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Personal Teleporters & Reserves


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Not sure if this came up earlier, but can a Grey Knight unit equipped with personal teleporters (Interceptors and Dreadnight) make it's 30'' move as part of coming from reserves in Dawn of War deployment, appearing that far from GK player's table edge? Or is this "instead of moving normally" special move and unit must enter the table normally and can teleport the next turn?

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I can't find any reason why a unit couldn't use the special move on it's DoW movement. And I'd be hard pressed to argue that it shouldn't be allowed given the FAQ for Necrons :

"Q: Can a veil of darkness be used instead of moving onto the board when a unit arrives from reserve? (p84)

A: Yes.", C:N FAQ

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I agree with dswanick. Turbo-boosters I believe can also be used for bikes and that's not a normal move. The only time shunting is explicitly forbidden seems to be when scouting, and that's for obvious balance issues. You should be fine to use it for DoW though.
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I can't find any reason why a unit couldn't use the special move on it's DoW movement. And I'd be hard pressed to argue that it shouldn't be allowed given the FAQ for Necrons :

"Q: Can a veil of darkness be used instead of moving onto the board when a unit arrives from reserve? (p84)

A: Yes.", C:N FAQ


Other Armies FAQ's have no relevance whatsoever. That said, I do agree that they can do it, as Bikes can use their turbo boost as Darkguard said. Also they do move more or less normally when they come in(vehicles have to make it fully onto the table), they just technically start their move off the board.

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