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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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I wouldn't start freaking out about vehicles, disembarkation and assaults. I think Minsc is mistaken. At the very least, he has this part wrong:


"In 6th you can move 6", dissembark and shoot. You can't charge if the transport has moved, even if it's an assault vehicle."


It's been said multiple places that vehicles with teh Assault Vehicle or that are Open Topped allow you to move 6 with the vehicle, disembark 6 and then assault.


Minsc then called Andyc on his mistake and told him to check page 79 - he did and acknowledged his mistake.

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The box of SG that I was gonna use to make special characters from might end up as ordinary SG. Dante plus three units of SG sprinkled with some jump DC and assaulters looks like fun. Add some long range anti tank and I think we have a winner :)

I was not gonna make any JP DC but after the changes to those rules, I will probably have to build at least five.

My Tacticals might stop acting as proxies for other models, not sure yet.

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Combine not being able to put half of my jumpers in reserves, with the nerf to effective charge range, and my DoA list just fell in the toilet. Ba-Whoosh!


And you never made an assault through cover in all of 5th ed? :D


Strange how worked up people are getting about the random charge range. I've played assault themed lists all of 5th ed and I'm very glad to have the potential extra 6" range in return for a small drawback that was present in the majority of the assault moves I have made anyway.

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Combine not being able to put half of my jumpers in reserves, with the nerf to effective charge range, and my DoA list just fell in the toilet. Ba-Whoosh!


And you never made an assault through cover in all of 5th ed? :D


Strange how worked up people are getting about the random charge range. I've played assault themed lists all of 5th ed and I'm very glad to have the potential extra 6" range in return for a small drawback that was present in the majority of the assault moves I have made anyway.


I agree.


If this rumour turns out to be the truth, my choice is clear: move 6", assault 2D6, re-roll if needed, ignore cover and use Hammer of Wrath. Ba-doom!




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Combine not being able to put half of my jumpers in reserves, with the nerf to effective charge range, and my DoA list just fell in the toilet. Ba-Whoosh!


And you never made an assault through cover in all of 5th ed? :D


Strange how worked up people are getting about the random charge range. I've played assault themed lists all of 5th ed and I'm very glad to have the potential extra 6" range in return for a small drawback that was present in the majority of the assault moves I have made anyway.


I agree.


If this rumour turns out to be the truth, my choice is clear: move 6", assault 2D6, re-roll if needed, ignore cover and use Hammer of Wrath. Ba-doom!





Totally agree.

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I can confirm Jump Infantry must choose either to use their packs in the movement phase (12" move) or assault phase (reroll assault distance plus Hammer of Wrath attacks)


If you use Jump packs when charging and exit or enter terrain, you take dangerous terrain tests.


Hammer of Wrath is unmodified Str. i.e no benefit from furious charge.


Feel No pain is 5+ standard as rumored, but Feel No pain (6+) or any number in the brackets can exist for special cases. So probably Corbulo at least.


Jump Models are Bulky (new USR) count as two models in transports and buildings.


Can confirm other stuff if people want...will help me learn the rules!

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I can confirm Jump Infantry must choose either to use their packs in the movement phase (12" move) or assault phase (reroll assault distance plus Hammer of Wrath attacks)


If you use Jump packs when charging and exit or enter terrain, you take dangerous terrain tests.


Hammer of Wrath is unmodified Str. i.e no benefit from furious charge.


Feel No pain is 5+ standard as rumored, but Feel No pain (6+) or any number in the brackets can exist for special cases. So probably Corbulo at least.


Jump Models are Bulky (new USR) count as two models in transports and buildings.


Can confirm other stuff if people want...will help me learn the rules!


Cheers for these! :(


Is Rage really only +2 attacks on the charge? So no downside?

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Rage is only +2 attacks on charge, no downside. If you make a disordered charge (think this is multiple charge) no bonus from rage.


No machine spirit for flat out or smoke.


New USR "Rampage" (at the start of any 'fight sub phase' models with the Rampage special rule gain D3 attacks if the combat they are in contains more enemy models than friendly models - count all models locked in the combat, not just those engaged. Calculate each models bonus attacks seperately.)


Wonder if we have anyone who will pick that rule up?


Blood Champions and Sanguinary Novitiates (Both from the Honour Guard) count as 'Characters'


One challenge can be issued per combat. Whoever's turn it is gets dibs, if they don't use a challenge the other player can issue one.

Once you issue a challenge, the other player chooses which of his characters to answer it. If he refuses to answer and has characters in the unit, the issuer of the challenge nominates an opposing character - that model can't strike blows at all and his leadership can't be used.


models fighting a challenge can't be allocated wounds from the rest of the combat.




