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What is your Colour? What is your Legion?

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As an Alpha Legion player, I'm not surprised that A&O topped my chart at 17, with a big tie for second between Horus, Curze, Perturabo, Guilliman, Vulkan, Fulgrim, and Corax.


However, quite at odds with this is the fact that my favorite Loyalist Primarch, Ferrus, was my lowest-scoring option at just 4! <_<

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Got Horus (no surprise) however it was closely followed by a tie between Corax and Leman Russ, which surprises me cause I hate the Wolves and I know almost nothing of Corax bar his appearance in First Heretic (which was stunning, I won't lie. I could feel his hatred in that scene)
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It would seem that I lean towards (as in the results were more or less equal):




Leman Russ

Corvus Corax

Ferrus Manus


Alpharius Omegon


Rogal Dorn

Konrad Curze


Quite a surprising result as the above are the Primarchs I relate to most (with the exception of Vulkan and the Khan, as I like them, but didn't score that much against).......Go figure! ;)

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Fulgrim. Unsurprising; he's the one I would've consciously chosen, with Magnus the Red and Lorgar as runners up. Fulgrim's aesthetic principles; his veneration of art, inspiration and philosophy, all resonate with my own, as does his later love of indulgence and pleasure (though I get the impression he likely takes things just a wee bit further than I do). Aesthetically, he also represents a certain ideal, both in mortal and daemonic form; the former an almost classical representation of male beauty. whereas the latter is beautiful in an entirely other fashion; exercising the strange, perverse appeal of that which truly distresses and unsettles.


Magnus I identify with for his rigorous and unwavering pursuit of knowledge, his desire to transcend the parameters of his own existence and usher humanity into a new state of metaphysical evolution. If only he could've kept his own ego from getting in the way, he might well have been onto something. Lorgar I appreciate for similar reasons; though his dogmatism and surrender of self volition to ideology infuriates me (standing in stark contrast to what I myself believe), his desire to lend his own existence and that of humanity a degree of poetry and meaning is certainly identifiable. He also comes off as quite a considered metaphysician and philosopher in recent BL stories, which served to turn my perceptions of the character around (previously, I regarded him and his legion as little more than firebrand super-bigots, extremists that echoed the very worst of real life humanitty).

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What an interesting test!

So... here's my scores, in order.


Guilliman, Lorgar and Ferrus Manus : 11

Corax, Magnus and Alpharius: 10

Horus, Dorn, Sanguinius, Perturabo and Khan: 9

Vulkan, Curze, and Mortarion: 8

Russ: 7

The Lion, Angron, and Fulgrim: 5



Guilliman? Awesomesauce. :P But, never in a million years would I have predicted Ferrus Manus or Lorgar would also be vying for the spot of 'Primarch I think most like'.


I guess this explains my urge to get a wooden leg with meaningful scriptures carved into it, at least. ;)


EDIT: to stay on topic of the original question, I suppose this means the Word Bearers would be the Chaos Legion for me. How unexpected!

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I would say I am yellow, perhaps orange. Optimistic, logical and fiery. I could probably also be considered black, as I can be mean, although often as a joke. I like to delude myself into thinking I'm a nice person at heart. This really doesn't fit in with the WB, our similarities being faith but perhaps that's why I like them. They're not very similar.


For the Primarch test I got Guilliman as 14, Sanguinius as 13 and Corax as 12. I must say I surprised myself. I thought I would get closer to Dorn but only got a 5 for him.

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My favorite colors are : Red, Yellow, Orange (the colors of fire, don't ask me why, I don't know). I also like Black and White. As I also support the weaker sides in a game, which is also often the gentle, I did expect that the test would color me as standard Loyalist.


Primarchs favoring fast attack came first, as did the chaotic ones.


Btw, my favorite legions are NL and AL (the expect opposite of my colors).


12 Konrad Curze

11 Corax

10 Mortarion

9 Angron

9 Alpharius Omegon

9 Ferrus Manus

9 Khan

9 Leman Russ

9 Sanguinus

8 Perturabo

7 Horus

7 Lion El Johnson

7 Vulkan

6 Fulgrim

5 Dorn

5 Guilliman

5 Magnus The Red

4 Lorgar

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Well aren't I scatter brained.


I have a 5 way tie for first place with Horus, Lorgar, Leman Russ, Khan and Guilliman, all at 10 points.


Oddly enough, I wouldn't have pick any of those as my first choice.

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11 Alpharius Omegon

10 Mortarion

10 Vulkan

10 Guilliman

9 Khan

9 Dorn

8 Lorgar

8 Ferrus Manus

8 Perturabo

7 Corax

7 Sanguinus

7 Lion El Johnson

7 Magnus The Red

6 Leman Russ

6 Fulgrim

5 Horus

5 Konrad Curze

4 Angron


Very interesting I must say but while it may not determine who your favorite is, it is who you are most like and I find mine interestingly correct. My favorites are Corax and Magnus from their respective sides but they seem to be in the middle. My general strategy would be infiltration and i did that A LOT in skyrim and other such games. I also prefer planning before charging in like an idiot (hence why Angron is last).


My color seems to be blue which once again points out my logical ways.


This is pretty fun actually, maybe someone could try adding a professional version of this to the Lexicanum for other people?

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I got:


Sanguinius + Leman Russ with 11

Ferus Manus, Khan and Corax with 10

Lorgar, Fulgrim, Dorn, Guilliman and Vulkan with 9

Magnus, Angron, Mortarion and Konrad Curze with 8

The Lion and Alpharius with 7

Horus with 6

And coming in last, Perturabo with 5


Rather Glad that Sanguinius is top of the pile.


And in Regards to Colour...I'm Blue.

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Colour is...white?


1st- perterabo- 12

2nd- magnus, angron, alpharius/omegon, vulkan-11



Weird that my colour is considered white but most of the primarchs I'm "like" are the ones that turned to chaos... Having only ever play loyalists, maybe I'm playing for the wrong side lol :tu:

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Wow, i got curios with this test and made it, very weird questions with even weirder answer choices....just choosed what was closest kinda, and result was Green, thats my fav colour!

The character description is roughly fitting:

You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.


And my Legion is Dark Angels! :lol:


But im also walking the ways of Change! ;)

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Leman Russ and Lionel Johnson were tied for first with 12. One of the questions I was iffy on would have tilted that to a win for Russ if I went the other way. Kurze, Angron and the Khan were next closest at 10.


Magnus had a surprising bottom finish at 6.


Just about everyone else was around an 8 or so.


Nothing I can complain about. If I had guessed beforehand, I'd probably expect Alpharius, Vulkan, Dorn and maybe Russ or Lorgar at the top, with Angron likely to be at/near the bottom.

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