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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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Ironically, that makes a bucketload of Tau fire warriors a better bet for rhino-busting than a broadside (which, in my experience, are so named for the side of a barn which they could not hit). Tau and Necron gunlines have their base troops able to strip hull points off of rhinos on 6s, so those armies will be fairly threatening to our mech forces. Might have to watch out for that.


I can see -some- sense in pens not taking off a hull point (in that you're damaging the inside, and not the hull), but it just doesn't make a huge amount. If its like that, there WILL be times when you point a meltagun at something and you're praying to roll crap to glace it and take away its last hull point, rather than just roll on the table and have a fair chance of doing squat.


My gut feeling says that glancing hits are now better then pens, but I'm sure someone will drop the mathhammer on that statement.


Either way, 'wrecked' is my favourite result because it leaves some cover for my troops.

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From what I have read so far, the only part of the new rules that does disappoint me are the rules on power axes, and that FC no longer gives an I boost, hitting the same time as regular marines could hurt the Jumpers a lot I think.
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From what I have read so far, the only part of the new rules that does disappoint me are the rules on power axes, and that FC no longer gives an I boost, hitting the same time as regular marines could hurt the Jumpers a lot I think.


Yes, if Power axes really are that bad any model with them is probably going to collect dust this edition. Why bother with them when you just can take a powerfist instead? Similar to how single lightning claws never saw any use when they were 25 pts.


The loss of extra I will hurt, but being able to inflict more casualties before the combat thanks to improved shooting and the I10 'impact hits' that jumpers now get should make up for that.

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I'm hoping so!! Can anyone confirm if the +2 A from rage is in addition to the +1 from charging or not??


Instead of, not in addition to.


Ironically, that makes a bucketload of Tau fire warriors a better bet for rhino-busting than a broadside (which, in my experience, are so named for the side of a barn which they could not hit). Tau and Necron gunlines have their base troops able to strip hull points off of rhinos on 6s, so those armies will be fairly threatening to our mech forces. Might have to watch out for that.


I can see -some- sense in pens not taking off a hull point (in that you're damaging the inside, and not the hull), but it just doesn't make a huge amount. If its like that, there WILL be times when you point a meltagun at something and you're praying to roll crap to glace it and take away its last hull point, rather than just roll on the table and have a fair chance of doing squat.


My gut feeling says that glancing hits are now better then pens, but I'm sure someone will drop the mathhammer on that statement.


Either way, 'wrecked' is my favourite result because it leaves some cover for my troops.



Its been "confirmed" it was the "first" option- ie: glances and pens take off HP, only pens roll. While glances aren't "better" than pens- its quite easy to get them. Vehicles are very fragile now.


Rumour 1 =


Glances remove a Hull Point.

Pens remove a Hull Point + roll on the (new) table.


Rumour 2 =


Glances roll on the table.

Pens roll on the table + remove a Hull Point.

None of the above! (Rixitotal is back answering questions)


Glances remove a hull point.

Pens roll on the table, but do not remove a hull point.


May want to re-read Leks - Did Rixi go back on what he said? Seemed he clarified the other way.

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Thanks for clarifying that mort. It's a shame allies are in, our dex seems to have gotten a huge boost, and tbh I'm really wondering if BA would ever need to actually take any allies as units.


I will bet that we will see BA popping up in a lot of other builds however.

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Thanks for clarifying that mort. It's a shame allies are in, our dex seems to have gotten a huge boost, and tbh I'm really wondering if BA would ever need to actually take any allies as units.


I will bet that we will see BA popping up in a lot of other builds however.


Agreed. I think Mephiston/Librarian + Assault Squad + Sanguinary Priest is going to be a pretty common sight in Marine armies. Oh well, at least I get the chance to use a small contingent of Grey Knights when fighting Daemons, just the way it should be. :P

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Psy powers


caster gets D3 str and toughness

target unit get -1 str and toughness

target unit get FNP

assault 2 every unsaved would heals one off caster

pysker get +d3 init

target makes toughness test or take 1 wound no save, if slain jumps to model with in 2' and make save. continue till someone saves or no targets left




primary target unit rerolls failed hits

psycher and unit gain counter attack and get full BS for overwatch

target unit gain 4++

target unit must reroll passed armor saves

psycher and unit ignore cover

psyker rerolls failed failed hits, wounds and armor saves

psyker roll 3 dicechoose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank and mysterious terrain



primary flame breath (flamer)

psyker gains 4+ invo

target unit gains 4+ cover save

flame attack assault 1, sould blaze (no idea) blast, ignore cover

target model takes 1 wound , no armor or cover save allowed, place small blast template anyone hit takes a str 4 ap 5 hit

assault 2d6, blind, ignore cover attack

str 8, ap 1 assault 1, melta



assault 1 str 6 . strikedown (halves init and target moves as if its dangerous terrain)

roll 2d6 target takes hit equal to strength (11 or 12 auto wound) ap is equal to seperate dice roll

remove models from table, deepstrike within 24 inchs of where they were

hostile unit must reroll hits and wounds of 6

assault D6 pinning attack

all friendlies with 12 inchs get 5++

str 10, heavy 1 blast



primary 3d6 - target leadership wounds to target unit

target unit has to make leadership roll or do nothing

target freindly stops falling back and gets fearless

hostile model makes an attack as if it owned by psyker

target hostile losses fearless and treats all units as fear causing

invisibility gains shrouding and stealth, hostiles charged by this unit lose counter attack and fight at WS 1

roll on table 1-2 unit pinned, 3-4 cannot run, shoot or stirke blows 5-6 attack own unit.






