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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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^ There ya go ! Thats the rule I was looking for.


The only hope of a nerf there is if they FAQ the Halberd to have Unweildly.


The nerf to AP3 is enough for me. Now my Sanguinary Guard won't get cut to shreds before they can even think about swinging, and they'll actually be able to kill halberd-wielding purifiers now!

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( Read this on the condition that you understand I do not have a rule book this is my guess only its not fact)


Each DC armed with a power lance hits five times (6 with wrath at normal strength) at WS5 S6 re-rolling hits and wounds. DC still get a 5+ FNP from standard power weapon attacks. The AP3 models they hit dont get a save the Lance is AP3 S6 on the charge.



Lemartes now gets his single Hammer of wrath attack at I10 base S if the jump goes well. I dont know how well the JP rules play out yet but Wrath is not always guaranteed. Once he gets to work at I6 he hits base 2 plus 1 for the CC weapon loses the charge bonus because its in rages +2 buff already I am told so thats 5 attacks possibly 8 if he gets a wound all at WS 5 S6 or maybe S7 I am not sure it does not matter much anyway. He re-rolls hits and wounds. The only problem is its AP4 which is a pain but its concussive so even one hit should slow things down enough.

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I really like the sound of a few power lance DC


I know it sounds interesting, but I have a feeling that spears/lances are not meant for us.

I think that they are meant for Eldar (judging by the pics from the book so far) or a future "Knight Rider" release possibly for Black Templars.




EDIT: On another note, after reading some leaked pages I found that it is now possible for units locked in an assault that they cannot hurt the opponent, to choose to automatically fail their Morale Check.

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Hopefully not too far away from topic, but are there any hints towards a FAQ in which our Captains will finally be able to sport Artificer Armour? since AA eventually became what it was thought to, this would be a great jump towards seeing Captains again in some lists.




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( Read this on the condition that you understand I do not have a rule book this is my guess only its not fact)


Each DC armed with a power lance hits five times (6 with wrath at normal strength) at WS5 S6 re-rolling hits and wounds. DC still get a 5+ FNP from standard power weapon attacks. The AP3 models they hit dont get a save the Lance is AP3 S6 on the charge.



Lemartes now gets his single Hammer of wrath attack at I10 base S if the jump goes well. I dont know how well the JP rules play out yet but Wrath is not always guaranteed. Once he gets to work at I6 he hits base 2 plus 1 for the CC weapon loses the charge bonus because its in rages +2 buff already I am told so thats 5 attacks possibly 8 if he gets a wound all at WS 5 S6 or maybe S7 I am not sure it does not matter much anyway. He re-rolls hits and wounds. The only problem is its AP4 which is a pain but its concussive so even one hit should slow things down enough.


This is under the assumption that Death Company can take Lances. I'm still reading and re-reading all the new weapon rules, and I'm unsure as to how it actually works with all the different types and whether you can simply pick and choose what "type" you have.


EDIT: On another note, after reading some leaked pages I found that it is now possible for units locked in an assault that they cannot hurt the opponent, to choose to automatically fail their Morale Check.


You are correct. A squad that CANNOT hurt what it's fighting may choose to automatically fail their Morale Check IF THEY LOSE combat. If combat is tied, you have no option to use this rule "Our Weapons are Useless".




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Hopefully not too far away from topic, but are there any hints towards a FAQ in which our Captains will finally be able to sport Artificer Armour? since AA eventually became what it was thought to, this would be a great jump towards seeing Captains again in some lists.





Whats wrong with good old Tycho he is a great choice in 1000 to 1500 pt games and almost an auto include for non JP DC now


Death Company Tycho a humble captain pound for pound more badass than Draigo (if he does not get nerfed).


Death Company Tycho - Tycho has a 2+ Save (no longer denied by power weapons) , 4+ Invuln and 5+ Feel No Pain (which is not denied by power weapons or AP2). He also has Rage, which has been buffed considerably, he also gets 6 Attacks on the charge. The attacks that he gets strike at Initiative 5.

