based Reclusiarch, this guy was great at dying all the timegallery_60109_5815_1272139.jpg

My collection of sanguinary priests, lost count of how many 5s and 6s I rolled.gallery_60109_5815_72373.jpg

Till the next time


Hi all, quick WIP update today, this is what's currently on my desk:

gallery_60109_5815_279502.jpgCan't decide whether now is the time to start a heresy era force.......when I got these guys last year I was just going to paint them yellow with hearts.

Till the next time


Sorry to hear about your wooden spoon performance. On the bright side though your army kicks genuine anal package in the looks department.


Your "useless predator that killed nothing the entire tournament" is one stunning model. You should be able to re roll missed hits due to the "I spent  :censored:  ages painting that chequered pattern" rule!


Looking forward to seeing those tartaros t boys get the lamenter lab treatment

Cheers Yak, was quite pleased with the wooden spoon, no one else was as consistent as me at the tournament and you can't argue with statistics :-) I will try the re-roll argument next time for sure.

Thanks DK, speaking of....

The first of the Tartaros dudes, he took a couple of hours last night. Used a new method and am quite pleased with the result.

A bit of touching up here and there to be done (and a base) but otherwise he won't change much, hopefully his four drinking buddies will look similar by the end of next week.

gallery_60109_5815_1859709.jpgTill the next time


  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers deathspecter


So no update as such this week, I have a few things that can be shown off in the next couple of days.


I was at Black Library Live last weekend. Among other things I got Mark of Calth which isn't out until August :-) Think a few of those will make their way onto ebay...


I listened to James Swallow talk about the Blood Angels for a while with the guy who does the Flesh Tearers (whose name I literally just forgot). One good thing for me was that they both said they had no interest in writing about the 'Space Marine chapter with a metric f&%k ton of bad luck'. So I think that means that they won't be ruining the fluff anytime soon for me :-)


Till the next time - I promise more yellow guys.



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