I want to see a T9 Mephiston :P

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May want to re-read Leks - Did Rixi go back on what he said? Seemed he clarified the other way.

So quick to doubt! :P


He clarified in the way I posted. Pens don't remove hull points.


Just one question on the vehicle damage...could you possibly clarify if penetrating hits ALSO reduce hull points, in addition to rolling on the damage table? Seems that it would make logical sense. Would be much obliged!

no pens are just a roll. dont take off hullpoints.

That was from 6 hours ago.



Edit: However a guy on Dakka Dakka who claims to have the book says that Pens do remove hull points.

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"Why would anyone take a power axe over a power fist?"


Seems obvious to me: you save 10 points.


Well there isn't really an abundance of T3 2+ units to fight where that point saving is justified..


Then you start getting into the preferred enemy rerolls on 1's to wound and such.


Maybe if Powerfists were AP3 sure.

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Yes, that too.


We're being offered a decision between +1S AP2 +1A for 10 points, or x2S AP2 +0A for 25 points.


That's a sensible decision to be offered, I think, even if meta pushes me towards the second option more often than not.


15 pts, not 10.

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Hello there guys!

I've been a long time away from a PC and it seems I picked the right time to return, at the dawn of the 6th Ed.! http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/biggrin.png

I haven't been able to track this topic from the start though and I have a couple of questions.

1. Mastercrafted power axes, how are they treated by a jump infantry model charging like Dante? I1 or I10? Any rerolls? How can he charge now?

2. Are the rules for grenades changed?

3. Is a crozius treated differently? And if so, what happens if it is wielded by Lemartes with the stat buff?

4. Do fast Vindicators shoot twice when stationary? Can they be hit only with a 6 on a D6 and when?

5. If all vehicles have hull points now, eg the LR has 4, why many people are under the impression that this thing makes them less survivable on the table?

6. Is the USR Rage only a +2 on the charge with no consolidations to the closest enemy unit?

7. Any changes for Power Fists or Relic Blades?

8. How awesome would Mephiston be now? :D

9. What would be the changes for Sanguinary Guard now? Will an all SG army be viable or even descent?

If anything more comes to mind I'll ask if you don't mind. http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/smile.png


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Hello there guys!

I've been a long time away from a PC and it seems I picked the right time to return, at the dawn of the 6th Ed.! http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/biggrin.png

I haven't been able to track this topic from the start though and I have a couple of questions.

1. Mastercrafted power axes, how are they treated by a jump infantry model charging like Dante? I1 or I10? Any rerolls? How can he charge now?

Looking to be FAQed - as it stands he may have init1 :(

2. Are the rules for grenades changed?

Yes. One squad member may lob a grenade 8". Not sure about MBs.


3. Is a crozius treated differently? And if so, what happens if it is wielded by Lemartes with the stat buff?

Crozius counts as a power maul - AP4, S+2


4. Do fast Vindicators shoot twice when stationary? Can they be hit only with a 6 on a D6 and when?

No. They fire as regular. Shot as regular

5. If all vehicles have hull points now, eg the LR has 4, why many people are under the impression that this thing makes them less survivable on the table?

Hull points are not like mass points. a glance removes a HP, a pen removes a HP AND rolls on the table. This means armies will "glance-frack" (*TM* Mort :D!) tanks to death.

6. Is the USR Rage only a +2 on the charge with no consolidations to the closest enemy unit?

Correct- no movement to closest either

7. Any changes for Power Fists or Relic Blades?

PF = AP2. Relic Blades unsure as yet but likely to be AP3 with +2 S as per codex

8. How awesome would Mephiston be now? ;)


9. What would be the changes for Sanguinary Guard now? Will an all SG army be viable or even descent?

2+ saves against PWs !!!! Still weak to shooting and AP2.

If anything more comes to mind I'll ask if you don't mind. http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/smile.png




aaaaaand....WELCOME BACK :huh:

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Thanks Mort! Its good to be back!


So about Lemmie...a pissed off, furious charging Lemartes would hit with a I10 str5+2+1 free attack folowed by 8 I5 str8 attacks and all with rerolls to hit and to wound???!!!! :huh:

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Seems I'm alone with this opinion, but I think the new ruling for power axes is a very good one. Axes will now wreck havoc against infantry squad and also act as a sort of "in-between" weapon for fist and sword. They will be a lot more killing than before, at the cost of being slower. Seems far enough. Though the slowness sucks for ICs... But maybe Dante and Astorath count as having "unusual power weapons" and therefore count as power swords.


Another thing everyone seems to be lamenting is the hull points and mech getting worse. Transports / light vehicles might actually get more useful during the first couple of turns into the game as you no longer have to worry about the shaken options from the old damage table for each lucky glancing hit. Later in the game the hull points start to accumulate and light vehicles get wrecked, but at that point they have probably already served their purpose.


Oh, and transports can now move full speed ahead and snap fire in turn one, which is also an improvement over the old "move in 1st turn, disembark and fire in 2nd turn" behavior. At least razors should benefit from this a lot.


Anyone know what "fast" does to a vehicle now? I heard some weird discussion about only being able to move 12"? Please tell me I heard that wrong...

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New rumors say weapons with their own rules, such as Glaive Encarmines, Astorath's axe and hopefully Dante's axe, will just count as AP3 instead of the whole axe, maul, spear, sword thing.


Isn't that a rule for force weapons only?

I could be wrong though since the page that I saw it was only shown partially...


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