Tychos real power is in his cc attacks

Dead Mans Hand - "Tychos close combat attacks ignore armor saves and roll an additional d6 for armor penetration".


Tycho ignores everyone elses armour saves he rocks if you need leadership take the sane one before he joined the DC

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Whats wrong with good old Tycho he is a great choice in 1000 to 1500 pt games and almost an auto include for non JP DC now


Simples. I want a Captain of the Second Company. And my DC are led by Lemartes, period.




Death Company Tycho a humble captain pound for pound more badass than Draigo (if he does not get nerfed).


Death Company Tycho - Tycho has a 2+ Save (no longer denied by power weapons) , 4+ Invuln and 5+ Feel No Pain (which is not denied by power weapons or AP2). He also has Rage, which has been buffed considerably, he also gets 6 Attacks on the charge. The attacks that he gets strike at Initiative 5.

Tychos real power is in his cc attacks

Dead Mans Hand - "Tychos close combat attacks ignore armor saves and roll an additional d6 for armor penetration".


Tycho ignores everyone elses armour saves he rocks if you need leadership take the sane one before he joined the DC


Yeah, know about that. Still don't care, I want to run my Captain with Artificer Armour again, dammit!




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Hi guys, bit late on this thread but I wonder if anyone knows about the Terrain slot...


We can take 1 piece of terrain, I get this bit, but do the terrain features have upgrades to include AA guns? The Aegis Defence line kit comes with a cool looking weapon and I wonder if I can use it in my list to provide some anti-flyer support?

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Hi guys, bit late on this thread but I wonder if anyone knows about the Terrain slot...


We can take 1 piece of terrain, I get this bit, but do the terrain features have upgrades to include AA guns? The Aegis Defence line kit comes with a cool looking weapon and I wonder if I can use it in my list to provide some anti-flyer support?


Yes, you can buy the Aegis Defence Line and Bastion and upgrade them with a weapon from a choice of three.




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Hits against Fortifications are resolved against both the building and the guys inside, depending on what you hit them with. For example, a Flame Template does a hit on the building AND D6 hits on the guys inside.


Every grenade you can throw in a Fire Point does D6 (for Frag) and D3 (for Krak) hits on guys inside but not the building. (Yes this does mean a full squad of 10 Space Marines throwing Frag into a Bastion will inflict 10D6 hits on the guys inside.


There's also a Fortification damage chart that has the potential to collapse the Fortification and make it impassable terrain.


It's worth mentioning that while a Fortification has an armor value, you can't actually "destroy" it. You can render it unusable, but the Fortification only represents how easy or difficult it is to hurt the guys inside/damage it.




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So is it just me, or have melta bombs become pretty much auto-include in many cases? I think I'm going to add one to each of my Sanguinary Priests that I was planning on running stock.


For only 5 points you get a weapon that you can throw at 8 inches with S8 AP1 (better than an infernus pistol @ >3" and you'll have to be at least that close to a unit if you want to charge it anyway) and can also be used in combat for the equivalent of a single powerfist attack. That's totally awesome for 5 points!


I'm also totally intrigued by the "gunslinger" rule. It presents some really wacky sergeant builds for us. Like, what about a double PP, IP, or Hand Flamer sergeant with a melta bomb? Sure, he'd be awful at challenges, but it wouldn't matter if you had another character in the squad, or he could just run and hide like a little girl if he gets called out. You'd only be losing a single melta bomb attack or a few normal CC attacks that way anyway. Of course, adding more shooting could be a problem if you become too successful and you shoot yourself right out of charge range.

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Any chance you can work hammer of wrath for my TWC i mean Bat Wing Cavalry :)

If I have their rules correct, Cavalry (and Bikes) are much less complicated than Jump Troops. It is like the Jump Troops Vanilla assault: move 12, assault 2D6(no re-roll). You are looking at the dark blue line labeled 6th Normal. The difference is cavalry (and bikes) get Hammer of Wrath at that distance whereas Jump Troops do not. You don't have to manage elaborate scenarios of when to do what.


