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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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Latest transport rumours may mean trouble for BA :(


Still looking for comfirmation however:


Originally Posted by Minsc (Warseer)

In 5th you could move 12", dissembark and shoot. (and charge if the transport was an assault vehicle.)

In 6th you can move 6", dissembark and shoot. You can't charge if the transport has moved, even if it's an assault vehicle.


In 5th, you could dissembark, move 6", shoot and assault.

in 6th, you can dissembark, move 6" shoot, but not assault, unless the vehicle is an assault vehicle.


There is a huge difference, and the meta for transports will never be the same.

To me it's clear that GW has sold enough transports in 5th, so they made them worse for shooters, and nigh-useless for melee-units.


...and that's it for me. I fold. This absolutely kills my chances in 6th edition. I mean, I'm doing my best to hold in the nerd rage and all. And I know that Blood Angels can most certainly manage some good lists for the new addition, but for someone like me who's got limited hobby time and can't justify spending another $500 on a new list that's actually playable, this really sucks. Light transport vehicles did need to be rebalanced so that they weren't such a no-brainer choice, but why all the hate for non-JP assault armies suddenly?


• Random charge range? Generally a nerf for us. Why? Because you'll have to factor in the possibility of a bad roll into your charge distance. So even if you have the possibility of charging a whole twelve inches, you'll never be able to take advantage of that except out of desperation. Most of the time, you gain nothing for rolling high and you lose big time for rolling poorly.


• Cover reduced to 5+? Nerf for us. Reduced cover hurts assault armies more than than shooty armies. We use cover as we advance toward shooty armies. Some shooty armies use cover to help mitigate their poor armor saves, but they at least get the benefit of gaining more effective shooting too.


• FNP reduced to 5+? Debateable, I'd say generally this is much worse versus shooting since cover saves and transports are no longer as reliable in keeping your troops alive while they advance. In CC its more of a toss-up. You'll loose more to massed high-AP attacks but you'll shrug off more AP3 power weapon attacks. Fists, Hammers, and Axes will still kill you just fine though.


• Furious Charge loses Initiative boost? Nerf


• Any of the new vehicle rules? Nerf, nerf, nerf...


• More shots for rapid fire weapons? Nerf to assault armies. It just means that we've got to endure even more fire before getting stuck in.


• Overwatch/Snapfire? Nerf for assault armies. There's not a huge chance that this will decimate an assault unit, but considering all of the other assault nerfs, its just one more nail in the coffin.


• Power Weapons AP3 (or worse)? Tough to say. I kinda like this since it makes a 2+ save actually worth something, but it really presents a lot of confusion and balance issues for older codices and makes power fists even better compared to a power weapon in our assault squads.


So why all of the reductions to assault armies, GW? Sure, now more armies have "faster" vehicles, but since no one can do anything but stand around their transports for a turn after reaching the enemy lines, is that really so great? Random charge lengths mean the possibility of getting into assault faster, but will it really turn out that way in a game? I doubt it. It just seems that they "fixed" a huge amount of things that weren't broken to begin with.


Being forced to disembark from a vehicle for a turn before you can charge means that you open yourself up for enemy counter-charge elements to hit you before you even get to their lines. Did the game really need to place MORE emphasis on shooting? I thought shooting was already more prevalent in 5th edition compared to assault...


I'm struggling to wrap my head around these changes. Suddenly, assault units in drop pods could be preferable to almost any other transport for getting them into the enemy's face. :huh:


actually, now the SR seems alright if you think about it, zoom, unload as a bombing run, charge next turn, so, still a second turn charge, but you have to weather shooting, an you're probably not going to be in cover, even if you run, because you are deep striking basically.

Nope. SRs always start in reserve now so you're looking at turn 3 at best. And that's IF you roll well for reserves, IF your raven survives the next turn of shooting, and IF you manage to roll high enough on your charge to make it to your target. <_<

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...and that's it for me. I fold. This absolutely kills my chances in 6th edition. I mean, I'm doing my best to hold in the nerd rage and all. And I know that Blood Angels can most certainly manage some good lists for the new addition, but for someone like me who's got limited hobby time and can't justify spending another $500 on a new list that's actually playable, this really sucks. Light transport vehicles did need to be rebalanced so that they weren't such a no-brainer choice, but why all the hate for non-JP assault armies suddenly?


