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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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If I have their rules correct, Cavalry (and Bikes) are much less complicated than Jump Troops. It is like the Jump Troops Vanilla assault: move 12, assault 2D6(no re-roll). You are looking at the dark blue line labeled 6th Normal. The difference is cavalry (and bikes) get Hammer of Wrath at that distance whereas Jump Troops do not. You don't have to manage elaborate scenarios of when to do what.


And you don't necessarily have to pose as a bat rider as BA player might be interested in snatching up some of your precious TWC too. :)

rumours suggest fleet lets them reroll the assault roll


Yeah hopefully they will worthwhile given i own 18


Well they will struggle to be worse than my Wolf guard bikers at least


OMG !!!!


BA counts as BAT RIDERS !!!!!




Man, that would be funny.


Ah the wonder of Allies

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There is a page of Grenade rules, lists how they act in shooting and assault in each specific instance of Grenade. No shooting interaction for Meltabombs = can't be thrown. The rules are actually pretty tight which is nice.


Yes Grenades have rules for use against MCs in assault. Single attack at weaponskill using its profile in all cases.

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wanted to note something i picked up about challenges.



The challengER elects a model to challenge.

However, he doesn't challenge a specific model - he challenges a squad - so any viable character from the challenged squad can step forward.


This is nice for BA since we have priests running around. It means we can equip fast guys and slow guys. Will effect how we run characters together.


Bad news is, if challangED refuses the challenge, then the challengER gets to choose which character does not fight.


Quite intricate.

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Do Glaive Encarmine axes count as power axes? Or are they just Glaive Encarmines?

we probably won't know until a FAQ. If Glaives are power axes, Sang Guard are worthless in my opinion.


I wouldn't imagine all Glaives would become power axes, just the axe Glaives. If they aren't and Glaives get thrown into the ubiquitous "unusual power weapons" they will just essentially follow the rules for Power Swords (ie S: user AP:3 and in the case of a glaive, master crafted). However if they will follow the standard rules for Power Weapons and it is as modeled I'll be converting the axes in my 2 Sanguinary Guard units to Spears. Still a 2 handed Power weapon and only AP 4 in successive rounds of combat but +1 S on the charge.

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Pretty sure glaive encarmine will be under the unusual power weapons section as they are "power weapons that have one or more unique rules."


They don't have a unique special rule though, they're just master crafted. Which is by no means unique. Astorath's Executioners Axe will be unusual due to its abilities though.

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Pretty sure glaive encarmine will be under the unusual power weapons section as they are "power weapons that have one or more unique rules."

I hope all Glaives (and Dante's axe) count as unusual weapons.

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Do Glaive Encarmine axes count as power axes? Or are they just Glaive Encarmines?

we probably won't know until a FAQ. If Glaives are power axes, Sang Guard are worthless in my opinion.



Very much the truth, I think there will be a pile of FAQ's covering the sword, axe, spear, maul, power weapon, mess. There is no reason why BA glaives should not be treated as swords with at least AP3. This is a common nerf through all the codexes it seems. Abaddon has an AP3 sword and so does Draigo untill the FAQ fixes the ambiguity.




wanted to note something i picked up about challenges.



The challengER elects a model to challenge.

However, he doesn't challenge a specific model - he challenges a squad - so any viable character from the challenged squad can step forward.


This is nice for BA since we have priests running around. It means we can equip fast guys and slow guys. Will effect how we run characters together.


Bad news is, if challangED refuses the challenge, then the challengER gets to choose which character does not fight.


Quite intricate.


Hello Death Company :(

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Have my book, DC seem awesome. SG will be awesome if glaives are not axes (heck I'll remodel all my SG to have swords if I have to to get around this!)


I think Vanguard will be good.


I think Sternguard will be good.


I expect almost every named character will require a FAQ to deal with the Power weapon AP/other rules issues. The characters I most care about are Dante, Lemartes, and Astorath (though its pretty clear Astorath is AP3 with normal initiative).

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Pretty sure glaive encarmine will be under the unusual power weapons section as they are "power weapons that have one or more unique rules."

I hope all Glaives (and Dante's axe) count as unusual weapons.


Yeah that's what I'm hoping as well.

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And you don't necessarily have to pose as a bat rider as BA player might be interested in snatching up some of your precious TWC too. ;)





OMG !!!!


BA counts as BAT RIDERS !!!!!




Man, that would be funny.


How about these


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Couple of things I've noticed from the rulebook thus far...

1) Be careful with storm ravens. Unless I miss something, if they get immobilised whilst they're flying, they're stuck in fly mode for the rest of the game. Could mean that units stuck in flying transports will be stuck there, though we'll need to see how Skies of Blood gets FAQd. Flip-side is we can use this against other fliers.


2) Psykers. I can see Prescience (base spell from Divination) being a go-to choice. Its better than preferred enemy, allowing you to re-roll all failed hits until the end of the next player turn (granted you don't get to re-roll 1s to wound, but as it lasts for two player turns on one psychic power, and gets you better bolt pistol shots on the way in, I think its a steal). Just remember to pop it in your movement phase. Other powers can be seasoned to taste, the Biomancy ones look quite nice.


