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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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New rumors say weapons with their own rules, such as Glaive Encarmines, Astorath's axe and hopefully Dante's axe, will just count as AP3 instead of the whole axe, maul, spear, sword thing.


Isn't that a rule for force weapons only?

I could be wrong though since the page that I saw it was only shown partially...


From what I heard Power Weapons have the same rule Force Weapons have.

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New rumors say weapons with their own rules, such as Glaive Encarmines, Astorath's axe and hopefully Dante's axe, will just count as AP3 instead of the whole axe, maul, spear, sword thing.


Isn't that a rule for force weapons only?

I could be wrong though since the page that I saw it was only shown partially...


From what I heard Power Weapons have the same rule Force Weapons have.


That would be great then! :D

A pissed off Lemartes would strike at 1 I10 Str6 Attack on the charge + 8 Str6 AP3 I5 attacks with rerolls to hit & wound! LOL

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A pissed off Lemartes would strike at 1 I10 Str6 Attack on the charge + 8 Str6 AP3 I5 attacks with rerolls to hit & wound! LOL
If a crozius now counts as a power maul, that'd be at AP4 not 3--so not good. like. at all. <_<



No, if what JamesI said is true, since his crozius is a power weapon with a special rule it won't be used as a power maul, but instead as a power weapon with an AP of 3. :)

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No, if what JamesI said is true, since his crozius is a power weapon with a special rule it won't be used as a power maul, but instead as a power weapon with an AP of 3. <_<


I'd love for you to be correct here, but I don't see how JamesI's quote has any bearing on the crosius. From the codex entry, it says "The Crozius Arcanum is a Space Marine Chaplain's rod of office. It is a power weapon." So specifically now, it seems it is a power maul -the specific kind of power weapon. There are no "special rules" that overrule how the crozius should function. Its just a power weapon.

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A pissed off Lemartes would strike at 1 I10 Str6 Attack on the charge + 8 Str6 AP3 I5 attacks with rerolls to hit & wound! LOL
If a crozius now counts as a power maul, that'd be at AP4 not 3--so not good. like. at all. <_<

If the BA codex was written with the 6th in mind, it would explain why he was so cheap....Astorath may well be my chappy of choice from now on if he gets to strike at init. However, I will find it laughable if he dodges the new axe stength/init rules as the Executioners Axe is supposed to be the biggest baddest of them all @S6/re-roll invun. I guess maybe the master crafted ones are lighter and 'swishier' than their mass produced counterparts :)


Also, my Dante is modelled with a sword, would be a shame to have to change it......


As far as the rest of the rules go, there will be nerfs and bonus' to our army, as with most others, so will hopefully balence out. Tactics will change, and we will be out of our comfort zone, but overall I am really looking forward to the 6th.


Sons of Sanguinius, we will prevail over these rumours, the lies and the truths; let us enact the Wrath of the Great Angel. Bring it!!!!!!

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No, if what JamesI said is true, since his crozius is a power weapon with a special rule it won't be used as a power maul, but instead as a power weapon with an AP of 3. <_<


I'd love for you to be correct here, but I don't see how JamesI's quote has any bearing on the crosius. From the codex entry, it says "The Crozius Arcanum is a Space Marine Chaplain's rod of office. It is a power weapon." So specifically now, it seems it is a power maul -the specific kind of power weapon. There are no "special rules" that overrule how the crozius should function. Its just a power weapon.


The only difference is that Lemartes doesn't carry a generic Crozius Arcanum but rather a named one with its own special rules. :)

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I know. <_<

It should be enough though don't you think?


Lol, knowing GW, no I don't. :blink: --but keep that hope alive!


It's more than hope. :)

They have a special rule and they are not generic. If that's not enough i don't know what is...

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Don't know if this has been mentioned guys but we have some SERIOUSLY badass special characters already. Two of them in particular will get a WHOLE LOT more badass:


Death Company Tycho - Tycho has a 2+ Save (no longer denied by power weapons) , 4+ Invuln and 5+ Feel No Pain (which is not denied by power weapons or AP2). He also has Rage, which has been buffed considerably, now he can control where he moves and he also gets 6 Attacks on the charge. The attacks that he gets strike at Initiative 5. Here is the best part:

Dead Mans Hand - "Tychos close combat attacks ignore armor saves and roll an additional d6 for armor penetration". Thats right - he doesn't have a power weapon, he just ignores armor. This is massive, and probably makes him one of if not THE best close combat character for 175 points.


Brother Corbolo - 2+ Feel No Pain... need I say more? you get this vs everything. He also gets a str 5 rending chain sword, rending has been changed to 6s on hit rend, and are ap 2, so he has another old school power weapon type thing.


My idea?