• Random charge range? Generally a nerf for us. Why? Because you'll have to factor in the possibility of a bad roll into your charge distance. So even if you have the possibility of charging a whole twelve inches, you'll never be able to take advantage of that except out of desperation. Most of the time, you gain nothing for rolling high and you lose big time for rolling poorly.


• Cover reduced to 5+? Nerf for us. Reduced cover hurts assault armies more than than shooty armies. We use cover as we advance toward shooty armies. Some shooty armies use cover to help mitigate their poor armor saves, but they at least get the benefit of gaining more effective shooting too.


• FNP reduced to 5+? Debateable, I'd say generally this is much worse versus shooting since cover saves and transports are no longer as reliable in keeping your troops alive while they advance. In CC its more of a toss-up. You'll loose more to massed high-AP attacks but you'll shrug off more AP3 power weapon attacks. Fists, Hammers, and Axes will still kill you just fine though.


• Furious Charge loses Initiative boost? Nerf


• Any of the new vehicle rules? Nerf, nerf, nerf...


• More shots for rapid fire weapons? Nerf to assault armies. It just means that we've got to endure even more fire before getting stuck in.


• Overwatch/Snapfire? Nerf for assault armies. There's not a huge chance that this will decimate an assault unit, but considering all of the other assault nerfs, its just one more nail in the coffin.


• Power Weapons AP3 (or worse)? Tough to say. I kinda like this since it makes a 2+ save actually worth something, but it really presents a lot of confusion and balance issues for older codices and makes power fists even better compared to a power weapon in our assault squads.


So why all of the reductions to assault armies, GW? Sure, now more armies have "faster" vehicles, but since no one can do anything but stand around their transports for a turn after reaching the enemy lines, is that really so great? Random charge lengths mean the possibility of getting into assault faster, but will it really turn out that way in a game? I doubt it. It just seems that they "fixed" a huge amount of things that weren't broken to begin with.


Being forced to disembark from a vehicle for a turn before you can charge means that you open yourself up for enemy counter-charge elements to hit you before you even get to their lines. Did the game really need to place MORE emphasis on shooting? I thought shooting was already more prevalent in 5th edition compared to assault...


I'm struggling to wrap my head around these changes. Suddenly, assault units in drop pods could be preferable to almost any other transport for getting them into the enemy's face. <_<



Xeones, when the PDF came out, people went NUTS.

We had HUGE quittage on the boards.


I did something called the 10 game challenge.

Basically a buddy of mine said, until you not only KNOW all the rules, but also play the army (more than just once) you can really not be sure of how things are going to turn out. The challenge was to try keep calm - play ten games, and see how you feel about the changes after.


Its way too early to know. The thing with these changes is that EVERYONE will be feeling them.

NOT just BA.

There are Nid rage quitters.

DE rage quitters.

Even GK players are frothing.


Everyone is unhappy cause we're getting snippets and cant see how our bonuses play out just yet.

Lets see how it goes.


Keep the faith!

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Its way too early to know. The thing with these changes is that EVERYONE will be feeling them.

NOT just BA.

There are Nid rage quitters.

DE rage quitters.

Even GK players are frothing.


Everyone is unhappy cause we're getting snippets and cant see how our bonuses play out just yet.

Lets see how it goes.


Keep the faith!

MY TWC are not happy either.....


But a DOA/jump infantry list looks to be one of the big gainers in my book

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Lets see how it goes.


Keep the faith!


I'm tryin' man! Most of my hobby time is spent in painting and conversion anyway. I live in an area of the US where the nearest GW store is 3 hours away. So gaming time is limited. And I've never even been to a tournament let alone participated in one. It just slays me that this beautiful army I'm working on is likely to be for looks only. <_<

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+3D6 charge movement(discard the lowest)



3d6 rumour was debunked as far as Im aware Snorri.


