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Best Scout Loadout

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I love scouts as a model, and I would love to find a way that I can make them an effective unit on the battlefield. What is the best oadout and unit size for them, and how should I field them. I've heard that CC Scouts are pointless, but I don't know about the others. What do you guys think I should do? I have 5 Scouts at the moment, but I'm not happy with them. They can barely do anyhting. Please help me guys.



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CC scouts are not bad. Rage Libby/Chappy led, priest in the mix - in a raven even. No one is going to really bother with a libby and a scout squad in a raven.

Still the same amount of attacks as a RAS, same Init and Strenght.

What I have found though, is that for a 100 points, 5 scouts with snipers and a ML with camo cloaks make for excellent, objective campers. They're not likely to DO anything - so dont ever expect it- but the fact that you can invest just 100 points for a fairly resilient camper unit (2++ go to ground if deployed in cover) means the rest of your points can be invested in kick-ass.

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So, sniper scouts? Sounds good to me. Thanks guys. :)


My only word of advice is to understand that a small 5man squad is not likely to have a huge battlefield role, and their utility is measured by the fact they are a resilient scoring unit (in cover) -not their killyness.


You will have entire games where they do nothing, but occassionally a game where the ML gets a lucky shot off and stuns a rhino or something :(

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I have had plenty of games where Scout Snipers have been my most effective unit on the table as odd as it sounds. 4 Snipers and 1 ML can be an amazingly lethal combination if the dice are on your side. Their Rending ablility with the sniper rifles have dropped many an opponents HQ choice. But like I said, the dice have to be on your side.
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