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Zynk Kaladin

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In my previous game against my IG friend, I prudently placed all my objectives on his side of the board near his objectives. I have an all jumpers list, so getting in his face and claiming objectives wasn't too difficult. However, I fear he may start placing objectives on my side of the board far away from the others, which may force me to spread my army out more which isn't ideal.


How do you guys like to deal with scattered objectives?


He runs 3 or 4 chimeras with veterans as troops, so I'm thinking I might have to target his troops with prejudice instead of his leman russes. He has a crap-ton of metal boxes on the board, though, with his hellhounds, chimeras and russes. I fear if I focus on the chimeras I'll be at the mercy of the rest of his army (those big templates of doom). Rumor has it that he's going to get some hydras as well.


If all else fails, ram the RAS down his throat right?

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In my previous game against my IG friend, I prudently placed all my objectives on his side of the board near his objectives. I have an all jumpers list, so getting in his face and claiming objectives wasn't too difficult. However, I fear he may start placing objectives on my side of the board far away from the others, which may force me to spread my army out more which isn't ideal.


How do you guys like to deal with scattered objectives?


He runs 3 or 4 chimeras with veterans as troops, so I'm thinking I might have to target his troops with prejudice instead of his leman russes. He has a crap-ton of metal boxes on the board, though, with his hellhounds, chimeras and russes. I fear if I focus on the chimeras I'll be at the mercy of the rest of his army (those big templates of doom). Rumor has it that he's going to get some hydras as well.


If all else fails, ram the RAS down his throat right?


Your top priority is anything that takes away armor saves and FnP. Russes in other words. The vets squads is not something you have to worry about, they will get one round of fire tops, and then you'll wipe them. Hydras are not scary when you have 3+ and FnP.


If he spreads out he's worse off than you are. Being able to pick him off bit by bit is good for you.

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You sound like you're placing incorrectly.


You place objectives first (in multi-objective games), and then choose sides.


Not choose sides first, then place! Makes a huge difference for tactics.


For dual objectives, you place in your side (ie: after you've chosen). And in that case, if you're playing an aggressive army, as said, place as far up as you can go, and closer to the center of the board so you dont have to traverse the whole length of the board!



edit: will address the scattered objective question a bit later- on my way out ><;

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Oooh, ok. Then my buddy and I have been playing multi-objectives incorrectly! We placed terrain, then chose sides, then placed objectives. We have terrible reading comprehension when it comes to the rules and have never had a chance to play with someone who actually knows what they're doing.


Those russes really are a pain! My first game with IG I lost badly to his parking lot army in a kill points game partially because of his russes and partially because I was a fool. But I've learned a few tricks like putting at least 50% of my RAS in cover to at least get some saves. Often, though, I misjudge his ability to move and get a better angle because I'm still relatively new at fighting tanks. Thankfully I weathered the storm well enough using turboboosed multimelta attack bikes as cover for the RAS, too. I let Dante and a full squad of melta RAS drop in and manage the russ hunting while the rest of my army fly (often disorganized... I'm working on it!) across the board.


In my last game I managed to win by 1 objective just by tearing through (like seriously Dante was overkill) his untouched veterans on the last turn. Only 1 squad of veterans survived... on my side of the board unreachable by turboboosting bikes because they all died. I'm worried that if I try last turn objective nabbing again, I will be in a much worse off position.

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with a cheap liby you can give your guys a 5+ cover save in the open ^_^ if you pass your psychic test offcourse :P


guys are spot on about the objectives, first terain, then objectives, then pick sides and deploy :)


that said ive never faced a full IG parking lot! cudos for not getting obliderated (as tbh I think i would ^_^)

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that said ive never faced a full IG parking lot! cudos for not getting obliderated (as tbh I think i would ^_^)


Oh, my 1st experience with it I did. I plopped down my poorly build DoA list all proud and mighty... It was a massacre. Sanguinius had to paint buckets of tears on his face he was so disappointed. I had to wait 3 months back in college, plotting and planning to regain my honor, before I could face him again. When I got back I beat my buddy three times (one was a for fun game, though).


I've vowed to become a better BA player. My boys in dark blue deserve a capable general!

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