And you don't necessarily have to pose as a bat rider as BA player might be interested in snatching up some of your precious TWC too. :P

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Since you are asking for "hopes"


First: I would hope that our 6th edition FAQ comes out quickly.


I would love some ability to use my Rhinos and Razorbacks as more than just mobile cover...all those can't assault after disembark rules mention exceptions — of which there aren't any that come to mind. So some sort of re-write of heroic intervention to include disembarking from a drop pod or a transport would be great.


Second: Mort's reports. Morticon, my second hope is that your insane lust for gaming and reporting continues unabated. Your info got me through Fifth edition and the PDF wars. All of your play testing and unit ideas and advice helped me build a decent force that was fun and playable when I was starting out. Hard Cores would eyeroll and chuckle about the nerfs of the PDF and even question playing Blood Angels at all, but with your input and guidance my games were closer, better, and more fun. I was able to even win a few and, more importantly, have a chance of winning from the start. That eight-man VAS was my favorite PDF unit.


Third: I hope I can keep my wallet in my pants. I really have to put a freeze on what I think will work and that exciting rush to buy new models as in two months (if the FAQs take that long) I might regret those purchases. An allied IG Command Squad, IG Vets and Three IG Hydras may seem cool now...but.... Eventually the ideas for a competitive build that suits my style will form. Till then I will just need to play with what I have and get used to the new game.

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So is it just me, or have melta bombs become pretty much auto-include in many cases? I think I'm going to add one to each of my Sanguinary Priests that I was planning on running stock.


For only 5 points you get a weapon that you can throw at 8 inches with S8 AP1 (better than an infernus pistol @ >3" and you'll have to be at least that close to a unit if you want to charge it anyway) and can also be used in combat for the equivalent of a single powerfist attack. That's totally awesome for 5 points!


You can't throw a Meltabomb. And you can only use Grenades and Meltabombs in close combat against targets with an Armor Value. Unlike 5th though, you hit using WS.


I'm also totally intrigued by the "gunslinger" rule. It presents some really wacky sergeant builds for us. Like, what about a double PP, IP, or Hand Flamer sergeant with a melta bomb? Sure, he'd be awful at challenges, but it wouldn't matter if you had another character in the squad, or he could just run and hide like a little girl if he gets called out. You'd only be losing a single melta bomb attack or a few normal CC attacks that way anyway. Of course, adding more shooting could be a problem if you become too successful and you shoot yourself right out of charge range.


Pretty straightforward. Any model armed with two pistols can fire both in the shooting phase, following all normal rules.




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And you don't necessarily have to pose as a bat rider as BA player might be interested in snatching up some of your precious TWC too. :P





OMG !!!!


BA counts as BAT RIDERS !!!!!




Man, that would be funny.

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So is it just me, or have melta bombs become pretty much auto-include in many cases? I think I'm going to add one to each of my Sanguinary Priests that I was planning on running stock.


For only 5 points you get a weapon that you can throw at 8 inches with S8 AP1 (better than an infernus pistol @ >3" and you'll have to be at least that close to a unit if you want to charge it anyway) and can also be used in combat for the equivalent of a single powerfist attack. That's totally awesome for 5 points!


You can't throw a Meltabomb. And you can only use Grenades and Meltabombs in close combat against targets with an Armor Value. Unlike 5th though, you hit using WS.


Pretty straightforward. Any model armed with two pistols can fire both in the shooting phase, following all normal rules.


Wait... what? So you can only throw frag and krak grenades? I thought the new rules allowed you to use grenades in CC for things other than with an AV. What's this I've been hearing about using grenades against monstrous creatures and such if that's not the case?


Pretty straightforward. Any model armed with two pistols can fire both in the shooting phase, following all normal rules.

Right, I get that. I was trying to discuss the ramifications of the new rule. Everyone seems to want to tool up their sergeants into challenge sponges with stormshields and lightning claws, but I though perhaps some other options could be interesting.


BA counts as BAT RIDERS !!!!!




Man, that would be funny.

I'm just going to wait for someone to do angry marines (or similar) riding Space Wolfs, riding Thunderwolves...

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