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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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Comms Relay is part of a group of things called Battlefield Debris, which count as Difficult terrain with special rules, unless otherwise noted.


Any player with an unengaged model within 2" of a Comms relay can re-roll reserves rolls. If a model is in cover behind it, the cover save is 5+


Since you can only keep half your army in reserve can you do a purposed list


2 5 man assault squads

1 5 man dc w/ lemartes

1 captain with jump pack

1 sanginary priest

3 storm ravens

3 dreadnoughts


since everything is going to be on the three storm ravens can you keep everything in reserve cause of the fliers rule??


Unfortunately no, because I left out "units that must start the game in reserve are ignored for the purpose of working out how many other units may do so"


And because the Raven isn't dedicated, you wouldn't be able to place the units you want in them into reserve, at least all of them.


Which obviously, really stuffs another potential BA build (Everything in Ravens)


Seriously??? Is there any reason to actually take a raven at all now?? It seems like its just a waste of a 200+ point model now.

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A question regarding JP ASM. You can move 12" and then assault 2D6 reroll, right? But is the run move also 2D6 reroll? Wouldn't you benefit from ALWAYS making an assault?

2 things. If you fail an assault you don't move (but the unit you were assaulting still gets to shoot at you).


And you don't get a reroll on the 2D6 (or hammer of wrath hits) if you moved 12 inches. Basically you either use you JP in the move, or in the assault. Not both.

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edit: As above ^^


A question regarding JP ASM. You can move 12" and then assault 2D6 reroll, right? But is the run move also 2D6 reroll? Wouldn't you benefit from ALWAYS making an assault?


No <_<


With JPs, you basically have a choice each player turn if you're going to use them in one of the movement or assault phases, but not both. You also have the choice of not at all (say, want to avoid Dangerous checks)


If used in movement, you can move 12".

If used in assault, you gain a reroll on the 2D6 charge roll, plus the 'Hammer of Wrath' impact hits.


If you start or end in Difficult terrain in a movement phase or assault phase you used your jump packs in, Dangerous terrain tests (failed allow armor saves of course)

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edit: Put all missions posts into one.



I'll explain it this way. Most of the missions follow a formula of consistent victory conditions.


All have reserves.

All have Night Fighting.

All have Variable Game Length.

All have Primary and Secondary Objectives

The Secondary Objectives are always the same 3 in play.

-Slay the Warlord.

-First Blood.


All Missions with Physical Objective markers, those markers count as 'Mysterious Objectives'


All Primary and Secondary Objectives are worth various specified Victory Points. Whichever Player has the most of these Victory Points at the end of the game wins.



To control an Objective, you must have a scoring unit within 3" and no models from enemy denial units (new concept) within 3"


A unit can only control one objective at a time! No more stringing units out!! If your unit could claim two after a move, you have to make it clear to the opponent which one you are controling.


Scoring units come from the Troops Slot of FOC, except


-Vehicles don't count

-units embarked in vehicles or occupying buildings don't count

-swarms don't count.

-if it specifies it doesn't score, obviously it doesn't score.

-If it's falling back, it can't score until it regroups.


Denial units are every single unit except



-units embarked in vehicles or occupying buildings


-specifies it doesn't count as a denial unit

-falling back


All Secondary objectives are worth 1 VP each.


-Slay the Warlord (if you kill the enemy warlord by end of the game, you get a VP)


-First Blood (First unit of any kind to be removed is worth 1 VP to opposing player at end of the game. If simultaneous i.e both wiped at same assault init step, both players get a VP)


-Linebreaker (If at the end of the game you have a scoring or denial unit in the enemies deployment zone, you get a VP. Falling back units or units gone to ground don't count.


So the Primary objectives of the Missions are as follows.


1# Crusade; Alternate placing D3+2 Objectives, those are worth 3 VPs each.

2# Purge the Alien; Each enemy unit completely destroyed is worth 1 VP

3# Big Guns Never Tire; Alternate placing D3+2 Objectives, those are worth 3 VPs each. Each enemy Heavy support unit completely destroyed is 1VP, Heavy support units are scoring, including non-immobilised vehicles!

