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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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-How do rapid fire weapons mounted on vehicles work? Does the plasmaback now get 1 las shot and 2 tl plasma shots at 24 inches, even when moving?

Speaking of Plasmabacks, is it true that "Gets Hot" takes hull points off vehicles now?


On a 1-3 after gets hot is rolled- yes.

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-How do rapid fire weapons mounted on vehicles work? Does the plasmaback now get 1 las shot and 2 tl plasma shots at 24 inches, even when moving?

Speaking of Plasmabacks, is it true that "Gets Hot" takes hull points off vehicles now?


On a 1-3 after gets hot is rolled- yes.

There is no opportunity to save after that?


I find it hard to believe that a vehicle is more susceptible to being hurt by Gets Hot than someone in Power Armor (who gets their 3+ save).


Edit: I guess if the plasma is twin linked the vehicle is less likely to take damage.

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Any chance someone with a copy of the book could give us a rundown of how Sanguinary Guard look in 6th edition? I am very excited about them being actually good. Also is Dante any better now? Are any of the Warlord Traits good for him?



Most of this stuff will be FAQ addressed bro.


Sang Guard have a buff - that PWs bounce off them, but a nerf in that their weapons are only AP3 ><;


Unless you want to give them axes.


I think they'll be great for the most part.


Dante will all rely on how his axe is treated I think.

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LC/SS sarges will look really cool, at least. I don't mind rebuilding for that reason.


Question: Relentless still lets you assault after using Rapid Fire weapons, yes? And how do Pistols work now, I heard something about them not stacking with Rage.


I'm getting a feeling that not only will jump DC be worth reconsidering, but that they'll do just fine as bolter boys to help offset the cost.

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Question: Relentless still lets you assault after using Rapid Fire weapons, yes?

Yep (I got mine today win win!)


And how do Pistols work now, I heard something about them not stacking with Rage.


AFAIK know they do stack, it just says +2A rather than +1 for charging :)

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Dante will all rely on how his axe is treated I think.

I think he is going to eat the nerf bat as master crafted is in the book......


Hypotheticaly speaking even if we assume he looses his I6 in combat (a sore loss I completely agree), might he still be a pretty awesome character to have for some armys? (nipplewing & other JP based lists not going to town with death company who naturally want asteroth now :D)


He still has his scatter free DS which is possibly even more fantastic now were going to really benefit from plasma/melta toting honour guard and the ilk (for munching sv2 units).


He still has 2+sv 4 wounds and a 4+ invun so the only things that can really hurt him like ID fists are striking at the same time at best (bar some MC's & dreads natch.) not ideal but better than a kick in the teeth.


He could be strength 6 on the charge basically giving the equivalent of a powerfist with 6 attacks vs T4 units, this is going to shred most squads given half a chance & if you have a "charachter" or two tooled to take his place when challenged (chaplian & sgt. with shield & claw for instance), leaving him free to powerhouse the bulk of the unit. Possibly a very nice synergy with sanguinary guard here where you can victimise virtually anything that does not have a large volume of ap2, and take very little in return ("whats that a power sword? pah!)


His deathmask is going to be more annoying than nyan cat to enemy IC's in the age of challenge based combat! B)


Hit & run is still pretty cool, and running Dante with flying death company & a chaplain (or two for challenges maybe?) could be the most disgusting thing ever. All the fun of that first Death co charge sigh from your opponent, over and over :D


Anything I missed...........?




I would prefer to keep his I6 in favour of ap3 dont get me wrong, but even if he ends up with the axe, its not too shabby, if your running lots of sanguinary guard (a more prommising proposition than ever) your going to need him. And even of you dont, I think he may well turn out to still be worth the 200 or so points...

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Did you miss the first part which makes it physically impossible to run a DoA list? :D


All reserve DoA, maybe. Are we sure this isn't just the normal mission conditions? After all having a JP currently makes you able to use reserves (and deep strike) even if the mission played doesn't allow it.


I have to retract that statement. Unlike some other instances taking a jumppack does not grant us the deep strike USR. We'll have to see the rulebook and FAQs/errata before we know for sure.


Still, I don't see it as a huge problem even if does take away some tactical options.

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Just quick,


Yep think of vehicles having a 4+ 'save' against gets hot. With twin-linked you don't count the first result if you reroll.


Flyers that are immobilised become 'velocity locked' so can't change speed for the rest of the game - it must continue to zoom at either combat or cruising speed, whichever it was using when it became immob. the flyer can't evade or flat out.


It can still turn before it moves as normal and if it leaves the board will enter 'ongoing reserves' as normal (ongoing reserves means you always re-enter play at the start of following turn, no roll required.)


Flyers zooming can choose to evade when shot at, this means they gain the 5+ Jink save but then can only take snap shots their following turn. Think of it as the pilot starts throwing the craft into a bunch of barrel rolls whatever.


There is no save for just 'zooming' you have to elect to evade, which a choice you get after the enemy has rolled to hit against one of your flyers and before the armor penetration roll. (so you wouldn't ever choose to evade unless they rolled their 6's to hit you!) ,


so if you want a cover save on your speedy flyer, your shooting will suffer the following turn.


Anything that moved flat out upgrades that jink save to 4+. Flat out is done in the shooting phase and for flyers it's a straight line 12"-24", no pre-turn.




Unfortunately Jump infantry don't count to the non-compulsory 50% of reserves, only things like Drop Pods and Flyers don't count towards this.


Basically you take out all the flyers, drop pod units, everything that is forced to start in reserve. Then you can elect to reserve up to half of whatever is left. ICs always count as 'one unit' regardless of whether they join a unit or not, and a unit with a dedicated transport counts as one together for the purpose of the rule.


The IC rule especially screws us, because consider you want to Deepstrike an Assault squad with attached Sang priest and Librarian. You have to have a total of 3 units and whatever dedicated transports they might have to deploy on the board to counteract the '3' you put into reserve.

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Did you miss the first part which makes it physically impossible to run a DoA
We'll have to see the rulebook and FAQs/errata before we know for sure.


Still, I don't see it as a huge problem even if does take away some tactical options.

As I noted in an earlier post, DoA might have been a bad idea for 6th edition anyways. It's just disappointing that the rules forbid me from even trying to run one. (Maybe it is a disagreement over definition: If half your units aren't DSing I wouldn't call it a DoA list)


Here's to hoping for a generous BA FAQ.

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Jump Models are Bulky (new USR) count as two models in transports and buildings.


Hey... does it say that jump pack models can't enter transports?


Also, confirm: you can take armour saves against dangerous terrain tests now, correct?


Also also, the ability to fire two pistols (gunslinger) - is it a USR, or can any model with two pistols do it?


EDIT: Also also also: are squads allowed to board any transport (i.e. another squad's) before the game, or is it still just the squad's own dedicated transport?

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Jump Models are Bulky (new USR) count as two models in transports and buildings.


Hey... does it say that jump pack models can't enter transports?


Also, confirm: you can take armour saves against dangerous terrain tests now, correct?


Also also, the ability to fire two pistols (gunslinger) - is it a USR, or can any model with two pistols do it?


EDIT: Also also also: are squads allowed to board any transport (i.e. another squad's) before the game, or is it still just the squad's own dedicated transport?


Good questions I'd like to know to!

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at work without the book, but can Confirm Gunslinger is not a USR, but a rule that specifies how all dual pistol models are treated.


Jump Inf cant enter transports unless the transport specifies.


rest has to wait :rolleyes:

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