JP only have reroll assault range. Could be wrong. James?

I'll check what I've got but I think its the reroll.

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No rage quitting here. Sticking with my beloved Blood Angels through thick and thin. And plan on expanding with some Forge World goodness. Although Vanguards with 1d6 scatter on deep strike, then reroll 2d6 charge? Heroic Intervention looks good. Now this may change of course if I'm misunderstanding rules but so far it sounds awesome.


Also sticking with Dark Eldar, win or lose. Love the models and the fluff. I'll just have to modify my play style and with reserves changing and vehicles becoming even more paper thin, it's time for Webway Portals.

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The Sanguinary Guard and Vanguard both seem winners to me in 6th so far. DC too. I am looking at heavy jump packs (which makes me sad because Corbulo looks awesome in 6th) with some attack bikes and Storm Raven support (maybe I can squeeze corbs into a Raven?)


Oh the possibilities for new army styles...I want my book!

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+3D6 charge movement(discard the lowest)



3d6 rumour was debunked as far as Im aware Snorri.


JP only have reroll assault range. Could be wrong. James?

I'll check what I've got but I think its the reroll.


Yes JP's reroll the 2d6 to charge & fleet now apparently rerolls one assault dice but no assault after run anymore (poor hormagaunts). That means the DC dread which already appears to have had a massive buff also gets a theoreticaly better charge range (on average anyway)!


Also @Brother Xeones: try not to let the negatives get to you so much man. Most of the nerfs that are concerning you affect basically everybody with mech and CC was arguably out of ballance with infantry shooting in 5th for the most part anyway. Shooting armies needed to get better, and CC needed to be less dominant IMHO & thats exactly whats happening (lets not forget that BA are hated by many for being marines +). Plus its still far to early to be writing off mech as nerfhammered into oblivion, you can still move about as far by forgoing shooting and it seems harder to be glanced to death on turn 1&2, i.e. you can still park a mech assault army infront of the enemy for a next turn charge and protection from anti infantry fire/combat etc. you just no longer get to dominate them with shooting first (what I have often though of as having your cake and eating it TBH). Try to see things from the POV of everyone that didnt go mental with mech in 5th, the silly metawl bawxes now have some real tangible disadvantages instead of being a cheap way to make your troops fast and harder to kill. Thats why footlists became so rare, because mech could generally just do everything they could but better. Going on what we know so far it seems entirely possible mech spam may become just another way of running a list, with its own inherent advantages and disadvantages, and now you might get aload of hybryd list options to keep things fresh too...

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Yep I want a book ... I plan on a Death Company Sanguinary Guard list. I never took shield for 5+ protection in 5th and did just fine. Most of the time we take our hits on 3+ anyway and 6th Ed FNP negates AP2 shooting same as cover from shield when it did not in the past, so its almost the same but we get more protection in CC from power weapons at 5+.


Its okay, finally I get flying terminators I always wanted to run Sanguinary Guard and Death Company now I can and they are viable.

I commissioned another 5 SG models in anticipation and am pleased I did I will run 3 SG squads plus Dante.

I no longer need a storm raven to shuttle DC around thats 8 more DC with jump packs.

I am a happy angel, I dont like the FC nerf but on the whole we just got a whole lot of love from 6th Ed.


Hell my jump packers are going to do just fine, a reliable 7 inch charge on top of 12 inch movement that is going to scare the crap out of anything. Wanna get your armour trashed by my DC no more banging away in futility at armour. I am not even worried by genestealers anymore. Pfft here are 10 I 10 attacks (re-rolled with Lemartes?) and I get armour saves denied in 5th. Pile in is 3 inches the return attacks are lessened.

Bring it on.

And Ravens sure they may or may not get nerfed as assault platforms. I dont care put 5 troops in them and fly them around as late game objective grabbers. Who can afford to not shoot at them they are scoring but you can only hit them on 6s and then they take a 4++ cover save. Thats a terrible choice shoot the assaulty or shoot the scoring units



Mech lists hell .....


