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Storm Talon brothers?


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Why all the complaints about AV 11? I see people tossing up razorspam lists constantly, and theyre only AV 11.

I think its the idea of an armor 11 vehicle with ceramite armor to ignore melta.

Well it does more than double its chances of surviving a hit from a meltagun at AV 11, so I think thats a worthwhile rule. Even more so against DE heat lances Id note.


And the thing is I hear people complaining constantly about landspeeders armor too, and stormravens AV 12 besides.... perhaps they just like to expose their units to to much firepower. It has to have a downside- being moderately open to antitank weapons is just part of that.


But Razorbacks dont cost 155 points.

Neither does this unless you start heaping on upgrades. Balance the cost vs the effectiveness and itll be a decent unit, just a bit... silly, in my opinion, with landspeeders already running around.

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If you dont put upgrades on it, it comes exactly at the cost and firepower of a baal-predator if I got this right.. but way more fragile and with almost no way of hiding it anywhere, with that base. Still not convinced without special flyer rules^^
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who says we blood angels cant have space marine stuff because i have a master of the forge (nicked from the space marine codex)


And your opponents allow you to field him in non-apoc matches? Wow, I need to play against they guys you play against. But yeah, like JamesI stated... We don't get access to things outside of our own codex except for Apoc matches.

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who says we blood angels cant have space marine stuff because i have a master of the forge (nicked from the space marine codex)










blood angels....just regular space marines...but so much cooler!

Well, Games-Workshop says so. We have different codexes, different army lists. Outside Apoc games, we can't take things that aren't in our codex. You can use the model of a Master of the Forge, say as a fancy techmarine, but the rules we don't have access to.

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who says blood angels can't have stormtalons

white dwarf doesnt say "blood angel players cannot feild these" er...no


p.s i am going to paint a death company stormtalon


Who says Tau can't have stormtalons ?

After all, white dwarf doesn't say "Tau players cannot field these", hell no !

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who says blood angels can't have stormtalons

white dwarf doesnt say "blood angel players cannot feild these" er...no


p.s i am going to paint a death company stormtalon


Painting it as DC would make no sense in any way...no transport capacity(which justifies it a little bit), not available for BAs(--> main reason) and no DC pilots(we don't let them go all kamikaze with aircraft units)....yup, no sense at all.




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Tzeentch's advocate says:

If the rumors about fielding "allies" are true (which I hope they are not), then maybe you could have an allied Stormtalon with your BA force. ;)


P.S. If a Stormtalon was in the BA codex, and it was attached to a DC unit in reserve, I could see it with a DC paint job. :P

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I am probably missing something, but from the White Dwarf, I don't see where this is Codex: Space Marines only.


Could someone help me with where i am missing this?


The closest I see is on page 66:


The Stormtalon Gunship serves the armies of the Adeptus Astartes....
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BA codex page 81, nuff said. Anyway, I've send an email to gw to ask for clarification but beforehand I'm pretty sure the answer will be: there is nothing that prevents you from..... (they want sales first, duh)
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I am probably missing something, but from the White Dwarf, I don't see where this is Codex: Space Marines only.


Could someone help me with where i am missing this?


More to the point, where in White Dwarf does it say that this is an official update to Codex Blood Angels, as it does for C:SM?

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More to the point, where in White Dwarf does it say that this is an official update to Codex Blood Angels, as it does for C:SM?


I think you may be missing my point, I genuinely don't see where it says that this flyer is for C:SM only.


It's probably an oversight on my part, and if so, I will happily be corrected. I am hoping some kind soul can point me to the page number and rough location on the page where it states who can take the Stormtalon as I seem to be missing it.

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"Space Marine Stormtalon


Official update to Codex: Space Marines on page 66" <- Right as you open White Dwarf, on the very first page.


Since we use Codex: Blood Angels, we can't have Talons. Sorry!


Doh! Thank you Sir!, I completely missed that.


I am not all that disappointed by not getting a Talon, at this point, it was more to find out how I was missing the obvious. And there it is.....were it a dog, well, I'd have bitemarks.

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to bad a space wolf didnt point that out to you then.


Aye, indeed :)


Wolves were clearly never meant to fly, nor were Black Templars or Dark Angels it seems. Will GW correct this seeming oversight or will there be more to come in July?

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Eh, it's cool but I don't think it fits the theme to Blood Angels. We don't have a plane so it can fly around and shoot things, that's merely a side effect. We have a plane so we can zoom across the board and deliver justice to our enemies with chainsword and thunder hammer!
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I picked one up on Friday just to use in Apoc matches. Why? Because I can. I'll probably end up grabbing a second and run them as a paired escort for the Raven or air cover for the ground assault. Didn't expect them to be so small though.


We'll definitely have to make a formation for that unit. Can't wait to see it, bud.

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I picked one up on Friday just to use in Apoc matches. Why? Because I can. I'll probably end up grabbing a second and run them as a paired escort for the Raven or air cover for the ground assault. Didn't expect them to be so small though.


We'll definitely have to make a formation for that unit. Can't wait to see it, bud.



It's nowhere near done, but I'll bring it in on Thursday for you to look over. Also, I'm stripping down and repainting my Stormraven since someone dropped it out of my car.

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This is the mail I recieved from GW conserning BA's and Storm Talons (copy pasted):





Many thanks for your email. The space marine Stormtalon gunship Is an addition to the Codex: Space Marines and is available to all Space Marine players using that codex for there army. Regarding why it is not available to other chapters with individual Codex's such as Space Wolves or Blood Angels is because these armies have things which the standard Codex: Space Marines do not have access too, such as Thunder wolves or Baal Predators.



We will pass your feedback through to the studio as well so they can have a look at your suggestions.



If you have any further questions feel free to get in touch.



Kind regards,

Scott Edwards

Games Workshop Customer Service



So, that's another 36 euro's I won't be spending on those.


btw, this was the mail I send:


I have a question concerning the strom talon. In WD there was an article with the rules for this flyer and it states that it is to be considered an official update to the codex:Space Marines. However, I don't technicly play SM's but Blood Angels. And I'd really like to get a few storm talons in to my army. Now, I would really like an official statement that either approves or disapproves having these birds in our list. TBH I can't think of a reason why BA's can't take it, they are afterall space marines, but it would be nice to have an official statement to that for those games where an oppenent rules them out by default saying they are not included in the BA codex so you can't have them.



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... Regarding why it is not available to other chapters with individual Codex's such as Space Wolves or Blood Angels is because these armies have things which the standard Codex: Space Marines do not have access too, such as Thunder wolves or Baal Predators.


I am not all that put out by not having a Stormtalon, it's not a big deal to me. As others have already stated, we don't need more options competing in the Fast Attack spot.


However, that is not a very good argument for why SW or BA (and BT and DA) can't have one of these.


We don't have access to a Thunderfire Cannon, a landspeeder storm or captains with relic blades and artificer armor. That in and of itself should balance things out.


That's me just being nitpicky though :)

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