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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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Anyone have any burning questions they want answered? ;)


Yes, I have a few


Do two-handed weapons get a bonus of any kind?

Do master crafted weapons get a bonus of any kind?

Can Deep Striking units assault on the turn they have Deep Struck?

What's the deal with power axes?



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Yes, I have a few


Do two-handed weapons get a bonus of any kind?

Do master crafted weapons get a bonus of any kind?

Can Deep Striking units assault on the turn they have Deep Struck?

What's the deal with power axes?




*No bonus of any kind for Two-handed

*No bonus other than the standard reroll

*No assault on DS (other than Vanguard obv)

*Power Axe is Init 1, AP2, +1 Strength. They will be compared to powerfists and do combine with another CC weapon for +1 attack where a powerfist doesn't, will be cheaper than powerfists, but obviously +1 Str isn't going to be a patch on 2xstr against a lot of foes.

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All deepstriking vehicles except for walkers count as moving at cruising speed,


which affects the number of weapons they can fire at full Ballistic skill.


can't change facing when scatter, treat difficult as dangerous, the standard stuff. If a transport mishaps, the mishap result applies to the unit inside it also.


edit: Yes the reserves rule is true ;) unless you're all drop pod, then there isn't a full reserve army option possible. And the old Dante/HG or SG/Priest combined unit counts as 3 units for the purpose of working out 'half your army' going into reserve even though you join them together as per 5th.

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Mezkh: is there anyway you can start a stormraven on the table in hover mode? Or is it forced to come on in reserve all the time no matter what?


Must start in reserve no matter what. (it takes time for a Warlord to organise and co-ordinate air support)


Once a flyer arrives from reserve, you can declare whether it is hovering (fast skimmer) or zooming before moving it onto the board.

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Leks, awesome!! thank you!

You're welcome. In fact you are so welcome that I updated it with the assaulting into cover in 6th edition (and hopefully made it a little easier to read).

Green is 5th edition

Red/Orange is Hammer of Wrath Assaults (6 inch move, JP assault)

Blue is Vanilla Assaults (12 inch move, assault on foot)



-You will notice that a normal 12 inch move, and then assault into difficult terrain is slightly better in 6th edition.

-Also sticks out is that if you plan on using a Hammer of Wrath assault into difficult terrain, you will fail more than 25% of the time at 12 inches. :o



Personally I'm targeting...

Vanilla: 17" (83.3% success)

Vanilla into difficult: 16" (80.1% success)

Hammer of Wrath: 13" (82.6%)

Hammer of Wrath into difficult: 11" (87.3%)

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Mezkh: is there anyway you can start a stormraven on the table in hover mode? Or is it forced to come on in reserve all the time no matter what?


Must start in reserve no matter what. (it takes time for a Warlord to organise and co-ordinate air support)


Once a flyer arrives from reserve, you can declare whether it is hovering (fast skimmer) or zooming before moving it onto the board.


Dam, that's storm ravens out of my list then!!


Final question: can you still take dedicated transports that have a lower capacity than the squad theyre attached to? Ie can 10 man tac squads still take razorbacks?

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Yes, I have a few


Do two-handed weapons get a bonus of any kind?

Do master crafted weapons get a bonus of any kind?

Can Deep Striking units assault on the turn they have Deep Struck?

What's the deal with power axes?




*No bonus of any kind for Two-handed

*No bonus other than the standard reroll

*No assault on DS (other than Vanguard obv)

*Power Axe is Init 1, AP2, +1 Strength. They will be compared to powerfists and do combine with another CC weapon for +1 attack where a powerfist doesn't, will be cheaper than powerfists, but obviously +1 Str isn't going to be a patch on 2xstr against a lot of foes.


Does this mean Dante and Astorath have taken a massive nerf and strike at I1? Or is Astorath not affected by the power axe rules?

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OK abridged Warlord tables



1- Friendly units within 12" may use WL Leadership

2- Enemy units within 12" must use lowest LD value, not highest

3- WL and all friendlies within 12" have move through cover

4- WL and all friendlies within 12" roll extra D6 when running, pick the highest

5- WL and all friendlies within 12" reroll to hit rolls of 1 when shooting at enemy units within 3" of an objective

6- WL and all friendlies within 12" add one to the result when rolling charge distance.



1- WL and his unit have Counter-attack while in their own deployment zone

2- WL and his unit have Furious Charge while within enemy deployment zone

3- WL and unit he joins during deployment have Outflank

4- Your army gains 1 VP for each enemy character slain by your WL in a challenge (1 Victory Point is a fairly big deal)

5- WL and his unit have Feel No Pain while within 3" of an objective

6- WL is a scoring unit, even if he is a vehicle (ala Bjorn)



1- All your units have Move through cover if moving through ruins, and Stealth(ruins) [That's the bonus of stealth only while receiving a cover save from ruins]

2- You can elect for it to be Nightfight first turn without a roll

3- All Outflanking units have Acute Senses while WL is alive (Acute Senses = reroll to see which Table edge you arrive from when Outflanking)

4- While WL is alive, you can reroll any reserves rolls, (failed or successful) [Reserves are now 3+ on Turn 2 ........3+ on Turn 3, ........Auto arrive turn 4]

5- While WL is alive, opponent has -1 to Reserves rolls

6 During Deployment, before Infiltrators/Scouts deploy, you can do one of the following: Redeploy one of your units within 3D6" of it's current position


redeploy three of your units, each within D6" of their current positions, rolling seperately for each.