Death Company Tycho has a 2+ Save (no longer denied by power weapons) , 4+ Invuln and 5+ Feel No Pain (which is not denied by power weapons or AP2). He also has Rage, which has been buffed considerably, now he can control where he moves and he also gets 6 Attacks on the charge. The attacks that he gets strike at Initiative 5.

Dead Mans Hand - "Tychos close combat attacks ignore armor saves and roll an additional d6 for armor penetration". He doesn't have a power weapon, he just ignores armor. This is massive, and probably makes him one of if not THE best close combat character for 175 points.


Brother Corbolo - 2+ Feel No Pain. You get this vs everything. He also gets a str 5 rending chain sword, rending has been changed to 6s on hit rend, and are ap 2, so he has another old school power weapon type thing.


Dont even mention what Mephiston is going to do now he gets a virtual invun with a priest nearby and laughs at power weapons. Oh you brought a war chief? here take a LD test on -4 and then Meph can re roll hits and wounds on you.

Dante ? poinpoint accuracy on the drop and he nerfs the enemy leader he gets I6 still I believe

The Sanguinor ? he is the only dedicated HQ assassin in the game and we got him.

A few doors close but so many more have opened.

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Also @Brother Xeones: try not to let the negatives get to you so much man. Most of the nerfs that are concerning you affect basically everybody with mech and CC was arguably out of ballance with infantry shooting in 5th for the most part anyway. Shooting armies needed to get better, and CC needed to be less dominant IMHO & thats exactly whats happening (lets not forget that BA are hated by many for being marines +). Plus its still far to early to be writing off mech as nerfhammered into oblivion, you can still move about as far by forgoing shooting and it seems harder to be glanced to death on turn 1&2, i.e. you can still park a mech assault army infront of the enemy for a next turn charge and protection from anti infantry fire/combat etc. you just no longer get to dominate them with shooting first (what I have often though of as having your cake and eating it TBH). Try to see things from the POV of everyone that didnt go mental with mech in 5th, the silly metawl bawxes now have some real tangible disadvantages instead of being a cheap way to make your troops fast and harder to kill. Thats why footlists became so rare, because mech could generally just do everything they could but better. Going on what we know so far it seems entirely possible mech spam may become just another way of running a list, with its own inherent advantages and disadvantages, and now you might get aload of hybryd list options to keep things fresh too...


I'm happy for those of you who are excited about the new edition. Don't let me rain on your parade. I'm not planning on quitting the hobby or switching to whatever the next shiny list is. But first of all, your statement that CC was out of balance with shooting isn't really accurate IMO. Of the top tier armies, most were extremely strong in the shooting phase. Space Wolves with Grey Hunter and Long Fang spam, Guard lists with all sorts of shooty death from the likes Chimera Vet Spam and Large Blast artillery support, GK with Purifiers and cheap Psy Dreads. These are the lists most people considered "the ones to beat" I can't speak for your local meta, but that's been my impression from the internet buzz. I'm also a [former] Tau player and I agree that Tau couldn't really keep step in 5th edition and people could get into combat with them far too quickly, but that's because it was an old codex --rather than a problem with the core rules IMO. I have already agreed with you about cheap transport spam being too good.


Try to see things from the POV of everyone that didnt go mental with mech in 5th, the silly metawl bawxes now have some real tangible disadvantages instead of being a cheap way to make your troops fast and harder to kill.

I may be misinterpreting your intent and tone in this sentence, but let me just clarify that I'm not a razor-spam fanatic. I had a list which had 2x ASM foot squads in storm ravens (got razorbacks for each squad with the discount, but used them as light tanks) with a Librarian and SP attached, two Furiosos in Pods, a single tactical squad in a Pod and 2x Flamestorm Baals. I may be a little AV heavy, but I consider my list to be pretty balanced --if focused on the alpha strike. I'm not maxing units or even exploiting special characters or deathstars.


It seems to me that the extent at which my list has been effected makes things much more desperate for me now. I'll still run my list in in 6th edition, and see how it goes, but didn't feel that my army was overpowered before, and its certainly not even close to OP now.


