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What is your Colour? What is your Legion?

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Just a silly topic for fun really.

Ive noticed alot of people have these "take this test to see what colour you are" tags joined to their sigs and its got me wondering, according to your result and/or according to your own real life personality (which i kinda guess is the same thing, presuming that you have answered the tests honestly), which Chaos Legion is most like you??


Now my answer on that colour test was blue - which basically states that I seek wisdom but also to minipulate and decieve. So Im presuming that could be Alpha Legion or Thousand sons??


Whats your answers?

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Midnight blue. After joining the military my own personality is much like that of one of the VIII legion's, perhaps not quite as dark but about as similiar as one can get in this day and age.

Yeah, this is me too, but different motivation towards it.

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I am a colour scheme, not a single coat. My heart and head are white, the white of faith. My limbs, with which I act, are the blue of logic. My trim is red, disrupting the other two despite all of it's better qualities, the colour of blood and passion.


EDIT: Lorgar, Guilllemann, Corax and Vulkan, all tied at 12 for Yogi's quiz below.

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I got black, saying I value power, ambition, and darkness. Guess this fits nicely with the Back Legion... or any Chaos warband, really.
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A nice pale green. After all, Nurgle (and by extension, the Death Guard) value life- they just take it to the extreme, in that individual bacteria are as good as any human. :P
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I don't normally like these tests, but I saw this on /tg/ a while back, you have to do it manually but it tells you what primarch you are like. It is possible to get ties though. Being rational I got guilliman much to my disgust.


1: The end justifies the means


2: You would rather have a well rounded force than one that excelled in a particular area


3: Civilians should have no role whatsoever in Military matters.


4: A good general should be:

Not in combat, but in the field personally/ On the Battlefiled inspiring their soldiers/ Watching the flow of battle from afar

5: You would always take the time to listen to your Officers

Yes/ no

6: You would cripple an enemy by:

Attacking their supply chain/ demoralising them/ destroying their HQ

7: You’re favoured melee weapon:

Mace/ Sword/ Axe

8: Enemy Prisoners are to be:

Treated fairly/ punished/ killed

9: War is a matter of:

Logistics/ Skill/ Risk taking

10: Do you always finish tasks to completion?



No don't worry and these are the last nine questions:



11: Religion is:

Wrong/ A tool/ Useful as a guide

12: You are often envious of others

Yes/ No

13: Pick a general:

Napolean/ Alexander the Great/ Ghenghis Khan/ Caeser/ Zhukov

14: Change is inevitable:

Yes/ No

15: The enemy is weak and demoralised and vulnerable to attack- however your supply lanes are stretched to breaking point. Do you attack?

Yes/ no

16: You prefer overwhelming force to settle disputes


17: You find it easy to befriend people

Yes/ no

18: The best Defence is offence

Yes/ no

19: Is the glass half empty or half full?

Half full/ half empty










1: Yes: H, AO, KC, P, M, A, FM, LR, K

No: L, MtR, F, D, V, C S, G, LJ

2: Yes:H, L AO, LJ, G, V

No: KC, P, MtR, F, M, A, D, FM, LR, C, S, K

3: Yes: H, KC, P, M, A, FM, K. LR, C. S, K

No: L, AO, MtR, F, D, G, S, C

4: A: KC, M, PAO, FM, V, C

B: A, F, S, K, LR, LJ,

C: H, GL, L,MtR, D

5: Yes: H, L, AO, M, G, V, C, S

No: A, KC, P, F, MTR, D, FM, K, LR, LJ

6: A: AO, K, G, C

B: KC, A, M, LR

C: P, H, L, F, MTR, D, FM, V,S, LJ

7: A: H, L, P, M, D, FM

B: AO,, F, K, G, S, C, LJ

C: A, KC, LR

8: A: H, L, F, MTR, D,FM,, K, LR, V, G, S, C, LJ

B: AO, M

C: P, KC, A

9: A: L, P, FM, G, M

B: AO, KC, MTR, F, D, C, V

C: H, LJ, LR, K, S

10: Yes: L, AO, KC, P, MTR, F, D, K , LR, V, G, S, L

No: H, M, A, FM, LJ



11: A: M, D, FM, K, V S

B: H, AO, KC, P

C: F, MTR, A, LR, G, C, LJ

12: Yes: AO, L, KC, P, A, M, G, LJ

No: H, MTR, F,D, FM, K, V, LR, S, C

13: Napolean: H

Alexander: MTR, F, LJ, S

Khan: KC, AO, LR, K

Caesar: L, G, C, D, V

Zhukov: P, A, M, FM

14: Yes: AO, MTR, LR, V, C

No: H, L, KC, P, F, A, M, FM, D, K, G, S, LJ

15: Yes: H, KC, P, F, A, M, S, K, FM, LR, LJ,C

No: AO, L, MTR, G, V, D

16: Yes: H, P, A, F, M, D, LR, LJ, K, FM

No: L, AO, KC, MT, G, C, V, S

17: Yes: H, MTR, F, S, C, V

No: L, AO, P, KC, M, A, D, G, LR, K, LJ, FM

18: Yes; H, KC, A, F, S, LR, LJ C, K, FM

No; L, P, AO, MTR, M, G, D, V

19: Half full: H, AO, L, F, MTR, LR, K, S, G, C

Half empty: P, KC,M, A, LJ, D, V, FM



You have to count the number for each primarch highest is what you get.

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The Khan or The Raven.... odd. I would've guessed Corax or Alpharius/Omegon for my perfered way of fighting, but the Khan was an honest suprise to me. Maybe I'm playing the wrong army? :D
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Well red is a part of purple. The other part is blue. Which when combined with yellow makes green. And since yellow is a lighter shade of red, you still have red in your Alpha Legion paint scheme! :(
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