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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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at work without the book, but can Confirm Gunslinger is not a USR, but a rule that specifies how all dual pistol models are treated.


Jump Inf cant enter transports unless the transport specifies.


rest has to wait :rolleyes:


Dude..... I totally would of taken that to work with me!

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I understand mech has taken a hit across the board, but it's hard for me to see all the cool jump infantry rules and conclude that (what I believe is) the only codex that can take a 100% jump infantry army has been specifically and specially nerfed.


I understand that not everyone plays DoA lists, of course. But I still think that the more general statement of "mechanized infantry got nerfed in 6th edition" feels more true than "GW nerfed Blood Angels." These nerfs apply to everyone, especially on B&C. I don't think you should quit, brothers, because everyone is dealing with the fallout, not just us.


As a whole, the codex stands pretty neutral as I see it — nerfed in areas, buffed in others. I'm excited to play the first game on Sunday, once I get back from my weekend trip.

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Jump Models are Bulky (new USR) count as two models in transports and buildings.

Also, confirm: you can take armour saves against dangerous terrain tests now, correct?

They can! See its not all nerf....


Good. Always thought it was really dumb that hitting a treebranch while landing was more dangerous to an Assault Marines than getting shot point blank in the face by a bolt pistol.

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Alright guys - this is something that I hope perhaps a few of the 'privileged few' in actual possession of the newBRB can confirm, BUT: according to the black shirt I talked to today down at my local GW shop who had 6th Ed. in hand but wasn't allowed to let me thumb through it directly... well according to this good fellow, assaulting after deep strike is IN.


He claimed this was was a big part of the bump to demons as all the good stuff HAS to enter via deep strike. He was pretty clear about it - assaulting on the turn you deep strike is a go. If that is indeed true, that is STELLAR news for DOA list and BA in general. And Dante plus Nipple Armor for a scatter-less deep strike directly into the face with Hit and Run after... seriously seems too good to be true.


Can a Bearer of the Word confirm this? Honestly, as much as I would love this, I don't know how this could be - I mean what happens to Heroic Intervention now?


This came about when we were talking about the soon-to-be goto deathstar for BA: pack a Storm Raven with some sick DC and a Chappy and jump packs, zoom it over the battle field, and let them jump out of the bird with Skys of Blood, or the rules that are perhaps specific to flyers and zooming that the new book spells out - which is essentially the Skys of Blood rule, Deep Strike out of the Storm Raven onto the battle field and into FACE of your foe... the more I think about it it can't be true...

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Jump Models are Bulky (new USR) count as two models in transports and buildings.

Also, confirm: you can take armour saves against dangerous terrain tests now, correct?

They can! See its not all nerf....

It's never too early for mathhammer!


Instead of a data table, I decided to make graph of Assault Success rates comparing 5th and 6th.



The things that jump out at me:

-As you can see, the max threat range has been effective nerfed. 18" is the gold standard from 5th. The moment you try to go 19" you are closing in on a 50% failure rate. 17" isn't automatic, and 18" fails more than 25% of the time.

-If you want Hammer of Wrath hits, 14" is going to fail 1/3rd of the time and 15" is going to fail more than half the time.


Personally I'll be targeting 17 inch Vanilla Assaults, and 13 inch Wrath Assaults.


Note: I assume that moving through difficult terrain is the same, so the purple line should be the same in both 5th and 6th.


Edit for clarity:

Red Line: Move 12", Assault 6"

Purple Line: Move 12", Assault through cover

Green line: 12" Jump move, 2D6 assault

Blue Line: 6" move, Jump Assault (2D6 with reroll)


Edit 2: I discovered I need to add two more lines to the chart. One good, one bad. There are going to bee a lot of ideal threat range numbers to remember. Jump Troops are going to have quite the learning curve for new (and some old) players.

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Had a good sleep over it. Here's my decision about best new Sergeant Loadouts:


Assault Squad: Lightning Claw, Storm Shield

Tactical Squad: Lightning Claw, Combi-Plasma

Sternguard: Bolter

Devastator: Bolter


One last thing.


BA Captain in Terminator Armor is now A BEAST. BA Tactical Terminators are AWSOME.


TA Captain + Tactical Terminator + Sanguinary Priest = WOW

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Hello! New to this forum and new as BA player. I was thinking about the loadout for ASM and their sergents. How about if you equip a stormshield and position the sergeant at the very front. For plasma fire and heavy weapon you simply take the stormshiled save and for small arms fire you can look out sir and assign it to one of the regular marines. With a priest nearby the staying power is huge!
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BA Tactical Terminators are AWSOME.


They always were! :D



Who here doesn't have a ton of plasma pistols in his bits box?



I'm tempted now to make über-kitted (and costed) vanguards of doom... 20 plasma pistols or flame templates anyone?

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Hello! New to this forum and new as BA player. I was thinking about the loadout for ASM and their sergents. How about if you equip a stormshield and position the sergeant at the very front. For plasma fire and heavy weapon you simply take the stormshiled save and for small arms fire you can look out sir and assign it to one of the regular marines. With a priest nearby the staying power is huge!



Welcome to the forums John.

I think this was one of the big "new tactics" mentioned. Looks to be the way to go for the most part.

Will suck though if you fail your 3++ then your 4+ LOS. Expensive model :D


Maybe with a 3++, 5+ FNP, 4+ LOS !?

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Home now!


*Dedicated transports are identical to 5th in regards to not taking up a slot, when deployed can only carry the unit it was selected with plus ICs.


*units in transports are fearless.


*Dangerous terrain is armour or invul saves, no cover saves.


*Lethal terrain exists, uses the rules for impassable terrain and can never voluntarily end your move on it, if you go into it by random/forced movement whichever model does so is removed as a casualty.


*There are also all the rules for mysterious rivers/forests, probably been covered elsewhere.



Anyone have any burning questions they want answered? ;)

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Anyone have any burning questions they want answered? :(


If you don't mind:


What's the whole deal with the Warlord specific USR, you know like a GK grandmaster can choose like D3 special rules to hand out to its unit like candy?

- Which USR can be given to a Warlord?

- How will they effect our troops?

- Additional point costs?

- Different tiers of rules from which we can choose?



If this has already been covered, just refer me to the post. ;)



Thanks in advance!




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No charge after deepstrike. Also no charge after disembarking from transport that arrived via deepstrike.


Master crafted does not give 5++


There are a huuuge amount of USRs. I think the Chappies and Libriarians modeled with staves having +2Str AP 4 and concussive (a model suffering an unsaved wound from concussive immediately becomes I1 until the end of the next assault phase) is a big deal for new weapon characteristics.


The Rapid fire being 1 shot up to max range stationary or moving or 2 shots half range stationary or moving is a big deal too. Relentless just allows them to charge after firing.

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Warlord isn't a USR. When choosing your army, you choose a model to be your warlord. It must be the highest LD HQ choice character model, if tied, you pick which one.


Basically you pick one of three tables to roll on.


*Command traits

*Personal Traits

*Strategic Traits


You choose which table to roll on at the start of each game. There are 6 results, all different types of bonus abilities, you get one D6 roll.

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