Your single model character (Astorath) issues a challenge to the Powerfist Sarge of a unit. If Sarge accepts, no one else in the unit can strike blows on Astorath! If he refuses...He can't use the powerfist!

The Sarge gets a reroll to hit or wound per 5 'bystanders', but odd's are good Asty would kick his ass before he gets to fight :(


So Astorath basically autowins combat by one.


This is going to really change the Assault dynamic.

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The Character Challenge system is really going to change combats, see post above I edited...will answer questions on it. All Sergeants are characters and can 'snipe' models on 6 to hit in shooting and CC, (controlling player allocates wound) buff to PLasma/Infernus pistols. Look Out sir rolls still apply to wounds allocated against other characters.


Powerfist Sarges take a big hit from the challenge system because they're vulnerable to being issued a challenge and then being killed before they swing. However stick a Priest in and you can have the priest accept the challenge as you choose which character accepts.

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Krak Grenades can be used against MCs. S6 AP4.


i.e our Marines are Attack1, S6, AP4, when fighting Monstrous Creatures in close combat.


It's normal weaponskill by the way, no '6's to hit' or what have you.


edit: Haha wow. Meltabombs are basically a single powerfist attack vs MCs.

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In regards to Snorri's earlier post.


Hammer of Wrath requires Base contact, and


The 'up to half your army may be placed in reserve' is true.


No Furious Charge Str bonus if charging multiple units :( big nerf alongside the no initiative bonus ever.

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Yep Lightning Claws rock, except AP3. So problems vs 2+ saves.


How to upgrade Sarges is going to be a real head-scratcher. I don't think 2xMeltaspam + Powerfist is the answer. I don't know if any type of 'spam' is the answer, maybe a mix truly is good?

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Yep Lightning Claws rock, except AP3. So problems vs 2+ saves.


How to upgrade Sarges is going to be a real head-scratcher. I don't think 2xMeltaspam + Powerfist is the answer. I don't know if any type of 'spam' is the answer, maybe a mix truly is good?


Combi-Plasma+LC FTW.

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Wow, looks like the BA dynamic is really changing. Death Company are suddenly amazing, and Astorath looks pretty badass too, especially since he gets you round the DC limit. A death-company smash list might be the way to go, with a couple of tactical or assault squads to lay the beatdown at range/pick up objectives respectively. May need to get some jump packs for death company now (I've got about 15 all on foot). Power fist sergeants seem completely unnecessary now, since they can be singled out and picked off, and we can choose to cut and run from things we can't hurt, since 90% of the reason for taking fists was character killing and 'break in case of dreadnought' escape button. I might be tempted to include a regular chaplain or two as essentially challenge monkeys (anyone want a chaplain? I'm swimming in them, I've got about 12 of the bloody things). New grenade rules coupled with the power-fist nerf makes me think that we're going to see a lot of melta-bomb sergeants instead of powerfist sergeants.


If I can be cheeky enough to ask a question, are Dreads and other walkers still hit on a 6 with a grenade in combat as opposed to WS?

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There is no rule that Walkers are hit on 6's with Grenades that I have seen. The rulebook is pretty clearly laid out too so don't think I've missed anything in the 'Walkers' or Grenades' section. Or Vehicles in Assualts. Read over the section multiple times, and I'm pretty observant :lol:


Also, Immobilised Walkers are hit on Rear armour in close combat.


So a bit of a nerfing to dreads there.


Basically just give your lightning claw Sarge a meltabomb and he's good insurance vs the dread, plants the meltabomb at I1 with a weaponskill roll, then 2D6 to penetrate.

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Thanks a lot Mezkh for all your posts and indications.


All this new rules seem very interesting but I am now somewhat disturb with the new ones relating to jet pack.


I was painting a death company unit (with no jet pack, one power fist, one thunder hammer and somes bolters), and now I'm quite confused on how to equip them (with no jet pack in a land raider or with jet pack?).


I think this new edition will change the way I play my flesh tearers force and my razorbacks would probably be assigned to tactical marines and no longer to assault marines).

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Wow the jump pack thing sucks ass. Ugh I don't feel like playing BA anymore :lol:


Couple of question:


-Is the stupid disembark rules posted above trues? If so Razor ASM just became even more crap, and Land Raiders are just derp.

-Can you throw meltabombs?

-How do rapid fire weapons mounted on vehicles work? Does the plasmaback now get 1 las shot and 2 tl plasma shots at 24 inches, even when moving?

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