These redeployments can't take you out of your deployment zone

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edit: Yes the reserves rule is true :o unless you're all drop pod, then there isn't a full reserve army option possible. And the old Dante/HG or SG/Priest combined unit counts as 3 units for the purpose of working out 'half your army' going into reserve even though you join them together as per 5th.


Wait, so this is calculated per unit and not per point value? That's atleast something..

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Anyone have any burning questions they want answered? :o

Fortification related:

What does a Comms Relay do? (The screenshot I'm looking at says the answer is on page 104)


Do the fortifications need to have troops embarked in them to fire their guns/missiles? Or are they automated?

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Dam, that's storm ravens out of my list then!!


Final question: can you still take dedicated transports that have a lower capacity than the squad theyre attached to? Ie can 10 man tac squads still take razorbacks?


If your Codex allows it, yes. (It doesn't forbid it in the rulebook)


Does this mean Dante and Astorath have taken a massive nerf and strike at I1? Or is Astorath not affected by the power axe rules?


If a Power Weapon has one or more unique rules, it's treated as an AP3 Melee weapon with the additional rules/characteristics given to it in it's entry.


So Astorath is fine, but it appears Dante suffers as Master-crafted, being a USR, wouldn't count as a unique rule.

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Good Lord, man! Thanks for taking the time to write it down here, that's some fantastic news! Thanks a lot! :o




No prob! ;)


edit: Yes the reserves rule is true :( unless you're all drop pod, then there isn't a full reserve army option possible. And the old Dante/HG or SG/Priest combined unit counts as 3 units for the purpose of working out 'half your army' going into reserve even though you join them together as per 5th.


Wait, so this is calculated per unit and not per point value? That's atleast something..


Yes. To be clear,


- Half your units rounding up can go into reserve

- A unit and it's dedicated transport count as '1 unit'

- All ICs count as '1 unit' regardless of whether they join a unit or not.

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Cheers for these Mezkh (and for the charts, leks, really useful to have). Can see some strategies being really useful for BA for the warlord table. #6 on the command table is awesome, but the rest are a bit lacklustre. 2 of the "personal" table take place in our deployment zone (not where we want our HQ to be generally), and we're likely to have FnP and furious charge anyway, though the other 3 are pretty good. Strategic is definitely where its at though...move through cover is good, Night fight can buy us time to close with the enemy, outflanking is a bit poor but even a single unit such as a Baal is handy, the reserve boost will be absolutely amazing, since we can get non-DoA stuff down early, or keep DoA stuff back in case we need it, keeping an opponents reserves down is nice. #6 I don't see much use in if you don't deploy first, unless its gone back to the 4th edition deployment style of alternating units.


Also, something I can't believe nobody's asked yet (unless I've had a massive derp and completely missed it everywhere), what are the 6 mission types?

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Since you can only keep half your army in reserve can you do a purposed list


2 5 man assault squads

1 5 man dc w/ lemartes

1 captain with jump pack

1 sanginary priest

3 storm ravens

3 dreadnoughts


since everything is going to be on the three storm ravens can you keep everything in reserve cause of the fliers rule??

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Comms Relay is part of a group of things called Battlefield Debris, which count as Difficult terrain with special rules, unless otherwise noted.


Any player with an unengaged model within 2" of a Comms relay can re-roll reserves rolls. If a model is in cover behind it, the cover save is 5+


Since you can only keep half your army in reserve can you do a purposed list


2 5 man assault squads

1 5 man dc w/ lemartes

1 captain with jump pack

1 sanginary priest

3 storm ravens

3 dreadnoughts


since everything is going to be on the three storm ravens can you keep everything in reserve cause of the fliers rule??


Unfortunately no, because I left out "units that must start the game in reserve are ignored for the purpose of working out how many other units may do so"


And because the Raven isn't dedicated, you wouldn't be able to place the units you want in them into reserve, at least all of them.


Which obviously, really stuffs another potential BA build (Everything in Ravens)

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Sorry missed the Question about the Fortress, it would take a bit of Typing, but it's basically a 220 point Multiple AV14 building complex, with plenty of assorted weapons, including the Skyfrire Lascannon with the Interceptor rule, and the 18-96" Ordinance Large Blast Barrage Battlecannon equivalent you can tack on for another 30 points


Gun emplacements need a model in Base contact who doesn't fire his own weapon (gives it up) and Gun emplacements are T7 W2 3+ save. You can have gun emplacements anywhere, they don't have to be on purchased fortifications (i.e Free for all)


If the Fortification contains a building with an emplaced gun ((e.g the fortress of redemption) any model occupying said building can fire it with his BS and the weapon's LOS. You can also automate the weapons fire of an occupied building, they fire at the end of the shooting phase with BS2. Automated fire doesn't prevent an occupying unit from firing it's own weapons and can be fired at a different target to the one the unit targets.


Unoccupied, no weapons fire.

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The Fortress is pretty nutso. Their are only 4 types of fortifications and the other 3 are all 75 points or less base cost.


I can run down the missions again, (I did with Mort last night!) But it will be a bit of typing, Nightfight rules for all of them, Primary and secondary objectives, mysterious objectives, plus the missions themselves all interacting means you might not get a full picture if I say just listed the mission types.

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