DC Tycho + Corbolo + a Chaplain + 9 Death Company in a Storm Raven...


oh yeah... thats a death star and a half.



ps... Corbolo and Tycho leading from the front to absorb all the woulds on their 2+ saves 4+ invulns / 2+ feel no pain trolol0lo0l0l

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DC Tycho + Corbolo + a Chaplain + 9 Death Company in a Storm Raven...


oh yeah... thats a death star and a half.



ps... Corbolo and Tycho leading from the front to absorb all the woulds on their 2+ saves 4+ invulns / 2+ feel no pain trolol0lo0l0l


Sorry dude, not legal. DC Tycho is not an IC.


Tycho will probably get nerfed since that wording is the same as PWs in the current edition, but what you say is true about Corbulo, he'll be awesome!

Btw I'm more anxious to see how Sanguinary Guard will fare in the 6th, being flying terminators and all. <_<

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I can see the viability of a Tycho+Corbulo shooty foot list. Tactical Terminators included. Perhaps some devastators with a little outflanking Baal predator support. I really enjoy running different lists so if the rumors hold true I can see myself using this shooty list, a Dante+sang guard list, a DOA list and a mech list all in the same week. And of course the no scoring units all death company list isn't as crazy now but still loaded with fun potential. I am quite stoked for this. My dark eldar on the other hand...
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New rumors say weapons with their own rules, such as Glaive Encarmines, Astorath's axe and hopefully Dante's axe, will just count as AP3 instead of the whole axe, maul, spear, sword thing.


Isn't that a rule for force weapons only?

I could be wrong though since the page that I saw it was only shown partially...



I imagine that things should work the same for Power Weapons as well. That is, Astorath's Axe will work as the Codex describes, but if you've got a sergeant with a generic Power Weapon, you can model him with an Axe to get +1S 1I, or a Sword to get AP3 or whatever


edit: ninja'd

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I can see the viability of a Tycho+Corbulo shooty foot list. Tactical Terminators included. Perhaps some devastators with a little outflanking Baal predator support. I really enjoy running different lists so if the rumors hold true I can see myself using this shooty list, a Dante+sang guard list, a DOA list and a mech list all in the same week. And of course the no scoring units all death company list isn't as crazy now but still loaded with fun potential. I am quite stoked for this. My dark eldar on the other hand...

I think Captain Tycho can be pretty good this edition, though I expect he'll be FAQed to being AP3.


But I think Sternguard will be good, so Tycho may show up in my stuff. Time to build a Tycho I guess.

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As Flyers always start the game in Reserve I'd like to be able to have Troops already embarked in them despite not being a Dedicated Transport.
I have always played that you could be embarked in your Land Raider (or whatever) when it wasn't a dedicated transport and haven't had anyone point out my error (if I had made one) but I cannot remember where it is in the rules that you can be in a non-dedicated transport before the game begins. In 5th could you not pre-load your Storm Raven and keep it in reserves? Doesn't matter now I suppose. I'll have to make sure for 6th.
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Is anyone else concerned about the loss of +1 init from Furious Charge? I accepted the FNP changes because we got bonuses as well as the drop to a 5+. To me, the loss of +1 init is devastating to Blood Angels, who have gotten the bonus ever since they were more than just Space Marines painted red. Sure our jump pack marines are getting the Init 10 Hammer of Wrath hit, but the squad that is getting charged is essentially recieving an init 11 Snapfire Shooting attack.


Boosting init 4 to 5 is huge against other marines.


I always counted on it to make sure I got all my hits off at init 5, thus reducing the number of hits coming back at me at init 4, and allowing me to go simultaneously with init 5 units or allow my character to try and dispatch another character before the could swing. With pile in moves occurring at init, they are just moving into base to base immediately after we charge to get their full number of attacks. Space Wolves counter charge becomes even more devastating against our units. With Grey Knight's +2 init force weapons at least we could boost a character to strike simultaneously with them. Now it seems like we are having to rely more and more on the reduced FNP to make combat linger on past the initial trading of blows.

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Yes I am concerned it is a huge nerf and very bad news its looks like nerfing FC initiative is good for Space wolves and GK who in theory can also take priests.


FNP I6 grey knight interceptors with our priests attached looks a cert. Grey Hunters with a preist and a rune priest?.


On the other side Sanguinary guard are now flying terminators my builds will revolve around Stormravens (6 to hit then a 4+ cover save) Sanguinary Guard and Lemartes with DC at least the WS 5 on these units and weight of attacks will help as will the high Initiative of Dante, Mephiston and the Sanguinor. DC tyco is an option now wouldlike to hear thoughts on that.


I think the reduction in initiative will hurt us but it will wreck Orcs worse

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