4# The Scouring; Alternate placing 6 Objectives face down. Before Seizing Init, flip the objectives. There is one marked 4, two marked 3, two marked 2, one marked 1. Those are the amount of VPS each is worth. You gain one VP for killing enemy fast attack units. Fast Attack units are all scoring, including non immobilised fast attack vehicles.

5# The Emperor's Will; Each place a single Primary Objective in own Table half worth 3 VPs.

6# The Relic; A whole page of rules explaining how to move a relic objective in the centre of the table around with your units that is worth 3 VPs.

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Does anyone else remember how long games used to take when everything could only move 6" to be affective! I'm not liking the limited use of jump packs it seems to have taken all of the initial punch out of them and made them much more of mobile fire platforms than I'd previously thought.
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Leks, awesome!! thank you!

You're welcome. In fact you are so welcome that I updated it with the assaulting into cover in 6th edition (and hopefully made it a little easier to read).

Green is 5th edition

Red/Orange is Hammer of Wrath Assaults (6 inch move, JP assault)

Blue is Vanilla Assaults (12 inch move, assault on foot)



-You will notice that a normal 12 inch move, and then assault into difficult terrain is slightly better in 6th edition.

-Also sticks out is that if you plan on using a Hammer of Wrath assault into difficult terrain, you will fail more than 25% of the time at 12 inches. :o



Personally I'm targeting...

Vanilla: 17" (83.3% success)

Vanilla into difficult: 16" (80.1% success)

Hammer of Wrath: 13" (82.6%)

Hammer of Wrath into difficult: 11" (87.3%)


Any chance you can work hammer of wrath for my TWC i mean Bat Wing Cavalry :whistling:

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Biomancy Mephiston. Wow. All the powers are awesome for him, except 6, which is lackluster. Can always swap it for smite though I suppose now AP2 is pretty valuable.


Thanks for the input Mezkh!

Btw, no that you mention it, what's the story with psykers now?

How do psychic powers work exactly? Are they been cast defferently?


Also there were reports that the phases of a game turn change somehow, is this true?


EDIT: Can you also tell us what quilifies as a heavy chainsword?

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I'm not 100% sold on all the extra victory conditions that are always in use. First Blood may offer a fairly serious edge to whoever goes first. Linebreaker suits us, can be good for outflankers as well. Kill the Warlord seems solid, but some armies have things that are epically hard to kill. These seem more likely to be tiebreakers than anything else.


Crusade and Purge both seem fairly standard...not 100% happy to see Kill Points back, but its doable. Big guns never tire...just Crusade plus, devastators will be solid here as objective campers as well as fire support. Guard will love this.


Scouring could be so random...if all the high objectives end up clustered together, one side could be facing an uphill struggle right from the start. Grey Knights have the potential to rule this with their fast units getting that 30" shunt move since Fast Attack are scoring. Bikers and jetbikers will also be immensely irritating.


Emperor's Will with potential diagonal deployment...ah, the draw scenario makes its triumphant resurgence. The three extra VPs will be golden with this mission...aim for first blood and just try to keep it tied on one each. Shouldn't have a problem getting something into their deployment zone, and just make sure if your warlord dies you take theirs out too.


Relic, pretty much all or peanuts...I seem to recall from the WD that it can't be moved more than 6" in any phase. Doesn't stop the Tau (or Eldar) from playing silly buggers by moving it 6" in the movement phase, up to 6 with a run in the shooting phase, and then having a jetpack scoot it even further away.


I really like that in the scenarios where heavy and fast choices count as scoring they also give away victory points. I'm slightly surprised that they don't have a mission where Elites take stuff, but that's more an observation than a complaint.

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Biomancy Mephiston. Wow. All the powers are awesome for him, except 6, which is lackluster. Can always swap it for smite though I suppose now AP2 is pretty valuable.


Have the biomancy powers already been posted? If not, would you mind? :D I'm just asking. ^_^


I'd also like to forward vahouth's question about the chainswords. 'heavy chainswords', do they exist or is this a rumour that isn't true?


Thanks again!




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Have the biomancy powers already been posted? If not, would you mind? :D I'm just asking. ^_^


I'd also like to forward vahouth's question about the chainswords. 'heavy chainswords', do they exist or is this a rumour that isn't true?


Thanks again!





Psychic powers and a good rundown on their use by our librarian dreads.