EDIT: Anyway, I hope I've not come across as to much of a whiny jerk. It's only a hobby after all. It's just frustrating when you've put hours of time and large amounts of money lovingly crafting something, only to have it behave totally different than your intent.

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well if someone was playing a pure razor spam he is [censored] right now . Could be worse , imagine your playing nids and cant do ally like everyone else. BA still have an awesome mobilty [with or without transport] mixed force is still going to be the way to go imo . But there is going to be a ton of strange odd ball build that people wont be prepared for. Imagine this.

2 SM tacticals 3x3 AA bikes THE MEFISTONer and a IG platoon with full command and hvy weapon sections etcand 6 preds. Gunline list out of hell.


njal and THE MEFISONer team up , 2 RAS jump , 1 jump dc , elite chappy [and we will model him with an ax yes] ,a 15 man BC squad , 3 dreads in Pods . 2 melta one claw DC one.




1 STORM LORD 1 THE MEFISTONer 1 unit of warriors 3 FA baals 5 RAS 1 elite chaplains 2 RP .


as long as someone has a large enough collection of models the 6th , specialy at its start, gives people options to buy a huge number of list . the combinations of rules/gear are great . And it doesnt even have to be huge specials . imagine adding a SoB confesor and some DCA[i6 str6 power weapons and you can model them how you want so you will have 3 ax 3 sword 2 mauls] or a cheap GK inq with some grenades for your termis . Or a cheap BT chaplain with a bodyguard of 5 terminators with 2 cyclons and tank hunter as long as you take las/plas minimax[las and plas being cool again is nice].


I dont see the changes being smaller then the ones we had switching from 2ed to 3ed , could be a lot worse like gav chaos or something.

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Warning, optimistic rant incoming! :lol:


I advise against applying 6th edition rules to 5th edition lists.


We have a blank slate in front of us. The effectiveness of every single unit in the game has changed. Why in the world would we use a 5th edition list as the jumping off point? The sky is the limit! Would you rather create a list from a blank canvas, or color in between the lines of 5th edition notions.


They way you used to play might have died. But who cares! Are we so set in our ways that we can't be bother to play any other style? Did we really want to spend rest of our lives playing that same list and play style? Be excited that you are escaping that purgatory! :P


Only at the beginning of a new edition are we offered the opportunity to pioneer new play styles. Don't blow this opportunity by trying to fit your square 5th edition list into a round 6th hole.



I look at my DoA list and feel like it has been buffed across the board (and MSU spam seems to have been nerfed). But with PWs being nerfed to AP3, I don't really have any way of dealing with Terminator spam, and I'm certainly not prepared for Flyer spam. Terminator spam is going to have a tough time being delivered into assault with gun-lines. Flyer Spam is going to fail against lists with a decent amount of Skyfire and Interceptor special rules. Skyfire/Interceptor heavy lists are going to have a ton of points wasted if they are fighting a list without flyers. It seems like 5th edition unit spamming mind sets will doom you to paper-scissors-rock hell!


I really do believe that we could be entering a golden age of balanced lists. And I'm supremely excited!!

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Interesting read here




Yet more confusion as this states fc = +1 attack ??? Lol

That sounds like the regular charge rule (not furious). +1 A for charging, but no +1 A if you charge into multiple units.


Ah 2 pages later he apologises he got it wrong its +1 strength.


And this should save dante and astoraths axes from becoming ap2



If a power weapon just says power weapon and has no addtional rules, use the following:


maces, and blunt weapons count as power maul

spears, lances count as power lance

swords count as power swords

axes and halberds count as power axes


power sword - S user, ap 3, melee

power axe - S+1, AP 2 melee, unwieldly

power lance - S+1/user AP3/4, melee

power maul - S+2, AP4, melee


power lance has 2 profiles, first being on the charge second being i normal combat.

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If axes and halberds count as power axes, does this nerf GK halberds a little? GK force halberds give them +2 initiative, and a unit of I6 power weapons is filthy. However, a unit of I3 ones is a lot more balanced...you still pay points to get the bonus initiative, but its nowhere near as disgusting as it is now.