3) The rule of having no models on the table at the end of any game turn is an auto-lose is back. Just means we might want to be careful with how much we reserve, as a large portion of reserves, coupled with bad dice rolls, could see you dead on turn 1 or 2. With Stormravens, drop pod units, and lots of deep strikers could leave you with as few as 2 or 3 units starting on the tabletop. Dangerous for Daemons though, as you could hammerblow their first wave off the table for a turn 1 kill. As I posted in the other thread, this is probably why DoA is...well, DOA (sorry, couldn't help myself ;) )


4) Regrouping rules. Gone is the rule that you cannot attempt to rally with an enemy unit within 6", and things can attempt to rally at under 25% on a double 1. Just bear this in mind if you make Vulkan and a unit of hammernators fall back and then try and escort them off the board. Probably won't end well for the unit trying it.


5) ATSKNF...makes you immune to fear (which presumably 80% of Nids will cause, and on the basis of last night McFisting causes in 95% of opponents). The big one though, if we lose combat and break, and are caught in a sweeping advance, we fight as normal. No more no retreat saves.


All I've got for now, will post more interesting things that I've not seen yet when I find them. And eyeslikethunder, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth...


+EDIT+ with 6) Perils of the Warp is now a wound with no saves allowed (not even invulnerable). However, since FnP now specifies in its own rules that it is NOT a saving throw (its done after all saves), the logical extension is that we will now get FnP against failed perils tests.

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Played a couple of 1000 point games today, one BA and one Eldar... Prescience is a great power...basically unleash rage upgraded to affect shooting and last twice as long.


Stormraven was a good gunship, being able to fire 2 missiles off plus multimelta plus turret moving 18" was so handy. Zooming everywhere can get a bit unwieldy fast, I had to swap to hover mode which was no prob, still 12" move 3 weapons thanks to Machine Spirit.


Tactical squad so much more useful. Being able to declare the Heavy Weapon is stationary and fire at full BS while moving the Boltgun guys who fire 12, great. Even snap shotting the Heavy weapon if needed.


Impact hits much of a muchness vs tough targets but clean up T3 softer targets.


Challenge system makes combat interesting. Sacrificed a sarge into a Big Mek with Powerklaw a couple of times so only suffered one wound max, won combat with the marines, swept the Mek. In 5th Mek would have taken out 3-4 Marines.


Eldrad is a total beast with some of the new powers. I can see myself allying my BA with Eldrad and a squad of say, Dire Avengers with Defend - Divination is really strong, 4 chances to get the great malediction power, and the Blessings make the Eldar unit very capable.

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Eldrad is a total beast with some of the new powers. I can see myself allying my BA with Eldrad and a squad of say, Dire Avengers with Defend - Divination is really strong, 4 chances to get the great malediction power, and the Blessings make the Eldar unit very capable.


I didn't think you could have special characters as allies?

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Eldrad is a total beast with some of the new powers. I can see myself allying my BA with Eldrad and a squad of say, Dire Avengers with Defend - Divination is really strong, 4 chances to get the great malediction power, and the Blessings make the Eldar unit very capable.


I didn't think you could have special characters as allies?



Why not?

The rules say at least an HQ and TROOP choice.

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Eldrad is a total beast with some of the new powers. I can see myself allying my BA with Eldrad and a squad of say, Dire Avengers with Defend - Divination is really strong, 4 chances to get the great malediction power, and the Blessings make the Eldar unit very capable.


I didn't think you could have special characters as allies?



Why not?

The rules say at least an HQ and TROOP choice.


Just something I thought I saw somewhere. I could well be wrong and no doubt someone with a rulebook can clear this up for us.

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Anyone else noticed "Gunslinger" under Pistol weapons. All models with two pistols can fire both in the shooting phase. Erm the ability for Death co. to have two shots then charge with +3 attacks is awesome! Or even +4 attacks if armed with JPs!!!!
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Eldrad is a total beast with some of the new powers. I can see myself allying my BA with Eldrad and a squad of say, Dire Avengers with Defend - Divination is really strong, 4 chances to get the great malediction power, and the Blessings make the Eldar unit very capable.


I didn't think you could have special characters as allies?



Why not?

The rules say at least an HQ and TROOP choice.


Just something I thought I saw somewhere. I could well be wrong and no doubt someone with a rulebook can clear this up for us.


I saw this as well, but searching through the rulebook in my lap, I can't find this kind of restriction.

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My fluff gland just commited mutual suicide along with my eyeballs. Thanks, eyeslikethunder! :(




To make the death of your fluff gland complete, you can model some WFB vampires as counts-as SW that have Mark of the Wulfen. :P

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Anyone else noticed "Gunslinger" under Pistol weapons. All models with two pistols can fire both in the shooting phase. Erm the ability for Death co. to have two shots then charge with +3 attacks is awesome! Or even +4 attacks if armed with JPs!!!!


Alas DC can't get two pistols. Comes with bolt pistol and chainsword, melee option can replace either, but a pistol upgrade must replace the bolt pistol.

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