I think Seth's chainsword will count as AP 5, its the only two handed "heavy" chainsword I can think of in the game right now. Eviscerators get their own rule. (X2 str, unwieldy, armorbane)

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Can't find any Heavy Chainswords in the index.


Okay, Biomancy then bed. You'll see why I think it's a shoe in for Meph ;)


By the way, by the rulebook he's Mastery level 3, and would roll 3 times, and generate 3 points. At odds with the White Dwarf.

Wait for FAQs on that I guess.


Primaris Power:


Smite: Range12 S4 AP2 Assault 4 - same as BA book.


#1 Iron Arm:


Cast in your movement phase, lasts until end of following turn. Psyker gains +D3 Str and Toughness (roll once for both) and Eternal Warrior.


#2 Enfeeble:


Cast in your movement phase, lasts until end of following turn. Target enemy unit within 24" suffers -1 Str and Toughness, and treats open ground as difficult terrain


#3 Endurance:


Cast in your movement phase, lasts until end of following turn. Target friendly unit within 24" (can include Psyker) gains Feel No Pain, It will not Die, and Relentless. A unit with 'It will not Die' heals one lost wound on a roll of 5+ at the end of each of it's turns.


#4 Life Leech


Shooting attack, 12" range Str 6 AP2 Assault 2, if it causes at least one unsaved wound, Psyker immediately regains a lost wound.


#5 Warp Speed


Cast in your movement phase, lasts until end of following turn. Psyker gains +D3 Initiative and Attacks (roll once for both) and the Fleet special rule.


#6 Haemorrhage


Focussed shooting attack (if Psy test is 5 or less, you choose target model) targets a model, that target must pass Toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour/cover saves allowed. If slain, randomly select another model friend or foe within 2", rinse repeat until a model survives or no targets in range.


If I roll up a Scoring S9 T9 I10 Meph with 9 Attacks on the charge,2+ Armour save plus 5+ Feel No Pain that can't be bypassed, Eternal Warrior and 5+ to regen a lost wound, I can see my opponents upending tables :/


Meph plus Stormraven is a pretty brutal combo, and could show up in a lot of lists as an allied detachment.

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Grey Knight + 2 initiative halberds just got nerfed to initiative 3 they are classed as power axes now I cant wait to take my Death company right back at them bwhahahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaa


Not true matey - the rule book says if a PW has its own special rules then its just AP3 with the rules listed in the dex.

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Grey Knight + 2 initiative halberds just got nerfed to initiative 3 they are classed as power axes now I cant wait to take my Death company right back at them bwhahahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaa


Are you sure about this?

It looks like they are power weapons with special rule (+2I) so AP3 at 6I.

Can someone confirm this?

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Well, the grey knights weapon says that it is a nemesis force halberd that strikes at +2 I.


"Nemesis halberds are two handed weapons, in addition the wielder strikes at +2 Initiative"


So a Halberd is an axe, which strikes at I1, but because of the special rule they get to add 2 and strike at I3.


That sounds right?



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Well, the grey knights weapon says that it is a nemesis force halberd that strikes at +2 I.


"Nemesis halberds are two handed weapons, in addition the wielder strikes at +2 Initiative"


So a Halberd is an axe, which strikes at I1, but because of the special rule they get to add 2 and strike at I3.


That sounds right?




Incorrect. It states under Unusual Force Weapons that, if a Force Weapon has it's own unique special rules (of ANY kind) that deviate from the core rulebook, that it is treated as an AP3 melee weapon that follows it's own rules.


A Nemesis Force Halberd has it's own special rules (Daemonbane, and grants +2 Initiative), so Grey Knight Halberdiers would strike at Initiative 6 and AP3 in close combat.




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Well, the grey knights weapon says that it is a nemesis force halberd that strikes at +2 I.


"Nemesis halberds are two handed weapons, in addition the wielder strikes at +2 Initiative"


So a Halberd is an axe, which strikes at I1, but because of the special rule they get to add 2 and strike at I3.


That sounds right?




No. You only treat it as a force axe if it has no other rules. If it just said "force weapon", like on a plain librarian, then it could be an axe. All the nemesis force weapons have other rules, though, which means that you ignore the treatment of generic 'force weapons'

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