I think 6th edition will be so radically different it will take at least a fortnight before things start settling down and we can see what's good and what's not. Nobody has a clear picture of things, and even those with the rulebook already can't be certain of anything since there'll be a metric buttload (technical term) of FAQs coming out. We've not had a 40k book in over 6 months (Necrons in November), and chances are that the rules team will have been spending their time overhauling all the codices, making sure that everything works properly come this weekend.


I'm going to state my intentions for the next few weeks now: I'll play a couple of small games and read the rulebook and FAQ thoroughly this coming weekend, and starting from Tuesday I'll do the same 10 game challenge Mort mentioned a few posts back. I'll be using an utterly balanced list (by which I mean I'll try out one of everything I have within reason and a 1500 point limit - Assault, Tactical, Devastator, Death Company, Tank, Sanguinary Guard) for the first few games, and evolve it based on experience and other board members' suggestions, and see where we get by the end of 10 games. (Assuming me launching a thread of this type doesn't tread on anyone's toes).


Finally, am I the only one who's seriously considering buying an Aegis defence line? With flyers looking set to dominate the game and the defence line coming with a quad gun (which I'll be surprised if it doesn't have Skyfire or whatever rule lets you shoot down planes), it'd be nice to have an answer lying around somewhere, as well as giving my devvies something to hide behind.

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Admetus, I don't think this hurts GK since I believe Nemesis Force Weapons are just all listed as being AP3.


I really hope Dante and Astorath are not affected by the axe penaly.


But part of me loves the idea of Lemartes Crozius being a Power Maul. After a wound, he's S7?


I believe in the end, in fairness, Dante, Astorath, and Lemartes will all use the rules in the BA codex, being AP3.

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I wouldn't start freaking out about vehicles, disembarkation and assaults. I think Minsc is mistaken. At the very least, he has this part wrong:


"In 6th you can move 6", dissembark and shoot. You can't charge if the transport has moved, even if it's an assault vehicle."


It's been said multiple places that vehicles with teh Assault Vehicle or that are Open Topped allow you to move 6 with the vehicle, disembark 6 and then assault.

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So I just read on another forum that either some or all deployment types will only allow 50% of an army to be held in reserve. And no assaulting the turn one arrives from reserve. Does anyone have any clarification on this as anything like this will be a drawback for DoA? Also someone stated that for an IC and a squad to enter from reserves, both most roll reserves separately even if attached. Could be a troll which would be a relief.
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So I just read on another forum that either some or all deployment types will only allow 50% of an army to be held in reserve. And no assaulting the turn one arrives from reserve. Does anyone have any clarification on this as anything like this will be a drawback for DoA?

I heard it is all deployment types. And units that must start in reserve (flyers) don't count towards the 50%. So if you had 4 flyers and 10 units of troops, you could start the 4 flyers and 5 of the units in reserve.


What I don't know: If you get a dedicated transport (like a drop pod) does that unit count towards the 50%? How about putting a unit inside a non-dedicated transport (like a SR)?


Also yes, I have seen a picture of a rule that says that you can not assault on the turn you arrive from reserves "unless stated otherwise" (I assume Heroic intervention). Nor can you use any powers or abilities that are supposed to be used at the beginning of the turn if you arrived from reserves that turn.


I haven't seen the bit about rolling for ICs separately from the unit they are attached to.



And as I was worried this would be the case:

jump infantry can only use their jump packs in ONE OF the movement or assault phases.


doing so in the move phase gives them a 12 inch move that ignores terrain (start or end in is a dangerous terrain test), doing so in the assault phase gives them the charge range re-roll and Hammer of Wrath, as well as moving over terrain(start or end in is a dangerous terrain test)

I'd point out that over 1/4th of the time you will fail a 6 inch charge on a single 2D6. I'd be shooting for 5 inch charges (which carries a failure rate over 15%).


Combine not being able to put half of my jumpers in reserves, with the nerf to effective charge range, and my DoA list just fell in the toilet. Ba-Whoosh!

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