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World Eaters Warband - The first steps on a bloody road...


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Hello fellow blood disciples and skull takers


Recently the World Eaters have caught my eye and after several years of ranged armies I decided to begin my preparations for a journey of blood, skulls and carnage...


Now I am one of those optimists who consider the idea of a new chaos codex this year and I plan accordingly. My idea is to create a typical Khorne army with berserkers as cult troops and very limited ranged options, namely only a squad or a vehicle, but I like to test the WE as they are now, with 4th ed rules.


My questions are the following:


For a game of standard 1850 points I plan to have my berserkers as the staple choice for troops. Do I need to kit them with special weapons or a powerfist and power weapon here and there suffice, the melta bombs the only anti armour option...?


The tactic of screening four Rhinos behind a Land Rider (fire magnet) is viable, and which upgrades are mandatory for chaos vehicles?


Are ranged options mandatory, and which ones should I take, havocs or defiler?


After a look on several WE army lists I have seen the use of terminators. I plan fluffwise to include 8 chaos terminators as my only elite choice and as the squad for my chaos lord. Are they useful?



Long story short my goal is to crawl across the field on my rhinos, disembark and begin spilling blood for the blood god and pile up skulls for the skull throne. The Land Rider is merly a diversion...and the terminators a dealdy if short lived distraction.


Can you post please an example of a simple an basic WE army?


Last courtesy, can you pen down some proper Khrone warband names please.

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Greetings, Khorne brother! Wellcome to Chaos! As i see you surely know what it means - To tread the road of chaos is to walk the path of damnation all the time aspiring to ultimate power, the current codex is just a speed bump in that road. © :D


Than, your questions:


1 - it's up to you but power weapons / fists're very useful as berzerkers can have 4 attacks when charging. Just think it over)


2 - Possible, though it depends on battle circumstances. Which upgrades? It can be possession, dozers, extra armour... It depends on different factors.


3 - for close combat armies some heavy fire is always a good choice, and defiler or two are always good and helpful.


4 - Yes, a lot, esp. with claws and Icon of Khorne. But as a retinue - not good, lord will loose his fearlessness.


P.S. As for names. Some words like "blood", "skulls" and the like can make a good name. For example, i'd create smth like "Blood Servants", "Blood Crusaders", "Skull Crusaders". It's not very hard :(

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Chaos Lord

Mark of Khorne

Terminator Armour

Combi Melta

Lightning Claw


Khorne Berzerkers

Skull Champion

Power Fist

Plasma Pistol


Chaos Rhino

Daemonic Possession


Khorne Berzerkers

Skull Champion

Power Fist

Plasma Psitol


Chaos Rhino

Daemonic Possession


Chaos Defiler

Close Combat Arm

Close Combat Arm



Chaos Defiler

Close Comabt Arm

Close Combat Arm


Total: 1001 pts.



Edited on suggestion...


Hmm corruption is swift in the host of the Blood God, I am already writing army lists. The call for sloughter and blood is echoing from the skull throne.


Thanks for the reply Menkeroth. I want to field a classic WE army, and use it with their berserk mentality, which simply means to get across the board and start hacking left and right. This is planned to be the staple of my army and I consider to expand it with two additional squads of berzerkers, Khârn and points permitting terminators and a dread.


Is this setup viable for a solid tabletop experience?

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Quite good, as for me. Some observations:


1 - when having power fist meltabombs aint necessary, you will choose in battle what to attack with. Usually 3/4 attacks with S8 are better than one bomb.


2 - Defilers can be upgraded differently, i think additional CCWs'd be the best choice.


Always ready to help!

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Usually people go with all CCWs on the defilers because you won't be able to fire anything except the battlecannon per the rules for this edition. Only thing with this list is you're somewhat short on anti-tank. Menkeroth already hit on the meltabombs. One little tactical question, who is your lord going to be hanging out with? Won't be able to fit in a rhino as a terminator and he'd be just asking to get a lascannon to the face. For smaller games like this I'd recommend going with a PA lord and maybe sticking him in a rhino.
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Well my idea is to place some templates on the approach and than use my power fists, defiler claws and the chaos lord to deal with the vehicles I encounter. In my experience of games up to 1000 points the players usually field one to two vehicles or a really big one fully upgraded, thus the odds should be good to take them down.


As for the chaos lord, I plan to have him in reserve and use it as a distraction/response unit with the deep strike rule. More of a fire magent when the need arises.


The idea is to remove as much pressure as possible from the Rhinos and my Berzerkers.

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